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Is there a text editor/notes app that adds Unicode symbols?
  • If you know Javascript you could very easily write a plugin in Obsidian to do this. Just have the plugin replace any markdown with the Unicode equivalent on save.

    Great question though, it's actually making me wonder why this isn't a thing in normal plain text editors!

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • I installed Fedora as a dual boot 2 months ago, and I haven't once booted up Windows in that time. Everything just worked. Now that I feel a bit more confident I'm going to wipe the entire drive and try Fedora Atomic.

  • Which search engine for direct answer?
  • I love it, use that functionality all the time. For generic questions, and especially "How do I do X in Linux?" it's amazing.

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • On mobile it is the most visible object on the screen, and very annoying:

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • Yes, me too. I was pointing out that SL can be used without Proton Pass.

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • Proton provides a SimpleLogin account, which is integrated with Bitwarden, so you can get the same functionality directly with Bitwarden too.

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • Bitwarden also integrates SimpleLogin for one-click alias generation.

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • I'm in their ecosystem but specifically don't use it, as it seems extraordinarily unsafe to put my passwords behind the same authentication that I use just to check my email.

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • To add onto what Andromxda said, SimpleLogin is included with your Proton account (might be paid accounts only).

    Use it with a custom domain - it's amazing and if Proton Mail ever shuts down you won't have to migrate any of your logins because they're already on your own domain.

  • Google Pay is officially dead in the US. Just got the email.
  • The standalone Google Pay app will be shut down.

    Google Wallet (which is almost certainly what you're using) will still be functioning as normal.

  • Stealing everything you’ve ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster.
  • And from the article in the OP:

    I got ahold of the Copilot+ software and got it working on a system without an NPU about a week ago,

  • Solve a puzzle for me
  • I got your exact same answer, but then I tried again prefacing the question with:

    Can you help me with a puzzle?

    This changed the answer drastically:

    Great! Let's solve this river crossing puzzle step by step. The key is to find a sequence of actions that gets the man and the goat safely across the river without leaving the goat unattended with something it might eat.


    • A man and a goat are on one side of a river.
    • They have a boat.

    Step-by-step solution:

    1. The man takes the goat in the boat and crosses the river.
    2. The man leaves the goat on the other side of the river and returns alone in the boat.
    3. The man gets out of the boat on the original side of the river.
    4. The man gets back into the boat alone and crosses the river again.
    5. The man and the goat are now together on the other side of the river.

    Therefore, the man and the goat have successfully crossed the river using the boat, without leaving the goat unattended on either side of the river.

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • I have the same setup - Fedora daily driver and Windows 11 Pro. I recently switched from Windows daily driver and it's crazy how much better my laptop runs with Fedora. Processor temp and RAM usage are both less than half of what they were on Windows.

  • How Signal walks the line between anarchism and pragmatism
  • I needed to use multiple messaging apps for different people

    Beeper is a lifesaver:

    You can self-host if you prefer:

  • Search engine without SEO garbage?
  • if you haven't heard of it. Has been working well for me. I went from DDG to this.

  • How safe is Bitwarden?
  • Absolutely, but it's a probability game. Between those two options of BW and 1Password I'll go with the choice that has the higher probably of safety.

  • How safe is Bitwarden?
  • Because it's closed source, there's a higher likelihood that there is an undiscovered vulnerability in 1Password. Even though it is audited, a vulnerability could be introduced after the most recent audit and you would never know.

    For something as mission-critical as a password manager, going with an open source solution gives just that much more confidence that your data is safe. To me it's simply not worth the risk to blindly trust a company with my login data, when I could trust a company that displays their entire solution in the open.

  • Any self-hosted alternative to Readwise?
  • Fair enough. I actually switched from Readwise to Omnivore, as I found the Readwise workflow to be quite painful. I use it for getting things into Obsidian, so I don't use the re-surfacing features etc.

  • asap asap
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