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Looking for low power devices for selfhosting
  • @pathief I think what you are looking for is intel n100 since it only uses like 6-watt TDP, but before jumping to that, you should look at Heaven video. If you only want to run for a year or two, maybe the older CPU is much better.

    I hope you found what you are looking for.

  • Please ignore the test post from Mastodon
  • @testman πŸ˜† thank you for your understanding

    But now at least I know that my post also got a reply from that side :awesome:

  • Please ignore the test post from Mastodon

    Please ignore the test post from Mastodon


    I want to know which format will be accepted by Lemmy, I know the title should first but I want to know when the body should be placed, after mentioning the group or directly after the title.

    aku alien

    Indonesian in Sweden.

    Ini adalah account utama untuk mastodon.

    Nickname alien adalah nickname yang biasa saya gunakan.

    Kenapa disini jadi aku? karena saya verified anakmanis \_ ngga tahu malu mode ON \_

    \\ Contact \\ If you need to email me: Please note this is a masking email, I could reply with that email but if I get SPAM, I will delete and replace it with a new one.

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