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"Everyone knows what a horse is"
  • Part of a standardized curriculum

  • You must design an icon for a save function that can be easily understood by anyone in the future. What does that icon look like to you?
  • What are you doing when you save something? You’re keeping it in its current state, held in stasis, to be retrieved later. Maybe using freezing imagery (like a snowflake) could get that concept across, and it would retain its meaning over time.

    Another way to think of saving is storage - putting something in a convenient location for later access. A safe might be a useful image, but it implies security. Other types of storage devices seem too likely to change with time. Maybe a pocket? If there was a way to graphically represent putting something in your pocket that would be a fairly universal and durable image.

  • So did Irish leprechauns magically inject him with the vaccine while he slept, and a chiropractor can somehow see that?
  • My mom goes to a quack chiropractor. He mostly sells her vitamins (by magically divining what she’s deficient in using straight-up fraud “kinesiology”) but keeps her believing by occasionally giving her medically significant advice. He’s still grifting her decades later off of saying she was deficient in magnesium after she complained about constipation. Yeah mom, it worked because that stuff is a laxative. No mom, he couldn’t tell you were deficient because your arm was stronger while holding a vial of magnesium. He’s just changing how hard he pushes on you. It’s fraud mom.

  • Here is a bat fact for you
  • New spa treatment: let the bats nibble me a little.

  • Settled In Screech Owl
  • She’s so cute!!!

  • Doll rule
  • The real horror is mesothelioma

  • Doll rule
  • Needful Things kinda hits this. It’s a novel, but it’s Stephen King so it goes quick.

  • I am also an engineer.
  • We frequently leave low earth orbit. We land shit on the moon, on Mars, on asteroids. We just don’t bother sending people. This guy is just straight up wrong.

  • More than 50 Reddit communities ban X links to protest Musk
  • He looks like Zuckerberg fucked Ellen DeGeneres.

  • If the difference between electrons and positrons, or quarks and antiquarks, is having opposite charge, what's the difference between chargeless neutrinos and antineutrinos?
  • A visualization you could try (this obviously isn’t going to match the physical reality necessarily) is what would happen if you had two vortex phenomena (like tornadoes or whirlpools) spinning in opposite directions and they collided?

  • Better organized states
  • Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.

  • Until we meet again
  • Thank you. As the inventor of the term “mansplaining”, I had no idea and would have remained ignorant if you hadn’t explained this.

  • Did Stephen King predict the future in "the running man"
  • Let’s hope “The Stand” isn’t next.

  • You can also call them Space Karen and Rat Penis.
  • Don’t care who buys it, or if it’s been demolished or moved or replaced or whatever. It’s still Mile High Stadium.

  • Oppenheimer executive producer receives empathy for his house burning down
  • Also everyone who worked in a business that burned down probably just lost their job.

  • Suggestion to make comments more compact

    The new buttons for commenting and voting take up a whole bunch of space at the bottom of each comment. I think it would be more compact and readable if those buttons move up to the top of the comment.

    The comment button could move right next to the three dot menu (or comment could become an option in the three dot menu).

    The vote buttons could be combined with the vote counters already displayed (i.e. click the upvote arrow or upvote count to upvote the comment).

    I feel sorry for men who have to wear pants

    I can wear a dress to work and nobody criticizes me. I’d be really sad if I had to wear pants all the time, they’re just not as comfortable. Let’s normalize pretty dresses for dudes!

    My bird viewing a birb meme

    I framed my favorite birb art from the internet, here’s a photo of my little buddy checking it out. He looks rather unimpressed.

    atomicorange atomicorange
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    Comments 435