Right now I'm still loving BOTW. Haven't yet tried out TOTK. Ocarina of Time will always have a special place in my heart since it introduced me to the Zelda series like many of us here. Something about the iconic opening piano notes being played as soon as you see the title screen just gives a sense of nostalgia
If you love instrumentals then I would definitely recommend giving the whole BOTW soundtrack a listen as most songs are very calming. The composers really did a good job of creating music that sets the tone in each area of the open world. Some top tracks for me would be Hateno Village, Zora's Domain (both Day and Night versions), Kass' Theme, Rito Village (Day), and Field (Day).
BOTW for sure. The expansive open world is just great to get lost in. Not to mention the soundtrack can be calming when you're out riding your horse in the fields.
Magic Maze is a collaborative game that’s always fun. Everything is done in “silence” because you’re unable to consult with each other to escape the maze. Warning is that it could get quite chaotic