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Rum gives you balancing super powers, confirmed
  • This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost cought Carjack Sparrow.

  • More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican
  • If they pull a reverse Southern strategy and jump over and their become more left then the Democrats, I would be willing to vote for them. Also, hell freezing over might help with global warming.

  • Trump struggles to say ‘climate’ and reveals he recently took a cognitive test
  • Didn't he say the tests keep getting harder?

  • Trump struggles to say ‘climate’ and reveals he recently took a cognitive test
  • We have always been at war with... Easy Chair Bananas.

  • IL Supreme Court to decide if smell of marijuana justifies vehicle searches
  • I'll fight, police testimony without video corroboration isn't hearsay, it's perjury until proven otherwise!

  • Surely there is no way that this could... backfire
  • An airbag is just a carefuly sized explosion instead of a kevlar pillow case, in a crash the airbag is deployed in a fraction of a second, lots of engineering goes into making them safe. However, the rind sones aren't an intended part of the system and can be separated from the wheel and "knocked" out of the way at high speeds, much like ball barberings in a claymore.

  • If you had to adopt one of these exotic pets, which one would you choose?
  • That piglet looks pretty domesticated.

  • If you had to adopt one of these exotic pets, which one would you choose?
  • Birb, now someone tell me why I'm a monster for choosing.

  • Biden says he is forgiving $5 billion in student debt for another 74,000 Americans
  • Remember when he did that and Nebraska Republicans sued and the supreme Court blocked the debt relief by 6 to 3 thanks to the 3 Justices Trump appointed.

  • Surely there is no way that this could... backfire
  • Bedazzled steering wheels are like hunting with Dick Cheney, there's always a chance you are going to get a face full of bird shot.

  • OceanGate suspends operations after Titan submersible implosion
  • The CEO's empty head, and promises, were integral to the subs flotation system.

  • What were some "bad habits" on reddit that we should try to avoid bringing over here?
  • I'm fine with someone making an alt account just to promote their stuff. It's healthy to have a firewall between work and relaxation.

  • Suggestion: sticky a post explaining the differences between the !StarTrek, !DaystromInstitute and !Risa communities
  • Risa is necessary over on reddit because the community is big/busy enough that memes can overwhelm the discussion. Until it gets that populous over here I don't think it's necessary to force the separation (but keep !DaystromInstitute clean).

  • Xtallll Xtallll
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