Your perennial reminder that Keven Sorbo is an idiot. 3 0
Oh, please show me where in the Bible we can read about anything about Christmas!
Detroit's newest road can charge electric cars as they drive on it 8 0
Anyone else getting FZero vibes?
Ever walk into a room and forget why you went there in the first place? 11 0
I can't throw the ring for you, Mr Frodo. But I can throw you...
A piercing insight 5 0
Did you hear about the large woman who loves to farm?
Well she is outstanding in her field.
Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 2 0
That really depends on weather we can create AGI or not. Might come sonner than you think.
Der rechte Abgrund in der MSN-Kommentarsektion 3 0
Du weißt schon, dass man konfigurieren kann was und vor allem von wem man Nachrichten zu sehen bekommt? Wenn man die Schmierblätter rausschmeißt, ist das ganze schon vernünftig.
Adobe's latest wearable tech promises dynamic clothing that can change at the push of a button 9 0
There was, they removed it after too much backlash
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