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Putin tells Poland any aggression against Belarus is attack on Russia
  • Can't wait for Season 2. Season 2 has been confirmed, right?

  • Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • Yandex? Because the Russians are so so very trustworthy. Pass.

  • Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web

    DDG is far from perfect. It's like Brave. They like to make you think they're all about privacy, when they're not. I recommend you use Bing.

    This comment is sponsored by Microsoft.

    (Joke aside, if you want privacy, use a search engine without logging in and use a VPN.)

  • Updated my Samsung phone and it installed unwanted apps
  • It's the CARRIER, not Samsung. When you use an iPhone, you specifically choose not to understand things.

  • Privacy rule
  • Yeah, I'm often thinking "am I sounding crazy right now?" when I ever mention that I care about privacy.

  • federation test
  • Ping pong from inside the house

  • The first flying car, 'Model A,' approved by the FAA and it's 100% electric
  • It's also the first flying car (fully electric!) to kill 15 people when it crashes into a duplex.

  • Who killed Google Reader?
  • Kevin, it's always Kevin.

  • YouTube tests restricting ad blocker users to 3 video views
  • I believe it's currently in A/B testing, so some random people will get it while others won't. I haven't noticed anything either.

  • Reddit plagued with 1-star App Store reviews over API debacle as users search for 0-star button
  • It doesn't let me review or rate it.... Fucking bullshit

  • RIP to my Pixel Fold: Dead after four days
  • I've had a Galaxy Fold 4 since release (last september), and I haven't personally had any durability issues whatsoever. The thing here, though, is that Samsung is scheduled to release its fifth generation folding device in about a month or so, while the Pixel Fold is Google's first try at a folding device.

    The Flip and Fold 4 are probably the most refined foldable devices at the moment, and I've been really happy with mine. Google is a couple of years away from this level of refinement, so it doesn't exactly surprise me that the first Pixel Fold is "meh".

  • Do you reread books?
  • Alright, I like you.

  • askBeehaw: should copyright even exist at all? and if it should, how long *should* the ideal term of copyright be?
  • Note that you're ONLY focusing on the future economic prospect and impact of the creator, and not how it could potentially serve the audience for decades, centuries, millennials in other ways. Like becoming a cultural icon. No, think about the dollars. Right here, right now.

  • firefox
  • I actually use Edge as a daily, but I also use Firefox because I want to support them. Unfortunately, Edge and Chrome are superior to Firefox in performance. Edge especially is really really great at resource management, and it doesn't matter if I have 1 or 700 tabs and windows open. It'll manage it without any issues. Firefox however, won't. Sure, it's rich in features and it's very very flexible, but it's not as stable or fast as the former.

    Still love Firefox, though!

  • Will Reddit Kill RSS Feeds
  • Fun fact: Feedly supports Reddit, and will list hot threads like any news article. Sure, you have to click the link to go to the thread, but you'll be able to choose which thread you want to engage with without a single ad.

  • Bunny Rule(rs)
  • WHAT

  • How do you find RSS feeds that you're interested in?
  • I've been using Feedly since Google Reader got killed off by Google, and it's been great. Rarely any issues at all, and you can add whatever URLs you want, and i'll try its best to make it into a useable feed.

  • Built a new work board today
  • That's so cute!

  • Odd timing from Google
  • I'm ready to donate a chunk of cash if he manages to port Sync to Lemmy/Kbin.

  • _I_ _I_
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