True ! But I think they are already spending about 5% themselves ?
Call me when a country without an advance military industrial complex calls for more spending on weapons.
The US were very much involved in separating the UK from the EU.
When Trump was elected and made pronouncement about Greenland, and Musk started doing his Tommy Robinson schtick, I wrote (not here) that the sooner Europe recognised its is under attack from the US the better.
Funny how things change .
I got banned from this sub for saying what this war was about, over a year ago.
Now it’s a celebrated comic.
This is standard, long term US behaviour. Look at Iraq, look at any South American country.
The way people are running around yelling about the sky falling in, We could use Occams Guillotine of Truth I think.
“Yes sir, just pop your head there, and all will be revealed “
Who uses the default new tab page ?
Just amazing how people wake up, watch a bit of YouTube and run to social media saying the sky is falling in.
I was just about to say, that’ll be a neat trick.
Well said.
The template exists, Liberalism has failed in America with its failure to address the working class and its obsession with identity politics.
I expect the UK to follow the same path, is it is trodden.
Farage runs against a Conservative Party led by a black woman, and Starmer who is neither popular nor likeable .
Miller was held for three and a half hours under Section 7, which deprives detained people of their right to silence and privacy despite carrying no assumed suspicion, and questioned about his trip to Lebanon. He was subsequently released without charge.
This will be the erosion of civil liberties Musk and Vance are so upset about , right ? Free association etc etc ?
Even the UN don’t like it.
It’s really hard to over state the influence of the Zionists over media.
In everything from this example, where arguably the oldest and most famous broadcasting institution in the world is forced to reverse and censor, to the case of Pete Lalor, and cricket journalist in Australia, who was fired for tweets from his personal account, empathising with with the people of Gaza.
Show me evidence. Anything will do.
Because I feel, strongly, that 99% of people here have got nothing but memes and YouTube. And that’s not evidence.
You’ve made a very big claim in saying he’s “Trump has always worked for Russia in one way or another”, so I invite you, beg you, to show me something that backs that up.
You will notice, that NO ONE has offered anything - despite the bullying and the name calling,
You must understand this is not personal. But I am desperate to understand why people prefer the idea of a foreign boogie man running things, than the evidence on public record of the American s than run Donald Trump and what they want.
I’ve never seen starmer smile so much .
How about sticking to the topic ?
Democracies everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
Edit: are the downvotes are because I didn’t say thank you to the American people. ?
What does that means ?
Yes - I don’t necessarily disagree. Trump is a sleaze bag and would certainly have been a target . And dare I say a fairly soft one.
It’s not ridiculous to imagine him being comprised, but I do prefer what we know ie. He’s a sleaze bag, easily controlled by the psychopaths who recognised him as the man they could a) get into power b) control with the ease that people are attributing to Putin.
Those psychopaths being Mercer, Mellon, Thiel, Musk, and even the Kochs I think.
And I don’t think those guys would do what they have done with Trump , if he was a Russia asset.