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It's a trap, y'all!
  • How we got a Maine Coon: Police had a ... tip-off? ... that someone in the area abused animals. They went there, rescued the animals and got them to the animal shelter, but there was no room for even more cats.

    So they talked to our vet who had to put down our two old (14 and 16) cats earlier that month due to severe illness, for options. He sent them to us, and I put up the stray.

    She was really badly off. She did not dare to eat at first, and it was the first time I watched a cat run away from shadows, a loud voice or a cawing magpie. That huge monster cat turned tail and ran when the 6 months old tomcat of our neighbor hissed in fear at seeing her.

    She has been in our care ever since, and has learned to live a normal cat life, though she is unable to sneak, hunt, kill or climb a tree. I don't cut her claws, there is no need. Teaching her that getting petted was nice took months, and she still does not want me to brush her belly hair. But she happily lets herself be brushed on her back and flanks. She also tries to eat the brush. ;)

    As she recovered, she also learned to take care of her own fur, though in summer she needs help to get rid of excess wool. I think she appreciates the help, or at least the attention.

  • It's a trap, y'all!
  • Our Maine Coon came as a rescued "present" by the local police, who did not know what to do with her. So I was not at all prepared for a long-furred creature.

    Summers here are really hot, but her hair is so long and wooly that it felts in place before it can work its way out. In the first year, I had to cut her hair with a mower. ;)

    The second year, I was prepared and started combing her. She enjoys it, and I get a lot of harvested hair that way. Sometimes in winter I pull out my tiny 16g top spindle and spin a bit of it. You can't go too fine, or the thread will unravel. For sturdy and fluffy, I recommend spinning around a thread of sewing yarn or mixing in some crimpy wool fiber.

  • It's a trap, y'all!
  • Don't ask me about spidle spinning my Maine Coons hair. ;)

  • It's a trap, y'all!
  • You can also branch out into gardening flax, cotton, hemp, reseda, krapp and indigo ...

  • Ärger auf dem Land: Bauern fordern Rücksicht von Radlern
  • Ich fahre regelmäßig langsam hinter Traktoren und Gespannen auf Feldwegen her. Ist doch kein großes Opfer zu warten, bis die Bauern den Weg freigeben.

    Das Brot und die Haferflocken für meine kalten Mahlzeiten müssen ja auch irgendwo herkommen.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Habe ich von Kauf gesprochen?

    Diese Absagen kamen schon bevor es ums konkrete Tier ging. Sozusagen im Vorfeld. Weil wir den Tierschützern nicht schützend genug waren.

    Und nein, unangekündigte Besuche von wildfremden Leuten bei uns zuhause gehen gar nicht.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ich habe einmal versucht, für unsere hinterbliebene Altkatze (damals 15 und in unserem Haus geboren) ein Gesellschaftstier in ähnlichem Alter zu finden.

    "Angebote" gab es genug, aber da ...

    wir an unserem Dachgarten/ Balkon kein Netz haben (unmöglich anzubringen) Absage.

    wir unsere Katzen kastrieren und durchimpfen - Absage.

    die nächste vielbefahrene Straße 1km weit weg ist - Absage.

    die Katzen ausserhalb der Schonzeit raus in den Garten können - Absage.

    wir drei katzengewöhnte Kinder haben (damals 5-13) - Absage.

    ich halbtags nicht im Haus war - Absage.

    ich mich geweigert habe, Übergabeverträge, die gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen zu unterschreiben - Absage.

    Am Ende habe ich einem Bauern in der Gegend ein verwaistes 9 Wochen altes Katerchen abgenommen, habe den drei Wochen gepäppelt und die Altkatze ist voll auf die Mutterrolle angesprungen. Sie hatte dann einen erfüllten Lebensabend und ist nicht vereinsamt.

    Nie wieder Tierschutz. Ganz ehrlich: was bilden die sich ein?!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ich saß zur fraglichen Zeit in Nürnberg Nord in einem Biergarten. Es kamen rein:

    Unwetterwarnung Fürth vom DWD (Abo für Arbeitsstelle) Unwetterwarnung LK ERH vom DWD (Abo für Wohnort) Hochwasser-Vorwarnung für ganz Bayern

    Sintflutartiger Regen setzt ein, wir fliehen ins Haus.

    Unwettarwarnung DWD für aktuellen Standort. Nina Warnung für Landkreis ERH, Nina Warnung für Fürth, Nina Warnung für Nürnberg .... und eventuell auch eine Spot-Warnung für Nürnberg, ich weiß es nicht, ich habe nach einiger Zeit wegen dem endlosen Gebimmel das Telefon lautlos gestellt. Es war laut genug in der Kneipe, und ich konnte sowieso nichts an der Situation ändern.

    Meiner persönlichen Erfahrung nach: Wenn ich Zeit habe, lese ich die Warnungen und verstehe sie auch. Deshalb war ich mit dem Auto in Nürnberg und nicht wie geplant mit dem Rad.

    Aber wenn die Bimmelei gar nicht mehr aufhört, und ich keine Möglichkeiten habe, was am Wetter zu ändern, schiebe ich die Bing-Bings unbesehen weg.

    Ich überlege gerade, ob es nicht eine App gibt, die diese ganzen Warnnachrichten einfängt, bündelt und systematisiert (nach Abo-Orten, Stardort und Warngrund) und die Highlights dann oben im Statusdrawer anzeigt, mit Details auf Abruf. Zusammen mit unterschiedlichen Warntönen. Weil ich in dem ganzen Feature-Gewirr echt vergesse, welche Warnung gerade von welcher App für welchen Grund an welchem Standort losging.

  • Tuxedo Laptops?
  • Thank you all, I think I will have to look around some more for my Linux Laptop.

  • Tuxedo Laptops?

    I am looking for a new computer and am considering a Tuxedo Laptop. Do you know how easy they are to repair and upgrade? I enjoy my Fairphone too much to her an unrepairable Notebook.

    Samue Jacket
  • No, it was the other way round. I first sewed all pieces to a flat fabric, then cut and assembled the pieces and dyed the outer fabric and lining. After I got the uniform dark colour I was looking for (it took three tries), I put in the wool batting (I used an old roving with a lot of meadow still in it), and sewed that up.

    Only then I realized that I had to quilt, in order to keep the roving where it belonged. I designed the front flap first and got a bit carried away. After stitching that, I did the back, with slightly less dense motives, and last the interior flap. There I told my designer-self that the intense front-flap needed some negative space to get full effect (and as to not overtax my aching fingers), so I just put in enough leaves to keep the roving from slipping.

    The sleeves are without batting, they only are cotton on cotton and therefore less prone to slip, so the cuffs were all that was needed. Happily, or I would still be not-finishing them today. :D

  • Embroidery of Bilbo's home [Not OC]
  • This is really nice work. Thank you for sharing.

  • I Fix It has really great repair guides
  • And they sell replacement parts for a sensible price. I love that site.

  • Pearl embroidery and wave stitch

    I made this costume out of silk and linen, with a maritime theme. The cuffs are inspired by sea weed and the bigger motives on the vest are clamshells. All seams are weigthed with seed pearls in green and blue.

    Samue Jacket

    I made this jacket from leftover fabric pieces that were too small to be used as masks during Covid restrictions. Then I dyed it all dark blue and padded the jacket with leftover wool batting.

    Last came the embroidery, call it embroidered quilting through all layers. It is in off-white cotton floss, two strands. Stem stitch, wave stitch, knot stitch ... I forget what I used. Couching too, I think. Need to check. ;)



    Warum tun sich viele Menschen mit Verbesserung der Stuhlgang-Erfahrung schwer?
  • Ich liebe unser Washlet. Die Idee habe ich vor vielen Jahren aus Japan mitgebracht. Unbezahlbar wertvoll wurde das Washlet, als mein Kind sich beide Unterarme gebrochen hatte. Es war ein unverhefftes Stück Freiheit und Selbständigkeit unter widrigsten Umständen.

  • What is a niche hobby of yours that you are fascinated by and would like to share with others?
  • No, sorry. We are playing Age of Rebellion rules during the Old Republic, because the children wanted to be Jedi.

  • Wie Knirschschiene/Aufbissschiene tagsüber aufbewahren?
  • Ich habe einen Teller, auf dem lasse ich die Schiene nach dem Abspülen trocknen. Für Transport habe ich meinem Sohn eine alte Zahnspangendose geklaut.

  • What is a niche hobby of yours that you are fascinated by and would like to share with others?
  • I second with Vampire: The Masquerade, The Dark Eye, Shadowrun and StarWars RPG in my family. Teach your kids to play and they will never have time or money to waste on drugs. ;)

  • Handschuhe gesucht
  • Ich pendle täglich 20km pro Strecke und habe ein Paar dünne Lederhandschuhe als Trennschicht zwischen meinen schwitzigen Händen, dem pappigen Lenker und dem Heißluftfön im Sommer.

    Ein paar leicht gefütterte Lederhandschuhe für die Tage, wenn der Fahrtwind an den Knöcheln zu kalt wird, morgens um sechs.

    Ein Paar dicke Schaffellfäustel für den tiefen Winter.

    Mein zweiter Vorname ist Frostköttel. ;)

    Aus Erfahrung kaufe ich meine Handschuhe eine Größe zu groß, weil die Außenseite durch die ständage Krümmung sonst zu sehr leidet. Polster am Handgelenk brauche ich nicht, aber das Schlimmste auf meinem Weg sind zwei Meter Schotten, der Rest ist Asphalt.

  • Gasheizung oder nicht: Man muss für jedes Haus individuell prüfen
  • Es ist durchaus so, dass mein voll besetzter Küchentisch die Heizung in der Küche überflüssig macht. In der Regel benutze ich auch nur zwei Heizkörper und eine Reihe offene Türen, weil die Dinger gnadenlos überdimensioniert sind.

    Der Gasverbrauch geht über zwei Wohnungen, meine mit Heizkörpern und die unter uns, mit Fußbodenheizung.

  • German news article on Fairphone 5 Neues vom Fairphone 5

    Es gibt weitere Informationen zum erwarteten Fairphone. Diese sind sehr dünn und unbestätigt.

    Neues vom Fairphone 5
    Gasheizung oder nicht: Man muss für jedes Haus individuell prüfen
  • Unsere 30kW Gasheizung feiert heuer ihren 30. Geburtstag. Ich habe gerade anhand des gemittelten Gasverbrauchs der letzten 10 Jahre einen Wärmebedarf (Heizung und Warmwasser) von ca. 14000kWh ausgerechnet.

    Wir werden garantiert auf eine Wärmepumpe für die Heizung plus Split-Klimaanlage zum Kühlen (und im Extremfall zuheizen) umsteigen. Was wollen wir denn mit noch so einer überdimensionierten Drecksckleuder?

    Edit: Fehlende Null korrigiert.

  • What I learned when I tried installing a wind turbine on my house
  • I'd be very interested in a tiny turbine that gives off 500W per hour to cover the basic power consumption of the house when there is no sun shining. But most stuff I see is junk, and the other stuff is way too powerful for what I need.

  • 100% Keychron Q6 Neo2

    My new custom WASD keycaps with NEO2 legends have arrived. I wanted nicely readable legends for the layers I used most, not for all as the predesigned caps offered. I also had problems with the color coding, which emphasized the wrong layers.

    At the beginning, I had plans to turn my own handwriting into letters, but that proved too much of a task for the time I had, so I just went with stock symbols and Comic Sans.

    I also considered having black keycaps, but after I studied up on the finer points of laser printing on dark base colors - bright colors require a white underprint -, I decided to go with colors on wite for crisp outlines.

    All in all I am very happy with the result. My children begged me to give them a chance, so I hand wrote QWERTZ legends on the sides.


    Ich bin nicht sicher, ob es passt, aber vielleicht bin ich mit meinem Problem nacht ganz so allein?

    Seit ich jeden Tag 40km Gesamtstrecke pendle, haben - leider? - auch meine Muskeln zugelegt Und das so richtig. Alle meine Hosen passen dadurch nicht mehr, und sogar für die berühmte Levis 501 habe ich in meiner Hüftweite_zu viel Oberschenkel_. Größere Größen, die mir an den Beinen passen würden, sehen auch mit Hosenträgern mehr als lächerlich aus.

    Habt ihr Tipps in Sachen Beinkleider für ungeplante Leistungssportler?

    Linux Laptop for (student) programmer

    As the title says, I am currently learning to be a programmer, and my tablet does not suffice for the job.

    I have already finished a small MEAN-Stack application for learning Typescript, learned some Java syntax (I expect nothing more exciting than a sorting algorithm, but exam language is Java, so...) and the next stop will most likely be plain vanilla C to learn about handling hardware.

    Windows I hate with a passion, and I don't know squat about Macs, so I am thinking of getting myself a decently sized laptop for a sensible Linux install.

    History (I started my Liux journey with SuSE Linux 4.4.1, way back when) taught me to be very wary of driver issues on laptops, so I thought I could ask you for recommendations that play fair with Linux.

    (as an aside, if I could play GuildWars2 on it in the evening and attach my two big monitors when at home, that would be super cool)

    Bench cushion

    I was quite tired of having to pick up bench cushions all the time, so I invested a bit into a full sized pad and made a cover out of an old baby wrap. We are all quite nappy with this solution.

    Milky Way in Pearls

    A faithful map of the visible stars of the milky way in the northern and southern hemisphere. The display is unusual, since the sky equator is snaking like a sinus curve through the star chart: Northern and southern hemisphere are visible simultaneously.

    As Basis I used an old hand-drawn black-and-white star chart by Fritzius, and I compared the visible stars and magnitudes with NASA material to approximate the coloring for this pearl embroidery. White and blue stars are white and silber pearls, red stars red pearls and the yellow range is rendered with gold pearls. Very dark stars are black or blue.

    Star magnitudes lower than 2 have a paillette to show their size. The middle blue area signifies the milky way itself, the slightly darker area around is its light halo.

    Hand embroidered on printed (patchwork) cotton fabric; embroidery floss by DMC and MEZ, rochaille pearls by Clover/Prym.

    Fairphone 5 renders Exclusive: Here's our first look at the Fairphone 5

    We have exclusive leaked renders of the Fairphone 5. The next Fairphone will come in black, blue, and a nifty transparent edition.

    A first look at the Fairphone 5.

    Mohair shawl

    This started out as Anna Dalvi's Anubis but three quarters throgh I gave up on counting the mess and finished it off with knit one, make a hole. It still looked good, but I found I am not a mohair person and gifted it to a friend. She is very happy with it.

    Needlepoint dragon

    At least I hope that this is called needlepoint? My husband wanted a dragon, So I made him one. The sketch was a bit more detailed, but since this was the cover of his pencil box, I decided to skimp on the bottom part.

    Cotton floss on cotton velvet.

    This is the inside:


    My best-beloved embroidery frame

    Because a real mess needs practice. German-style beech wood embroidery frame, made by my grandfather. I keep it raised on two flexible raisers.


    This leaf was first painted onto the fabric and then stitched over with lumi yarn, cordonnet and cotton.

    Kanadagans - Canadian Goose?

    These geese thrive near our local river in southern Germany. Its only a mobile phone snapshot, but I tried. :D

    Threads you prefer

    I am quite partial to DMC cotton floss, but I had to realize that in certain sashiko uses, the threds are prone to felting and shrinkage, which bunches up the fabric.

    On the other hand, I like buying "grandma's embroidery stuff" off Kleinanzeigen. These collections netted me a lot of extraordinarily nice colors and qualities, in some cases a hundred years old.

    What do you prefer to use?

    Samue Jacket, padded

    A samue jacket with ecru-on-white embroidery. The fabric is pieced together out of cotton pieces I had left over from sewing covid masks. The original colorway was beyond garish. I dyed it dark blue, put in old wool roving an batting and stitched through all layers to stabilize the package.

    Running a Lemmy instance

    I wonder what the stats on running a lemmy instance are.

    How much time needs to be invested, how much data storage is needed, what kind of traffic volume is to be expected?

    Keychron Q6 with Max Keycaps

    My first (and only) 100% keyboard with Gateron red switches and Max semitransparent keycaps. The QWERTY legends are on the sides, on the tops I painted NEO legends, which I prefer for work and serious writing.

    I am still looking for a print service that will make me custom legend keycaps within Europe. But I am afraid that will stay a dream.

    Password safe that runs on Linux, Win and Android

    Do you have any ideas for a password safe that stores its data locally (an encrypted cloud drive is available for synchronizing), offers clients for Linux, Win and Android and has some amenities like filling in passwords in browsers?

    My family needs to learn password safety, and I want to make it easy for them.

    WenAmon Wen Astar
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