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The stages of an Osprey as it dives into the water to hunt.
  • Can't help but anthropomorphise, but in a changed way. I've always equated wings with what hands are in humans, but this picture makes me think of then more like legs, and bird's 'legs' as hand equivalent

  • Money, please!
  • Reputation comes from public, it requires collective action and coordination. Collective action is not easy, but it is not as hard it might seem either. For example, many open source projects in software are highly reputable without a private ownership.

  • My beautiful child...
  • Yeah, no. Religion needs to die out.

  • What's the best possible justification for vandalizing a library?
  • I wouldn't jump to conclusions on who did this, could be false flag

  • Your mom gets a new boyfriend
  • He actually loves and cares about her: Kalm

  • The slow blade doesn't penetrate the slime.
  • Damn somebody tag ThoughtSlime here

  • My Windows Computer Just Doesn't Feel Like Mine Anymore
  • Steve Jobs was no different from the rest in Silicon Valley who would spout virtues out loud while simultaneously undermining them in practice.

  • Human to bat comparison
  • What are they so happy about ugh

  • my home rule
  • I stay. Forever.

  • So I got hit with Microsoft's Windows 11 nag screen...
  • In 2024 using linux is far less cognitively demanding than using windows

  • Universal Basic Income Could Double Global GDP While Cutting Carbon Emissions
  • Oh wow DOUBLE the GEE DEE PEE?!?!?!?!!@! Hard rn

  • 5/7 would listen
  • For those curious, this was called a "casette tape"

  • Voyager 1 returning science data again
  • Headline implicates that it was returning non-science data so far lol

  • The end of an era?
  • Eh, I'm waiting until the seat is simply hovering in the air without any bars

  • Aavesham (2024) ⭐ 8.0 | Comedy, Action, Musical, Drama
  • Ah okay. I am just following what other posts on here are doing, nothing about this in the 'about' section either. I will add the notes

  • Aavesham (2024) ⭐ 8.0 | Comedy, Action, Musical, Drama
  • (May I ask why the downvotes?)

  • Libertarians be like
  • I think the downvotes you are getting are from people who have only heard "Libertarian" in american context.

    American libertarians are conservative/capitalists

    In Classical definition/for the rest of the world, Libertarians are closer to Anarchists

  • Generation Ⲁ grows so fast 😊
  • It has happened to me a few times, and one of them I can share.

    When I was negotiating for a new job, it was all email, until I asked whether it'll always be work from home (this was during the pandemic). Instead of an email reply, I get a call and the HR tells me it should be work from home always.

    Fast forward, the pandemic is "over" and people are now being called over to work. My contract is worded ambiguously enough for the company to defend this "order". I realise if the earlier conversation was an email, I would have a case for myself that I never agreed to this (not that I would go the judicial route, but still).

  • GUIDE: Special latin characters within Europe
  • Needless usevof a map

  • Why is it frowned upon here to 'steal' content from reddit?

    If anything, shouldn't it be encouraged, and even automated? I'm including even the 'old' stuff from reddit here. Reddit shouldn't be the absolute owner of the content submitted by users. When I migrated here, it wasn't because of me being against reddit users, but being against reddit the company. Copying the content here actually hurts the company in sense that they don't get to then gatekeep the crowdsourced content.

    anarchist anar
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