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Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air Pollutant
  • I don't usually use much profanity but this is a fucking travesty and the six conservative justices are traitors to the American people. They should all be impeached for blatant corruption and for being bought and paid-for by industry interests. They're not even going to be embarrassed about their scientific mistake except that they got caught out on not understanding what they're ruling on. They know they aren't the experts in everything. They just want corporations to have free reign and for them to be able to trample the rights of citizens.

    This is going to allow the courts to rapidly unwind decades of progress that has been made on some of the most important subjects including environmental regulations, workplace regulations and employee rights, antitrust law, and anticorruption law to name a few. Between this and the Jarkesy decision we're going to go back to the days of burning eyes in Los Angeles and Lake Erie on fire, deadly workplaces and no employee right to organize, anticompetitive corporate practices with no oversight, and rampant corporate fraud. There is no longer a reasonable enforcement mechanism due to Jarkesy and there is now no real rule-making authority.

    As I said before, all six conservative justices should be impeached for blatant corruption and working against the best interests of the American people. I'd settle for impeaching Alito and Thomas, but they should all be impeached. They are traitors to the American people.

  • Steller's Jay [OC]
  • Great photo! I always love these guys. The goth versions of Blue Jays!

    I don't want to be pedantic but it's "Steller's Jay".

    The bird is named after the German naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller, the first European to record them, in 1741. source

  • Kushner's $2B Saudi deal slammed as 'egregious' and an 'apparent payoff' as probe launched
  • Do you have a source that shows that he failed multiple times?

    I wonder how many do-overs the rest of us would get after blatantly lying on security clearance applications.

    Zero. The answer is zero. When you fill out the form for your security clearance application you are told to retain a copy and use it when completing your renewals because even minor differences between applications will raise questions. Dot correct previous mistakes, let them ride since they passed scrutiny before.

    Being caught in an outright lie would be immediately disqualifying for anyone except, apparently, Kushner.

  • US banana giant ordered to pay $38m to families of Colombian men killed by death squads
  • Now all ‘profit’ goes directly into the community coffer.

    Only after reparations have been made to everyone impacted. I'm sure there were more than eight families who were impacted by Chiquita funding terrorists for eight years and I doubt their abuses were actually limited to those eight years.

  • Israel Has Used White Phosphorus on 17 Towns in Lebanon Since October
  • Do you know where that graphic comes from? The data on indicates that Biden has received $5,688,069 between 1990 and 2024.

    I'm not disagreeing that this is a problem. This is undoubtedly a route through which foreign money is making it into US politics and Biden is one of the biggest recipients of Pro-Israel funds. It just isn't as much money as indicated by the graphic. It is $5,688,069 spread over 34 years but loaded heavily to more recent years.

    Biden donations from Pro-Israel sources by election cycle:

    • 2023-2024: $1,459,405
    • 2021-2022: Unsure - Not in top 20 and can't find full dataset
    • 2019-2020: $3,753,304

    All other election cycles, Biden doesn't appear in the top 20. Simple math indicates that, outside of 2019, 2020, 2023, and 2024, Biden received an additional $475,360 over the rest of his career.

    I don't like to see that Biden received $3,753,304 in the 2019-2020 campaign cycle. That is way too much foreign influence in my opinion, even if it technically came from American organizations. That said, Biden spent $1,614,843,740 in 2019-2020 meaning that only 0.23% of that was from Pro-Israel groups.

  • 24 of the best free alternatives to the most popular paid software
  • As someone who contributes to FOSS projects, I think you put too much trust in the ability of the community to police such things. There simply aren't enough people reviewing project code to ensure it's safety and compliance if a maintainer or team decide to follow bad local laws or act explicitly in a malicious way. Some things get caught but I'm sure there are things thst slip through.

  • [Feature Request] Make it more obvious which user you are currently

    I keep running into issues where I'm unsure of which account I'm currently using. It would be nice if it were more obvious at all times. Two things that would help me are:

    • always display the current user somewhere, regardless of what content is being viewed.
    • allow setting different color themes for different users.
    What's this Bug? vortic
    Who is this beautiful, damaged specimen (Colorado, USA)?
    How do some podcasts have location-based ads when my podcast player doesn't have location permissions?

    I use Podcast Addict and have recently noticed location-based ads in my podcasts. Adds that are local to my large town / small city. The app doesn't have location permissions, so how are the podcasts embedding localized ads?

    Some better shots of American White Pelicans from the nearby lake (June 2023, Colorado)

    They decided to give a show today. Six of them were hanging out on the dock, but when I stopped to take pictures, they all decided to take off and do circles over the lake.

    ! ! ! ! ! !

    Barn Swallow (Colorado, June 2023)

    I got lucky and this guy posed for me for about five minutes. I tried to get some in flight, but they're simply too fast for me!

    ! !

    Great Blue Heron

    This beautiful bird has been hanging out at our local lake for the last several weeks. I've been trying to get some pictures of him and he finally got close enough for my lenses.

    ! ! ! !

    American White Pelican

    Three or four of these guys have been hanging out in the lake near my house.

    ! ! !

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