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Factorio Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development | Factorio

Hello, we usually show finished stuff in Friday facts these days, but I personally always liked to have a peek behind the curtains and see the (temporary) mess there. This motivated me to do some kind of overview of how the overall expansion development felt from my perspective. If you are lik...

Friday Facts #417 - Space Age development | Factorio

It's getting close, next week should bring a planned release date.

Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • The predictable interface naming has solved a few issues at work, mainly in regards to when we have to work with expensive piece-of-shit (enterprise) systems, since they sometimes explode if your server changes interface names.
    Normally wouldn't be an issue, but a bunch of our hardware - multiple vendors and all - initialize the onboard NIC pretty late, which causes them to switch position almost every other boot.

    I've personally stopped caring about interface names nowadays though, I just use automation to shove NetworkManager onto the machine and use it to get a properly managed connection instead, so it can deal with all the stupid things that the hardware does.

  • What is your favourite game with native Linux port?
  • Factorio is great, I'm also a fan of X4.

  • Top tier reporting
  • It's somewhat amusing how Itanium managed to completely miss the mark, and just how short its heyday was.

    It's also somewhat amusing that I'm still today helping host a pair of HPE Itanium blades - and two two-node DEC Alpha servers - for OpenVMS development.

  • Jade Shadows update is currently deploying.
  • Now that's one hefty changelog.

  • Factorio Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture
  • Going to be really amazing to play Factorio again without knowing how to solve everything.

  • Factorio Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture | Factorio

    Hello, last week you've seen how Gleba looks, it's time to get a glimpse of what you can do there. With the idea of being a biological planet full of life, it seems reasonable to expect our engineer is about to harvest some of that. We already have ways of harvesting nature, specifically trees. On...

    Friday Facts #414 - Spoils of Agriculture | Factorio

    Looks like things are going to get really interesting

    Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • In general, browser benchmarks seem to often favor Firefox in terms of startup and first interaction timings, and often favor Chrome when it comes to crunching large amounts of data through JavaScript.
    I.e. for pages which use small amounts of JavaScript, but call into it quickly after loading, Firefox tends to come out on top. But for pages which load lots of JavaScript and then run it constantly, Chrome tends to come out on top.

    We're usually talking milliseconds-level of difference here though. So if you're using a mobile browser or a low-power laptop, then the difference is often not measurable at all, unless the page is specifically optimized for one or the other.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • There's a bunch of extensions that allow you to switch user-agent easily, I personally use this one, it includes a list of known strings to choose between as well.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • They used to also use the unreleased version 0 of shadow DOM for building the Polymer UI, which - being a Chrome-only prototype - understandably didn't work on Firefox, and therefore instead used a really slow Javascript polyfill to render its UI.

    I haven't checked on it lately, but I imagine they must've changed at least that by now.

  • Oh tell me again how it loads faster and takes up less resources
  • One thing you can test is to apply a Chrome user-agent on Firefox when visiting YouTube. In my personal experience that actually noticeably improves the situation.

  • UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
  • The EU AI act classifies AI based on risk (in case of mistakes etc), and things like criminality assessment is classed as an unacceptable risk, and is therefore prohibited without exception.

    There's a great high level summary available for the act, if you don't want to read the hundreds of pages of text.

  • UK Woman Mistaken As Shoplifter By Facewatch, Now She's Banned From All Stores With Facial Recognition Tech
  • They couldn't possibly do that, the EU has banned it after all.

  • Ars Technica reports Microsoft will add AI to Windows, to steal your corporate secrets
  • To quote Microsoft themselves on the feature;

    "No content moderation" is the most important part here, it will happily steal any and all corporate secrets it can see, since Microsoft haven't given it a way not to.

  • Go vs Rust learning
  • Go has a heavy focus on simplicity and ease-of-use by hiding away complexity through abstractions, something that makes it an excellent language for getting to the minimum-viable-product point. Which I definitely applaud it for, it can be a true joy to code an initial implementation in it.

    The issue with hiding complexity like such is when you reach the limit of the provided abstractions, something that will inevitably happen when your project reaches a certain size. For many languages (like C/C++, Ruby, Python, etc) there's an option to - at that point - skip the abstractions and instead code directly against the underlying layers, but Go doesn't actually have that option.
    One result of this is that many enterprise-sized Go projects have had to - in pure desperation - hire the people who designed Go in the first place, just to get the necessary expertice to be able to continue development.

    Here's one example in the form of a blog - with some examples of where hidden complexity can cause issues in the longer term;

  • Go vs Rust learning
  • Go really does do well in the zero-to-hero case, that's for certain. Unfortunately it doesn't fare nearly as well in terms of ease when it comes to continued development.

  • Factorio Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio

    Hello, Today we're going to take a look at a feature some of us have dreamt of changing for years now - the beacon transmission. The main purpose of beacons is to allow massively increasing your production in the late game while being more than just a module or a faster machine. To make use of be...

    Friday Facts #409 - Diminishing beacons | Factorio

    It's nice to see the continued balancing and optimization work that they're doing, and more modding capabilities is always great.

  • We're mirroring the images internally, not just because their mirrors suck and would almost double the total install time when using them, but also because they only host the images for the very latest patch version - and they've multiple times made major version changes which have broken the installer between patches in 22.04 alone.

  • Bloat
  • What is truly bloated is their network-install images, starting with a 14MB kernel and 65MB initrd, which then proceeds to pull a 2.5GB image which they unpack into RAM to run the install.

    This is especially egregious when running thin VMs for lots of things, since you now require them to have at least 4GB of RAM simply to be able to launch the installer at all.

    Compare this to regular Debian, which uses an 8MB kernel and a 40MB initrd for the entire installer.
    Or some larger like AlmaLinux, which has a 13MB kernel and a 98MB initrd, and which also pulls a 900MB image for the installer. (Which does mean a 2GB RAM minimum, but is still almost a third of the size of Ubuntu)

  • Release Miniflux 2.1.3 · miniflux/v2
  • If you're going to post release notes for random selfhostable projects on GitHub, could you at least add the GitHub About text for the project - or the synopsis from the readme - into the post.

  • Is Radicale the way forward?
  • I've been looking at the rewrite of Owncloud, but unfortunately I really do need either SMB or SFTP for one of the most critical storage mounts in my setup.
    I don't particularly feel like giving Owncloud a win either, they've not been behaving in a particularly friendly manner for the community, and their track record with open core isn't particularly good, so I really don't want to end up with a decent product that then steadily mutilates itself to try and squeeze money out of me.

    The Owncloud team actually had a stand at FOSDEM a couple of years back, right across from the Nextcloud team, and they really didn't give me much confidence in the project after chatting with them. I've since heard that they're apparently not going to be allowed to return again either, due to how poorly they handled it.

  • Is Radicale the way forward?
  • I've been hoping to find a non-PHP alternative to Nextcloud for a while, but unfortunately I've yet to find one which supports my base requirements for the file storage.

    Due to some quirks with my setup, my backing storage consists of a mix of local folders, S3 buckets, SMB/SFTP mounts (with user credential login), and even an external WebDav server.
    Nextcloud does manage such a thing phenomenally, while all the alternatives I've tested (including a Radicale backed by rclone mounts) tend to fall completely to pieces as soon as more than one storage backend ends up getting involved, especially when some of said backends need to be accessed with user-specific credentials.

  • Factorio Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music | Factorio

    It was November of 2021 when we started conversations with Petr Wajsar, a very talented Czech music composer, to create the soundtrack for the Factorio expansion. Since then we have been working together on the soundtrack of Factorio Space Age. Conceptualising and finding solutions to our not ...

    Friday Facts #406 - Space Age Music | Factorio

    Not sure how well bombastic brass will do over longer periods of play, but I'm sure Wube have thought of that - going to be really interesting to see/hear this in action.

    Factorio Friday Facts #404 - Frustration not found Friday Facts #404 - Frustration not found | Factorio

    Hello, Today we have another dose of anti-frustration improvements for you.

    Friday Facts #404 - Frustration not found | Factorio

    The quality of life just keeps on coming.

    Factorio Friday Facts #403 - Train stops 2.0 Friday Facts #403 - Train stops 2.0 | Factorio

    Hello, When playing with trains, you tend to spend a lot of time building train stops. In my latest playtesting, I noticed a few annoyances and pain points, which we will go in to today, along with some other improvements for 2.0.

    Friday Facts #403 - Train stops 2.0 | Factorio

    The QoL work keep on coming, really feels like it's going to become a whole new game once they get the expansion ready for release.

    Factorio Friday Facts #397 - Factoriopedia Friday Facts #397 - Factoriopedia | Factorio

    Hello, we have gathered here today to talk about a new quality of life feature coming with 2.0.

    Friday Facts #397 - Factoriopedia | Factorio

    It's really nice to see how they continue to cater to player quality of life, lots of great improvements both for new and returning players here.

    Factorio Friday Facts #395 - Generic interrupts and Train stop priority

    Some more general improvements to trains, the upcoming patch (and DLC) just continue to collect quality of life improvements it seems.

    Factorio Friday Facts #394 - Assembler flipping and circuit control Friday Facts #394 - Assembler flipping and circuit control | Factorio

    Hello, let me show you another dose of things we just can't stop ourselves from doing.

    Friday Facts #394 - Assembler flipping and circuit control | Factorio

    The quality of life just keeps on coming, proper flipping is great, and core support for setting recipes through circuits is great - I've used mods to do just that many times before.

    Factorio Friday Facts #393 - Putting things on top of other things Friday Facts #393 - Putting things on top of other things | Factorio

    Hello, I have an irresistible urge to tell you a little story. I'm sure you come here for stories, don't you?

    Friday Facts #393 - Putting things on top of other things | Factorio

    And the Factorio devs just continue to add more quality of life and interest to the game mechanics.

    Native stacking of items is a great idea for larger bases, and also something I see mods getting a lot of use from. (Always been a fan of the stacking beltboxes mod)

    ace Ananace

    Just another Swedish programming sysadmin person. Coffee is always the answer.

    And beware my spaghet.

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