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Is there a place where you can request code reviews on opensource software?
  • This is for 0mq right? I remember reading Pieter Hintjens about this realization he had over a long time of developing 0mq.

  • Ow yeah
  • From Nowhere to Now here!


  • Unit testing isn't enough. You need static typing too.
  • Is there a static typed equivalent of Python? Not MyPy, but a static Pythonic language.

  • Famous hacker, Kevin Mitnick passes away at 59
  • I learnt of Kevin Mitnick from HN many years ago. I was pleasantly surprised to see him as the face of a company's in-house security trainings. May he be at peace.

  • What happened to Postman?!
  • Thunderclient

    Looks great, thanks for the rec.

  • Lemmy should have a way to browse by domain

    I miss this function from reddit. I used it often to find if a post has already been submitted. Also, it was useful to see what else was posted from this domain. I hope some day this will come to Lemmy.


    The Grand Unified Theory of Documentation (AKA: Your project needs all 4 types or you have bad documentation)
  • Hey, I just found that it is common to think that divio plagiarized from diataxis. It is not. A person at divio came up with this and asked permission to spin it off into its own website.

    I just learned this from footnote at this article:

  • Can't remember the name of that one command line tool? Next time, add a comment!
  • Great tip. This is simple enough to use on the daily.

  • How to hack your brain with
  • Same here. I read a recent thread on HN about Joplin, it is electron based, but FOSS. You could try it.

  • I'm definitely seeing the benefits of belonging to a smaller Lemmy instance today.
  • with local filter is a good replacement for /r/programming for me. I am loving it here.

  • A 20-year-experienced CTO’s Advice “Don’t Be a Humble Developer”
  • Regarding the life is never fair thing, there is a beautiful sequence in Little Miss Sunshine that goes into this.

    Spent twenty years writing a book almost no one reads. But ... he was also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he gets down to the end of his life, he looks back and he decides that all the years he suffered -- those were the best years of his life. Because they made him who he was. They forced him to think and grow, and to feel very deeply. And the years he was happy? Total waste. Didn't learn anything.

  • Let's make a list of our favorite CLI utilities.
    • scoop - closest to apt on Windows
    • yt-dlp - active fork of youtube-dl
    • neofetch - System information display
    • winfetch - Same as neofetch, but for windows
    • pandoc - Ultimate converter
    • ffmpeg - must have tool
    • taskwarrior - best task manager imho
  • New Programming.Dev Features
  • Hello and excellent news. I realized just now that these are features are exclusive to which is awesome. Good work!

  • attn_dfct_dev kisor

    I am Kisor. One attention deficit developer.

    By day I work with aspnet and cloud. I tinker with other programming languages and frameworks occasionally. I will break into open source any day now.

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    Comments 13