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Looking for some windows programs that are helpful that people don't really mention?
  • In my experience SpaceSniffer was slightly faster than WinDirStat.

    Also if you just want to quickly check the hash of a file you can use the 7Zip right click menu, but it won't verify a file, to my knowledge.

  • Worldnews on torture, genocide

    Some comments I saw on my first scroll before I closed that shit.


    ! Hamas PR is simply unmatched, and Israel can't keep up.

    ! I would not occupy a whole ass country for almost a hundred years. My opinion.

    ! Redditor gains awareness.

    I don't know if reddit is still allowed on this comm btw, so just remove it if its not. Thanks

    Madison on why she quit
  • it's the one where they visit the intel fab. I watched the first minute when he mentioned the location, and made it seem like the country paid him to visit?? so I just clicked away in disgust

  • Madison on why she quit
  • Can we talk about his reverence for Israel as well? That one video and his commentary on it (or maybe lack of) rubbed me the wrong way.

  • how are diyers still so backwards

    edit: btw idk what the fuck an hrtcat is or if they're even relevant i just wanted to post some ragebait. anyway if u need hrt go diyhrtwiki or diyhrtcafe
