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HTC One M8: The Android GOAT, 10 Years On!
  • My m8 is somewhere in my office still. Behind my pixel 5 it has probably been my favorite Android phone.

  • DOJ filing: Steve Bannon is a "co-conspirator" in a $1 billion fraud case
  • Just one case? Those are rookie numbers, I'm sure there are plenty more out there that he's a coconspirator

  • Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such?
  • I have been using that stuff for years and I'm very satisfied!

  • does anyone have more insight into ellen Ripley's role as warrant officer on the nostromo in Alien(1979)? Happy Aliens day btw
  • As far as I know all manned aircraft pilots in the US military are commissioned or warrant officers. I think it makes complete sense that you would want a pilot that was specifically trained for whatever missions you were going on. Someone whose sole focus is on flying but can adapt in a pinch and has management skills to offload some of the work from the commander and XO.

    In a normal aviation company there are two platoons of pilots and almost all of those are warrant officers and a platoon leader who really just manages the other pilots.

  • does anyone have more insight into ellen Ripley's role as warrant officer on the nostromo in Alien(1979)? Happy Aliens day btw
  • Warrant officers are notoriously blunt and voices of reason in a command group. They are the realists that usually tell the commander how it is, as opposed to what they think people want to hear since they usually know the most in the room about whatever it is they specialize in. In everything but army aviation there is usually only one or two warrant officers in a battalion of hundreds, maybe thousands of soldiers. They usually only answer to the highest ranking person at the table. Aviation warrant officers are more prevalent in terms of numbers but usually no less opinionated and while overruled very often will gladly tell their commanders how something probably won't work out like it's planned and then sit back and watch everything burn like they said it would.

    In my own personal experience, XOs don't usually grow a spine unless they were outstanding platoon leaders OR after they have been in command of a whole unit.

  • does anyone have more insight into ellen Ripley's role as warrant officer on the nostromo in Alien(1979)? Happy Aliens day btw
  • In the American military a warrant officer is a subject matter expert in their career field. They are supposed to be advisors to commanders on the best tactics, techniques, and procedures at most levels, all the way down to the company level in army aviation. They are in most fields of the military like maintenance, personnel, property, aviation, special forces, etc.

    Warrant officers in the American military are commissioned officers, so in some instances they can be used as an XO or detachment commander. They usually have limited Uniformed Code of Military Justice(UCMJ) authority, but are just as capable of running a unit as a captain or a major.

    In the case of Ridley, rank and position aren't the same thing. Ridley is a warrant officer in the aviation branch, but the third ranking officer after the commander and XO or first officer.

    Warrant officers are supposed to be those people with knowledge that is an inch wide but a mile deep about a certain subject, but they are almost always very capable people and sometimes take on more roles. US Army aviation is the worst about this. They use flight warrants as catch all officers and will use them as supply officers, NBC officers, unit movement officers, or really any other job there isn't an enlisted person qualified to do the job.

    Most of my experience is US Army aviation, so feel free to take it all with that in mind.

  • Republican who supported “Don’t Say Gay” law sues Pride parade for barring his participation
  • Unless it's a parade put on by the GOVERNMENT the first amendment doesn't really even apply.

  • The soft life: why millennials are quitting the rat race
  • I've thought this for a while, but maybe our service to country isn't done with a DD214. The current situation in the US and world at large makes me think I can still do some good. Maybe politics needs more people who think like you and me.

  • The soft life: why millennials are quitting the rat race
  • Same ship, different service. The safety net affords me the ability to find what I really want to do without tying my life to a single job or place.

    I also think that it can be brought to other citizens through other community activities. Why don't we offer similar incentives to teachers? 10yr of teaching in exchange for UBI. Or doctors. Or rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure.

    I'm guessing that your VA/service income doesn't just go straight to savings either. A lot of it goes right back into the economy through purchasing and associated taxes paid on those things. At least mine does.

    The US military is the largest socialist organization in the world and I wish they would extend that to the rest of its citizens without the downside of PTSD, death, and a lifetime of physical and mental ailments.

  • Some state lawmakers want school chaplains as part of a 'rescue mission' for public education
  • As someone who has been forced to have a chaplain around, they are usually great people that are very uplifting. Absolutely no need for the religious part though. Until there is a true non denominational "chaplain" which is really just a counselor with extra privilege, you will alienate people who feel you can be, and do good things without any need for a sky daddy. All I wanted was someone to listen and maybe offer some advice, please don't bring your millennia+ worth of baggage to the conversation.

  • Ted Cruz, US senator mocked for flight to Cancún, seeks airport police escorts
  • No offense to Canadians, but a Texas man, cruz is not.

  • Ted Cruz, US senator mocked for flight to Cancún, seeks airport police escorts
  • It's not. I actually commented on this before in a different thread. I saw him in a Texas airport last year and he already had a state trooper with him and not a single person was trying to talk to him as he walked. That man is in no danger because his persona is repellent enough to keep people away from him.

  • Bentley CEO says sales are down because the rich are experiencing ‘emotional sensitivity’ due to the cost of living and don’t want to flaunt their wealth with a new luxury car
  • How is that proving my point any less? You are absolutely right those fucking billionaires way more than $578k every day and yet the person who pays at 10% is going to feel that tax burden so much more than someone making a million dollars!

  • Bentley CEO says sales are down because the rich are experiencing ‘emotional sensitivity’ due to the cost of living and don’t want to flaunt their wealth with a new luxury car
  • This is only tangibly related to your comment, but even before you get the unemphatic part, the regressive taxes alone set rich people apart from poor people. If you make enough money have to pay taxes at the lowest bracket in the US it's 10% taxes with minimum $22k a year income. That is $2200 a year, which is a crazy amount for them to be able afford when someone in the highest tax bracket is paying 37% and it doesn't start until $578k for a single filing. That's about $214k in taxes with about $364k left over to be as empathetic as they want to be with it. It would take the person who is paying 10% in taxes 16.5 years just to make what the person who is making half a million a year makes AFTER TAXES!

    It's very hard for either group to be empathetic to the other, but for vastly different reasons.

    I am very bad at public math if anyone sees a glaring issue.

  • Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden
  • I absolutely believe if they could have made the smallest thing stick they would. They probably would do it a second time before the election if the first one fell through. "LOOK AT BIDEN! HE HAS TWO IMPEACHMENTS AS WELL AND JUST AS MANY SENATE CONVICTIONS AS TRUMP"

  • Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden
  • Re: what's his nuts FBI director coming out and a couple weeks before Nov 2016 with that email scandal that also went absolutely nowhere

  • NSFW
    "Wild Division" demonstrates a "Steel Hornet" FPV drone with a remotely triggered directional fragmentation warhead.
  • I can only imagine how surreal it must feel to try to fight off what is essentially a toy with a grenade strapped to it with a shovel. The shear terror that you know there is a good chance this thing is going to kill you, so you pick up a shovel and pretend there is a chance you might be able to survive this and go home again.

  • Republicans reject motion to impeach Joe Biden
  • I have no doubts they are going to drag this out until much closer to the election so they can impeach him at some critical moment to get media headlines to sway people into thinking Biden is just as bad as trump.

  • Republican group planning $50M campaign to block Trump from reelection
  • He probably has the same hairstylist as Ghoulianni as well.

  • Florida Republicans vote on removing party chairman accused of rape | AP News Florida Republicans oust state party chairman facing rape allegations in critical election year

    The party suspended Christian Ziegler last month and demanded his resignation, stating that he cannot effectively lead during a critical election year with the allegations, which Ziegler denies.

    Florida Republicans oust state party chairman facing rape allegations in critical election year

    You'd think if they cared about these credible allegations, they would care about some of their candidates credible allegations.

    Lack of support from Sync Pro Developer

    I purchased the year ad free sync pro for $16.99 the day it launched. I wanted to support what seemed to be a great app for a new platform even though that was an excessively steep price.

    At this point I wish I hadn't wasted my money.

    After the last app update every time I opened the app it would crash. I attempted to clear the cache, clear the data, then reinstall the app. It would crash every time I tried to restore my backup. I reached out to the developer first and told them my issue. They initially replied back and said they would look into it and I provided extra information. Went several days with no update and I attempted to contact them again and got no response. I then asked for a refund because it doesn't recognize that I purchased the Pro upgrade. Again no reply. I then tried to get a refund through Google and also no luck and that I should contact the developer.

    I will never again purchase sync pro for lemmy or any other platform and I would caution anyone else from spending an arm and a leg for this app when there are plenty of equally good alternatives.

    House approves $14.5 billion in military aid for Israel House approves nearly $14.5 billion in military aid for Israel. Biden vows to veto the GOP approach

    The House has approved a nearly $14.5 billion in military aid package for Israel, but without humanitarian assistance for Gaza. The partisan approach by new Speaker Mike Johnson posed a direct challenge to Democrats and President Joe Biden.

    House approves nearly $14.5 billion in military aid for Israel. Biden vows to veto the GOP approach

    This bill is DOA according to the Senate.

    "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has warned that the “stunningly unserious” bill has no chances in the Senate."
