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How do I use Lemmy API for creating community?
  • The guy below was right. Your hitting the wrong url. If that didn’t fix it, it’s probably your postman set up. Does curl work? Ex:

    curl -i -H
    "Content-Type: application/json"
    -X POST
    -d '{ "auth": "you key", "name": "some name", "title": "some name" }'

  • Share your first ever game
  • I’m gonna be dating myself a bit here haha, but I released my first game in 2011. It’s even still available to play if you have flash player lol.

  • How do I use Lemmy API for creating community?
  • He meant remove it from the post, anyone can use it to make requests to your server lol

  • Wyatt Wyatt
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