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Which RSS aggregator do you use? I cannot seem to find one that works for me.
  • The prioritisation and filtering system is the main reason I keep using TTRSS. I haven't found anything remotely as robust in the 6 years I've been using it. I'd be very happy if anyone knows of another option.

  • Pope will attend G7 meeting to discuss AI
  • @lemmyreader sounds like the start of a joke

  • Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi
  • @balance_sheet not me! it's probably because I posted from Akkoma rather than Lemmy. Still some teething troubles with fediverse platform interoperability ☺

  • Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi
  • @semidetached it's probably because I posted from Akkoma rather than Lemmy. Still some teething troubles with fediverse platform interoperability

  • [Question] Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi

    [Question] Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi


    I'm planning on setting up a #rasberrypi music streamer. I'll be throwing headless #plexamp to play my music library and I'll probably use #moodeaudio as the base image to get me bluetooth, airplay and a few other bits. Does anyone know how I can integrate podcasts into the platform? I was thinking of setting up an #audiobookshelf server and clients on my mobile devices but I'm not sure how to stream a podcast to the pi so that it keeps track of my position across all my devices.


    Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi

    Podcast streaming to Raspberry Pi


    I'm planning on setting up a #rasberrypi music streamer. I'll be throwing headless #plexamp to play my music library and I'll probably use #moodeaudio as the base image to get me bluetooth, airplay and a few other bits. Does anyone know how I can integrate podcasts into the platform? I was thinking of setting up an #audiobookshelf server and clients on my mobile devices but I'm not sure how to stream a podcast to the pi so that it keeps track of my position across all my devices.


    In search of a self-hosted messaging client for my Jellyfin users
  • @Shiggs @selfhosted may be what you are looking for. Handles all requests and there's a ticketing and messaging system built in

  • NSFW
    In Defense of Simple Electronics
  • @ABoxOfNeurons Send the youtube link when it's up, I'll subscribe!

  • NSFW
    In Defense of Simple Electronics
  • @ABoxOfNeurons @technology There has to be space for a youtube channel where you make better versions of existing products armed only with a credit card, aliexpress and some patient junkeneering

  • Self-hosted trello alternative?
  • @johntash I had a quick look and migrating from Trello seems to be supported -

  • Self-hosted trello alternative?
  • @johntash @selfhosted I self host and it works very nicely. I haven't tried to integrate it into any other software though so if that's your goal, you may want to look elsewhere

  • Privacy-focused alternatives to duckduckgo (ddg)?
  • @bermuda @technology Another vote for Searx-NG. I found it pretty easy to set up via docker (although there are some public instances you can use to try it out to see if you like the results).

  • Gandi announced a price increase and discontinuation of free mailboxes
  • @g5pw @selfhosted I use namecheap and the only annoyance I have is the api access. I use ddclient to keep one of my domains updated with my home ip address, but when my ISP changes the ip address, I have to manually go to the namecheap site to update the ip address whitelist to allow ddclient to connect.
    It makes ddclient much less useful.

    Apart from that, I haven't had any issues wit the registrar side of things.

  • Do you self host a ci/cd pipeline? If so what do you use?
  • @ultraHQ @selfhost I have used WoodpeckerCI with gitea and it works really well. The pipeline syntax is really easy to use as well. I wrote some posts on working through the options -

  • Any of y'all have a NAS? What's your setup?
  • @Gaywallet @technology I have a synology and I use it only for NAS type things and run minio on it via docker. It's been up and running fine for about 8 years but now that I want to upgrade and add things like 2.5g ethernet, it is a pain. My upgrade path is getting a SFF case and building my own NAS with off the shelf components. It should be rock solid with FreeNAS/TrueNAS/UnRaid and easy to upgrade and tinker with over time.

  • amino amino

    Big Geek Living in Dubai. I'm a very amateur boxer and a professional coffee drinker.


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