Tesla sales are tanking in Europe 14 0
I was just asking for context, which I’ve since found (see edit). Chill man ✌🏻
Tesla sales are tanking in Europe 14 0
What’s the link between the AfD and the terrorist?
EDIT: https://taz.de/Anschlag-auf-Magdeburger-Weihnachtsmarkt/!6058115/
Italian train leaves 50 minutes early to avoid being late 3 0
What’s Arriva?
YSK: PayPal (USA) is updating their “Privacy Statement” policy to automatically share data about you with retailers. Policy takes effect 2024-11-27. Requires opt out by user to deny sharing 4 0
Is this a thing for EU accounts, or does GDPR prevent it?
asymmetric @slrpnk.net
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