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Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software
  • So you downvoted my question even though you answered it?

    Lemmy has become a children's fucking shitshow. Reddit is less retarded than this.

  • Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software
  • Shove it up your cunt, little man. Your lack of critical thinking skills are on you not the world.

  • American Bible Society to close its $60 million museum after 3 years
  • I think we should ban solid ground.

  • Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌
  • Yep, that's exactly what I was talking about right there. It's almost Pavlovian.

  • Netanyahu snaps back against growing US criticism after being accused of losing his way on Gaza, says Israel won't stop until 'total victory' is achieved
  • I thought that was Putin.

    Or Bolsonaro.

    Or Modi.

    Or Winnie the Pooh.

    We've landed in a world wide rerun of "Fascists Got Talent"

  • Netanyahu snaps back against growing US criticism after being accused of losing his way on Gaza, says Israel won't stop until 'total victory' is achieved
  • He has had a sweaty combover and quadratic moustache implied since whenever the fucker was unfortunately born into this world.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • You know what solves this?


    You know what this nation does not have?


    (* terms and conditions apply)

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • I watched one guy's channel where he travelled and filmed megalithic structures around the world, until out of the blue one day he just started ranting about wokeness and gays and soy liberals or whatever the fuck.

    I am so fucking done with literally both sides of that red herring being dangled in front of hyenas to keep them killing each other over the scraps instead of biting the hand that enslaves them.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • "But what about my illegally obtained riches and privileges? My family enslaved people for hundreds of years, I'm nobility, and you're just going to come to my home and take what is not yours? What about MY rights? Don't rock the boat, keep everything the way it's always been, meaning that I can enjoy royal privileges at the expense of other people's suffering, famine, violence, and death. Or are you a filthy COMMUNIST?!"

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • Propaganda works as a motherfucker, it did 80 years ago, it did 800 years ago, it did 8000 years ago and it is fucking AI weaponized today.

    You want communism? Leave FOX on in your home at all times, you may not turn it off, you can lower the volume somewhat but it's still on as you sleep, and if you disable it the dark men come and enable it again while you're at work, and leave you with a little reminder and write your name in a little black leather bound notebook and tell your neighbors to report any suspicious behavior or they might be next up for a visit.

    To someone who has experience, the GOP is Stalinism in disguise. They don't hate communists, they hate that they don't get to be the oppressors. They are 100% the same shit.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • There is zero correlation between technical acuity and moral maturity.

    Being good at doing something does not make you a moral person. It's easy to get it wrong because society actually, consciously and ubiquitly promotes and reinforces the equivalence.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • I think everyone should be able to own nerve gas.

    Not THIS guy, of course, but everyone else.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • I'm not sure either interpretation of "great for children" is super great.

    Weapons of war are not fucking toys.

  • Are gun designs open source?
  • "If you are in favor of free software, you are also in favor of computer viruses"

  • even my federation of choice is arch branded
  • Second panel unnecessary

  • Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌
  • I feel this way about people's self conceived sexual identities. I do not care about your hobby, no it doesn't make me an evil bigot, I'm just more into Linux. You do you and I do I, now please fuck off.

    Edit: it begins...

  • Wallstreet Bets Ann Archy
    Hi! Where are us monkeys supposed to congregate outside reddit?

    I don't exactly find a bunch of lemmy communities for WSB. Is there an expat community I don't know of?


    Good news, EU citizens!

    at first I read that one header as "We're Not Changing"

    Hacker, or clever method to boost statistics for Q3? You decide.

    Got this from (allegedly) Twitter

    So right off the bat I can tell for sure that it ain't me trying to log on to that shite, but it doesn't leave me much choice either now does it?

    (red blotches mine, for privacy, and dramatic effect)

    (solve the captchas to win a free tshirt!)

    Guy edits in accurate dinosaurs into Jurassic Park. It's horrifying.

    Those are lethal amounts of heebiejeebies

    Double Flash: When South Africa Helped Israel Develop Nuclear Arms Double Flash: Forty years ago, the Carter administration covered up a presumed Israeli nuclear test

    In his diary, Jimmy Carter wrote, “There was indication of a nuclear explosion in the region of South Africa—either South Africa, Israel using a ship at sea, or nothing.” His administration would eventually decide, contrary to the evidence, that it was nothing.

    Double Flash: Forty years ago, the Carter administration covered up a presumed Israeli nuclear test
    anarchy79 Ann Archy

    I break things. Then I put them back together. Then I break them again. Just to show I mean business.

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