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Opinion: What the media still get wrong about Trump voters
  • I disagree. In the wake of the '08 financial crisis entire communities were left decimated. Those same communities were then victimized by pharmaceutical companies pushing opiates. The right offers easy scapegoats for these people: immigrants, LGBTQ folks, the "deep state".

    The American left doesn't offer an alternative. Instead of pointing out that the real criminals are billionaires and giant corporations, they try to side step the real issues and engage with distraction of the culture war.

    I think a perfect example of this was the Democrats' "demonstration" after George Floyd's murder. Instead of pushing for police reform, they just wore kente cloths and raised their fists. They only way in which they were an alternative to the GOP was by not being openly racist. While I prefer that, and I think those that don't are wrong, it's understandable that angry, hurt, and uneducated people would be willing to be led astray by someone who actually offered solutions (evil as they are).

  • Scientists Use AI to Prove People Can Be Talked Out of Conspiracy Theories
  • I've always believed the adage that you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into. It protects my peace.

  • Bush called out on Trump-Harris: When democracy calls, ‘you can’t just roll it over to voicemail’
  • Getting Cheney's endorsement isn't the flex folks seem to be acting like it is. "Huzzah, a lesser devil supports us instead of a literal fascist"

  • Harris closes trust gap with Trump on the economy
  • That's what the GOP has been doing for decades. Insisting that they're the party of fiscal responsibility despite the fact that they're just not good at managing the economy.

  • Democrats block pro-fracking bill in the Senate
  • I fear the Senate is going to lose their majority. But who knows? Maybe all of this fuckin around is going to bite them in the ass.

  • Hillary Clinton: This is a contest between freedom and oppression, autocracy and democracy
  • Honestly, her gender is one of the few things I actually respect about her.

    She's an entrenched neo-lib who thought herself so entitled to the presidency that she got her conference to shut down campaigns that actually had a chance while simultaneously neglecting to consider that the Midwest and rust belt exist and have legitimate grievances with the Democratic party.

  • The Real Reason Trump and Vance Are Spreading Lies About Haitians | Investing in Rust Belt communities would not fix what they see as the actual problem.
  • I live in Wisconsin, and last year we reelected Ron Johnson (who I think may just be the dumbest person alive). Everyone has a reason it happened, but very few folks will acknowledge that part of the problem was that his opponent, Mandela Barnes, is a black man. Middle America is still incredibly racist, and for some reason we aren't comfortable just calling it out.

  • Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
  • I hope you don't feel any shame in this. It's absolutely disgusting that you live with this sort of fear, and I hope you have a community that you can rely on.

    Also, I saw that someone suggested learning to handle firearms, which I agree with, but if home defense is what you're going for, a good ole fashioned Louisville Slugger will also often do the truck

  • Red-painted fascists never change
  • Do you have any readings you'd suggest? I sort of came to the conclusion that these ideas don't work on my own, but I still find it tempting to throw up my hands because they're all corrupt and playing for the same team.

  • Red-painted fascists never change
  • What is this "collapse theory"? I'd like to learn more, but Google is only providing me links about quantum waves.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th
  • I got back into BG3. Gonna finally get myself to Moonrise Tower.