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Estonia passes law to allow same-sex marriage
  • Great news! Sounds like some who have been in a civil union are going to get married.

  • You want to see Lemmy succeeds? Here are some ideas to contribute with content
  • I was never much of a posting or comment person on Reddit, but I am trying for Lemmy. I refuse to go back to Reddit and I hope I can contribute to these communities. Let's do it folks!

  • Armenian Lahmajun
  • I believe they are supposed to go on top. My method of tasting was first plain, then with the salad, and finally with the lemon too. It was adding everything that was the best in my opinion. The red onions were not pickled, but they did have some of that tang.

  • An awesome collage I made
  • This is just pure fun and joy, thank you!

  • Armenian Lahmajun
  • I made a simple Armenian Apple Chunk Cake. That was super easy and delicious. Wish I could try the Armenian bread, I think it's called Lavash. It looks so good!!

  • Armenian Lahmajun

    Made by my partner for our cultural appreciation day. Best description of flavor is like a pizza, but wonderfully different topped with salad and lemon juice.

    Wonder Wonder

    Clinical Counseling student & Nerd 🤓

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