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Film companies demand names of Reddit users who discussed piracy in 2011
  • I do know the law. You should try walking into a police station and saying, 'I murdered someone.I'm just talking shit, there is no corpse or murder, just saying this for shits and giggles.' then see what happens.

    Seriously, maybe it's just me, I prefer a quiet life. I don't want the added stress of a corporation or lawyer threatening me, even if it is going to lead nowhere.

  • Film companies demand names of Reddit users who discussed piracy in 2011
  • It seems strange to me how many these days openly discuss piracy, and what they are doing, how often, etc.... It's one thing to give vague instructions or point someone towards a website. But to actively say, 'I downloaded X, from Y. It worked great.' and/or 'I've downloaded loads from X, I have over a thousand X, and they all work.' it makes me cringe.

    Possibly has to do with age. Piracy started for me by exchanging tapes of Dragon 32 games, and I guess recording the top 40 on a Sunday. You kept a low profile. I didn't think I would get caught. My father was friends with a policeman who was our main source for pirated VHS videos and many games. So I felt whilst it was illegal, nobody gets caught unless you put your head above the parapet. That's the point today, many seem to be a little too carefree. Helping each other out is great, and after all, piracy is about sharing. But do try and cover your tracks. Be sensible.

  • BBC star accused of paying teen for explicit photos
  • No idea who it is, but searching about and the name the keeps coming up on the grapeVINE is........ Loads of people wanting it to be Lineker. I have heard some suggesting a name whilst drinking a pint of GUINNESS. Many are wondering why many news articles are emphasising the word 'TOP', does this have wheels? Then articles mention 'Airwaves' which means radio normally? So, who knows? It seems to be throwing names about with no sources at present.

    Mods feel free to delete if a bit naughty.

  • That George Osbourne email full of allegations
  • Any source (Anything to back this up) for all of this? It could be just some angry idiot wanting revenge. As much as I hate Tories, I do love factual content.

  • Westminster: House of Commons culture still 'predatory', say staff
  • A place that is full of older white men that seem to have attitudes and thoughts based in the last century, surely they can't be predatory? Also note that the word ends in 'tory', could that be a clue? /s

  • Revealed: UK plans to drop flagship £11.6bn climate pledge
  • That's shocking. The guy, who uses helicopters and planes like mad, doesn't care about the environment. All these Tory PM are manipulated by think-tanks which are either funded by dodgy means, or have are promoting stupid policy, often both.

  • Anyone fancy a little banner designing competition for the instance?
  • I was kind of thinking it may start a trend. Then we can fire back with some funny stereotypical images back at them.

  • Anyone fancy a little banner designing competition for the instance?
  • Yet another option would be to hold this competition but on an American focused part of the Fediverse, or any place outside the UK. You will end up with a load of stereotypes and possibly some humour. The wonder of this idea is it can also act as some PR for Feddit. Possibly attracting new peeps.

  • Anyone fancy a little banner designing competition for the instance?
  • I think you don't get much more representative of the UK than this image. It has everything.

  • Welcome to!
  • You're doing a great job and long may it continue. Thank you.

    I feel I need to start going on a posting spree, being new here and this place being new. But my mind is foggy and not quite up to speed yet. The most I would manage is juvenile stuff. Not the intellectual, highbrow, informative reading material that I am sure we all desire.

  • Tories face biggest walkout of MPs since 1997
  • It's fine, as the New Conservatives group formed by 30p Lee will save the day. They are here to badger the weak-minded, cowardly Rishi. With their help, I'm sure the Tories will win the next General Election.

    Yes, this is sarcasm.

  • Water cremation: Co-op Funeralcare to be first UK company to offer resomation
  • The whole process is fascinating, and I would be up for this. I would prefer Mushroom Burial Suit or Recomposition. This is something we are all going to have to think about. Running out of land, needing to be more environmental friendly, and more people not being religious are all going to make things change.

  • is #20 for active users
  • This is a good position, the underdog. The sort you will always find in the kitchen at parties. Watching from afar.

  • Warped Warped

    You have found my bio, well done. Sadly, it's not worth reading. I'm simply an old bloke whose body has started to disown him. Well travelled and worn out. My humour hasn't progressed much from when I was 14.

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