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*Permanently Deleted*
  • It's not just paranoid, it's totally toxic and aggressive. He attacked and verbally abused dozen of different project for naive reasons, and spread FUD and slanders about other developers and projects

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Litterally one of the most famous tech guy on the web and one of the most influential voice of the "repair yourself" movement, on the internet for years

  • The rule is still present in your time, as it was in ours
  • If I'm ever gonna read this thing I would go straight in the center and touch the damn thing. I don't think this is a good warning message

  • We heard you like toggles so we put a toggle in your toggle.
  • Bluetooth give a lot more information about your surrounding (what device your phone detect or connect, for how much time, distance from objects, etc.), not only from your phone alone, but from other people phones who have bluetooth on and e.g. never disable any tracking from google services too. And the Mac address for bluetooth never change, so any device (and tracking company) will know you is forever you. Bluetooth is a privacy nightmare, and this is totally a dark pattern. People not knowing what they're doing is of course a thing, but it seems just a usual bad practice by google, who like to manipulate especially not tech-savvy people

  • Should I add any other repo?
  • Those are what I use 😁. You can check here for some trusted repo

  • Should I add any other repo?
  • Exactly

  • Should I add any other repo?
  • I'm conflicted about sponsorblock, I usually hate youtuber sponsor (since those are usually scam) but I don't know if there is a more ethical way to earn money from ads, since donations aren't usually enough

  • rule
  • Lol, this is great

  • The truth about linux having 15% market share in India.
  • Phones in India can be bought for near 50$, and that provide everything a common citizen (and I mean mandatory government app and messaging) need. And 50$ still isn't cheap for most of the population. It's a totally different economy than usa

  • Google Update Reveals AI Will Start Reading All Your Private Messages
  • Millions of people in the world don't know to have a choice or even can't stop using google products. Google has a near monopoly and it isn't just something you can totally evade

  • Help with a simple and private phone
  • You're right, I'm dumb. Nextcloud has a e2e plugin, but you have to lose a lot of functionality, and I still think it isn't worth it if you host your own instance

  • Help with a simple and private phone
  • DivestOS developer (yep, just one guy) is awesome. Give it a try when you have time

  • Help with a simple and private phone
  • Mmm... I still think you mean server side: if someone seize your server shouldn't be able to read your file. If someone have physical access to your server while it is still turn on and not rebooted, it will have access to your files even with e2e turned on. E2e encrypt data while it is transfered from client to server (in case of nextcloud)

  • Help with a simple and private phone
  • If physical security concern you, you should encrypt your disk, but e2e isn't really useful if you host your instance and use a VPN to connect (it's not necessary even if you trust the 3rd party that host your data, actually)

  • Help with a simple and private phone
  • I thank you for your effort in this post, and I appreciate anyone who try to give real and complete answer to this kind of question, but I'd like to point out that madaidan "guides" aren't reliable, and shouldn't be linked as useful source of information, since he usually just spread FUD. Nothing he even wrote is actually useful to real users and common people, and even if I understand he know what he's talking about this doesn't mean his interpretation is correct. Security isn't absolute, and safety from any ideal danger that at this time no one even know how to exploit shouldn't be the ultimate goal for everyone. Sorry for my bad English, I hope I made myself clear

  • Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times
  • I really don't understand all those posts: I use nginx, apparmor, partially even modsecurity, I use collabora office official debian package, face recognition, email, update regularly (waiting for major upgrades for every app I use to be updated), etc. and literally never had a problem in the last 5 years except for my own experiment. True, only 5 people use my instance, but Nextcloud is rock solid for me

  • Android app maker Simple Mobile Tools acquired by ZipoApps - Liliputing
  • Certo che si, disattiva gli aggiornamenti, passa alla versione fdroid o cambia app appena puoi

  • PowerPizza

    Comincio io, comincio io! E spammo uno dei podcast più famosi in Italia che sicuramente non ha bisogno né di presentazioni né di essere spammato 😁. Powerpizza é il podcast di Lorro, Nick e Sio, improntato sulla comicitá e sulla leggerezza. Tratta di mille argomenti (videogiochi, film, serie TV, ecc.) in base a quello di cui vogliono parlare i 3 autori. É, credo, il podcast che seguo più in assoluto, per il semplice fatto che é uno dei pochi che riesce davvero ad intrattenermi e rilassarmi per quell'oretta scarsa che durano gli episodi. Se non lo conoscete, conoscetelo! Naturalmente in puro stile fediverso, il podcast é pubblicato su spreaker e può quindi essere ascoltato su qualsiasi piattaforma

    Vega Vega

    Roman Dmitrievič Protasevič è stato arrestato dalla dittatura bielorussa dopo che il suo volo civile Europeo è stato dirottato e costretto ad atterrare da caccia militari bielorussi. Per non dimenticare il suo nome e quanto accaduto.

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