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Fediverse dating app?
  • These are great things to think about, thank you! It definitely feels like it would be a big undertaking if it did happen, and starting small seems like the right move.

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  • Not sure what kind of discussion you're wanting to see, but I feel like a lot of current discussion that would be considered non-left-biased is over things like "do trans people deserve to exist?" and I don't think those are discussions worth having.

  • Fediverse dating app?
  • Thanks, I've seen Alovoa! Is it federated though? I couldn't find anything about that. I feel like having different instances you could join would add a lot, e.g. you could be on an instance for specific hobbies, identities, etc.

  • Could you help me understand myself a bit better?
  • look at how these sorts of things were handled scientifically in the past vs how they're handled today

    This is a big red flag to me. The scientific industry has a frankly awful history when it comes to its understanding and treatment of queer/trans people, and looking at how "these sorts of things" were treated historically is going to result in you seeing lots of discounted homophobic/transphobic ideas that won't provide you any clarity.

    OP, the feelings you describe can be really common for trans people discovering themselves and are nothing to be ashamed of. I recommend giving yourself the space to try out the things that you want, experiment with how people refer to you, etc. There's no rush or pressure to have any definite answers. Realizing these things about yourself, especially as an adult, can feel earth-shattering, so please give yourself as much grace as you can 💙

  • audrbox audrbox

    Trans Okie who loves physics and sushi

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