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Adapt. Overcome.
  • Everywhere I look, there's Love Island. Make the suffering stop.

    My wife likes to binge this show whenever there is a new UK season. It's an episode a day for like 6 weeks. My brain is slowly rotting watching British zoomers lay down the rizz

  • Look what I got to spend my birthday money on!
  • The issue is that health insurance shouldn't be tied to employment. This could very well be a payment plan for a much larger bill, so op is probably paying off $200 a month over a year or more.

    Not everyone is so blessed to have a low deductible plan. Most people have high deductible plans. Having a deductible of $6k or more is as good as being uninsured. Most people can not deal with paying $6k for an emergency - it can zero out folks bank accounts or be a hamper on their month to month budget.

  • Work is fulfilling and fun πŸ™ƒ
  • Get on Google sheets or something to stay organized... Learn how to use index match and how to nest formulas (e.g. countifs, sumifs).

    It's incredibly frustrating when someone at work can't navigate an excel file or a spreadsheet.

  • Waffle Waffle
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