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If you could go back in time and do, or bring, one thing to mess up the timeline what would it be?
  • Allegedly, when William the Conqueror first landed in England he tripped in the sand.

    I'd've left a land mine where he was going to fall, turning the future king of England into a fine mist and a scattering of viscera.

    Probably Sound of Thunder meself out of existence, but it'd be worth for the immediate chaos it would cause.

  • Antidepressants or Tolkien
  • 19/24, mostly by luck than knowledge of LOTR.

  • What are your favourite things under 50$ that make your life a bit easier or more pleasant?
    • the cape sundew I keep on my windowsill. As someone with a lot of house plants, it has been a godsend for keeping flies and other pests out of the house.

    • my first aid kit. You never want to need one of these, but I've been glad to have it close to hand a fair few times

  • What is the worst film you have ever seen and why?
  • I don't know how you walked away from The Shape of Water with such a shallow reading, but eh, not everyone's taste in films is the same.

    I have a great dislike for the sorts of horror films where horror is conveyed entirely by long drawn out tension into a jumpscare. It bores me and then I stop caring about what's going on in the film. The Woman in Black is one that immediately springs to my mind, ironically because of how bland I thought it was. It's what you'd get if you told chatGPT to write the script for a horror movie. Just a bloke stumbling 'round a house at night being scared by random shit punctuated by daytime exposition scenes. I know it was trying to trying to say something about grief but I just couldn't care enough about it after the spooky violin lead up to the protagonist being startled by a tap making a loud noise when he turned it on.

  • Who cares about red flags in people. What are your green flags
  • Y'know, I've never thought about that before.

    I guess, I would.

  • Who cares about red flags in people. What are your green flags
    • Eager to discuss the cool things they've read.

    • Able to make me laugh.

    • Cleans up after themselves (I know, low bar).

    • Communist of some stripe.

    Superficial but:

    • Physically stronger than me.
  • What’s something on your mind lately that nobody else would understand?
  • For what it's worth, I do find this somewhat reassuring.

    I don't know if I'll ever get to where you are, but to hear that it could get better does make me feel a little less shitty.

    Thank you.

  • What’s something on your mind lately that nobody else would understand?
  • I miss the silence of empty rooms.

    I developed tinnitus earlier this year, and now I'm never gonna be able to just sit somewhere quiet and far away from everyone else and be alone with my thoughts. This ringing will follow me everywhere, drowning out the distant sounds of cars disturbing puddles in distant streets on a rainy night, obscuring all the subtle little noises that danced on the edges of my perception. But most of all robbing me of any truly quiet moment for the rest of my life.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Thank you.

    At the risk of sounding optimistic, the culture shock of our respective instances federating feels like it's starting to die down now and folks can finally get on with more respectful discussion.

  • North Korea enforces an anti-shorts law - but it's only affecting women
  • So is this article another one that uses Radio Free Asia as a source?

    'cos I don't know shit about North Korea but I don't trust any news source that is owned and run by the CIA.


    Radio Free Asia, a broadcasting service which aims to get the bottom of propaganda put out by totalitarian countries, interviewed an anonymous resident.

    Called it.

  • Hexbear federation megathread
  • Hexbear user here so I've no say in whether you defed or not.

    Just wanted to say, I appreciate how level headed you've been in this post and with defederation as a whole even though your previous interaction with Hexbear users has made you the target of comments that were heated (to say the least).

  • give me some interesting fun facts please and thanks
  • Ambrosia beetles are two subfamilies of weevils noted for being the only colony forming beetles.

    They dig tunnels into the xylem and phloem of trees to provide a source of water and nutrition to the Ambrosio fungus that they harvest for food.

  • Anon talks about Joe Rogan
  • I'm going to talk about a specific event to try to highlight my point if you don't mind.

    In 1998, (ex-)Dr Andrew J Wakefield published an article in the lancet that used sketchy methodology to push the idea that the MMR vaccine was the primary cause of autism.

    Peer review would eventually lead to the lancet retracting the study and evidence of his tampering with collected data and other unscientific processes lead to him resigning from the hospital he worked at in 2001 and losing his medical license in 2010.

    Despite all this, British media platformed him as an alternative voice that had been silenced by big pharma.

    During this coverage, MMR vaccination rates in the UK dropped from ~92% to ~73% between 1998 and 2008 and only returned to pre-coverage rates (in England, Scotland and Wales recovered a lot quicker but notably had less coverage of Wakefield's study prior to its retraction) in 2021. In some London boroughs it dropped as low as ~50% and is recovering at a much slower rate.

    For reference WHO targets for MMR inoculation is a vaccination rate of ~95%.

    British media essentially took an entire decade off progress to eliminate Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.

  • Anon talks about Joe Rogan
  • Sure he gives a voice to cranks, but he also gives voice to people across the spectrum

    That's the problem though isn't it? By giving the same platform to cranks as he would people with expertise in their field while offering very little pushback, he signals to his audience that these fringe, nonsensical ideas are just different opinions being debated.

    It's coverage like that across the media, that has allowed unscientific views like antivax to fester.

  • [WARNING: BUGS] What is your favorite bug?
  • When I was a little one, spiders were my special interest.

    I really like the sorts of moths with chubby, fluffy bodies and thick legs.

    Chelifer cancroides is a kind of pseudoscorpion found in Ireland, its venom has been found to have some antibacterial properties.

  • Can we defederate from
  • The popular consensus on Hexbear is anti-NATO, rather than pro-Russia. If this is a sticking point for you, I don't think you will agree much with the average users on geopolitics.

    But, as long as you stay out of the news megathread, you likely won't see much discussion of the war on Hexbear.

  • Can we defederate from
  • The emote problem seems like it'd be really annoying, I've stopped using them when I'm not on hexbear communities (though sometimes I forget what instance I'm on sorry in advance).

    As for the "wrong type of leftist" sort of stuff, hexbear tries to be a big tent community for leftists (we've got all sorts over there although it's admittedly heavily leaning towards marxist-leninists) and it tends to be a much more welcoming site outside of those overcrowded threads on active where everyone is arguing.

    Hopefully the chaos will die down soon enough.