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What Financial Experts Won't Tell You About Money
  • Captialists defending capitalism: "You get rewarded for hard work!

    Capitalists giving financial advice: "Don't trade your time for money! Put your capital to work for you!"

  • Welcome to Anarchism
  • Who's in charge here?

  • Because it's fiction, Susan
  • Bad take

    People like Reagan irl

  • Is there a site to watch sporting REPLAYS? and work great for LIVE sports, but if I can't watch it live, and want to watch later, I've missed it.

    Some really major events show up on torrent sites, but not reliably.

    3 Study: Tall trees and shade boost bat diversity on Africa’s cocoa farms

    Insect-eating bats that prey on pests in cocoa farms prefer farms that retain large, old-growth trees that shade the plantations. Researchers aiming to find a “sweet spot” in agroforestry systems that supports maximum biodiversity surveyed bat diversity on 28 cocoa farms in south central Cameroon. T...

    Study: Tall trees and shade boost bat diversity on Africa’s cocoa farms
    The World Cup. Australia VS England
  • That's it, England have won it

  • The World Cup. Australia VS England
  • Fucking corker.

    Everything was sliding towards a Spain-Eng final, and it tooke something exceptional to upset that fate

    that is one of the best goals I have ever seen, bruces or sheilas

  • The World Cup. Australia VS England
  • Great goal. Perfectly positioned – when she got it the right half of the net was open to her

  • Is imperialism losing in Africa and Syria? Interview with Harpal Brar (42 min)


    Giving you options for links because I’m comradely like that:

    • Invidious:

    • Invidious:

    • Invidious 🧅: http://kbjggqkzv65ivcqj6bumvp337z6264huv5kpkwuv6gu5yjiskvan7fad.onion/watch?v=b6DZmBNVzVk

    • Piped:

    • Piped 🧅: http://piped2bbch4xslbl2ckr6k62q56kon56ffowxaqzy42ai22a4sash3ad.onion/watch?v=b6DZmBNVzVk

    Politicians without power incentives?
  • You overlooked sortition.

  • Is notabug go1dfish still around?
  • His Github is inactive since May 2020:

    I sincerely think he might have died. He went completely quiet very suddenly.

  • Fidel! movie by Saul Landau

    Looks interesting

    Emma Goldman Interview from 1934 (TIL you can see her and listen to her voice)

    Giving you options for links because I’m comradely like that:

    • Invidious:

    • Invidious:

    • Invidious 🧅: http://kbjggqkzv65ivcqj6bumvp337z6264huv5kpkwuv6gu5yjiskvan7fad.onion/watch?v=DgAKjbuguHs

    • Piped:

    • Piped 🧅: http://piped2bbch4xslbl2ckr6k62q56kon56ffowxaqzy42ai22a4sash3ad.onion/watch?v=DgAKjbuguHs

    How to Design a Sailing Ship for the 21st Century? (solarpunk) How to Design a Sailing Ship for the 21st Century?

    It is surprisingly difficult to build a carbon neutral sailing ship. This is even more the case today, because our standards for safety, health, hygiene, comfort, and convenience have changed profoundly since the Age of Sail.

    How to Design a Sailing Ship for the 21st Century?
    feedback Vampire [any]
    Posting fails without error messages

    I tried to post a thread with only emojis in the title

    I tried to post a comment that was too long

    In both cases, I clicked to post, and the button changed colour and just stalled. I had to figure out by myself that the problem was the submission was against the requirements; it cost me some minutes of confusion.

    Some notes on agriculture in Cuba

    The 'Libreta' (Libreta de Abastecimiento) is the ration-book, gets people basic foods at 80-90% subsidies.

    Cooperativa de Producción Agropecuaria, CPAs, which are private coöperatives, and Unidad Básica de Producción Cooperativa, UBPCs, coöperatives created by the state in 1993 (in the special period) out of previously state-run farms.

    UBPC are state-run coöperatives. Workers get profit-sharing. The coöperative has the right to use the land (usufruct) but the state remains legal owner, and have a special econmic relationship with the state. They commit to selling 70% of their primary production produce to the Acopio (state), which goes to the Libreta. The syndicate does its own decision-making.

    CPAs have more autonomy than that, and do own their land. The State owns UBPC vehicles; CPA vehicle are jointly owned. The state created the UBPCs, but each CPA is formed by its people. Both have collective governance.


    Into the sources –

    • Cuba's Basic Units of Cooperative Production:

    • Evaluating the Performance of Cuba's Sugarcane Basic Units of Cooperative Production During Their First Decade – – this says yield grew too slowly, advocates economic liberalisation


    • – "Overall, the “Amistad Cuba-Laos” farm was found to be a highly mechanized, well organized, on-going op­eration, with basic planning and accounting systems in place. The cooperative leadership appeared to be open to the adoption of new technologies, and sugar­cane yields, which plummeted as a result of severe in­put shortages in the early 1990s, were recovering somewhat as inputs became more available. On the other hand, work quality and intensity appear to be below potential, in part due to an incentive system that had not evolved to meet the country’s changing economic conditions"

    • Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba – PDF on annas-archive


    Development Report No.14: Cuba's New Agricultural Revolution: The Transformation of Food Crop Production in Contemporary Cuba –

    Reforms around 1993 "included the legalization of holdings and expenditures in foreign currencies and self-employment in certain specified areas; the active promotion of foreign investment in Cuba; the elimination of subsidies on some items of popular consumption; and a move toward implementation of a system of taxation. The outcome of these and other measures will have a notable impact on the effort to bring about the recovery of specific sectors of the economy, such as agriculture"

    "The urgency of Cuba's agricultural crisis of the early to mid-1990s highlights in a dramatic fashion the fundamental weaknesses inherent in the classical (socialist) model of development that its government adopted more than three decades ago. That model, whose applicability in more developed countries is even open to question, heightened many of the problems already existing in Cuban agriculture. It increased the country's external dependence, while reinforcing its reliance on one crop to fuel international economic relations. At the same time, it exacerbated the rural exodus that had been initiated by the spread of agroexport production, creating a situation in which, once jobs were available in agricultural production, there were few people to fill them."


    • Burchardt, H.-J. (2001). Cuba's Agriculture after the New Reforms: Between Stagnation and Sustainable Development. Socialism & Democracy, 15(1), 141. – – Says that the reforms of the 1990s were about diversifying the economic forms of agriculture. – Is written by someone sympathetic to socialism. Says collectives are proven in Cuba.

    • Deere, C. D. (1993). Household incomes in Cuban agriculture : a comparison of the state, cooperative, and peasant sectors. The Hague, Netherlands : Publications Office, Institute of Social Studies, [1993]. – – "This article presents the results of a 1991 household income survey of the three main groups in Cuban agriculture: wage workers on state farms, members of production co-operatives, and peasant producers. It is shown that since the 1959 revolution household income levels in the agricultural sector have improved dramatically, while regional differences have been ameliorated considerably. Households in the private sector of Cuban agriculture have fared the best. It is also demonstrated that agricultural households rely on multiple sources of income to generate their livelihood. Rather than being strictly proletarian, collective, or petty commodity producers, these households are best characterized by the multiple class relations in which they participate."


    I didn't even get into the famous organopónicos.

    Rice, fish, and the planet – in south China for over 1200y, farmers have grown an indigenous species of common carp in their rice paddies. The carp eat insects and weeds

    It's a literature review largely based on DOI:10.2307/23060037 which "found that RF [rice-fish] maintained the same rice yield and stability as RM [rice monoculture] but required 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer" and "confirmed that the temporal stability of rice yield is higher in RF than in RM in the absence of pesticide"

    agitprop Vampire [any]
    What would a really effective, modern, population-scale propaganda campaign look like?

    One of my bunch-of-related-thoughts posts....

    • Most countries are not in a revolutionary state now. There is insufficient class-consciousness, insufficient socialist ideology.

    • Countries move from a non-revolutionary state to a revolutionary state partly because the contradictions become intensified (the crisis of capitalism, e.g. in 2008-2011 things were more revolutionary), but also partly by propaganda.

    • Heightening the contradictions deliberately is.... I know some comrades are for that (accelerationists) but it seems evil to me.

    • That leaves propaganda as the correct praxis for countries not ripe for revolution (most developed countries now)

    • Propaganda ain't what it used to be because media technologies have changed. Handing out fliers on the street loses you credibility.

    • Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception". – (yeah that was just a fragmentary thought, I warned you at the top)

    • Propaganda has to a lot to do with repetition. It's not just about crafting the perfect meme, it's about people seeing that meme millions and millions of times

    • So it might sound like I'm driving towards "Socialists should have a lot of bots and automated social media campaigns!" but I'm not. I think capitalists have an unfair advantage there because A) they own twitter/facebook/youtube so they control the algorithms and the bans and the shadowbans B) they can probably outspend on developers and on compute

    • Not sure then what the answer is.... maybe if social media companies were shut down by regulators/EU, and it creates a vacuum for digital communications on a more level footing?

    • I'm pretty sure of this much: leftists should be A) creating lots and lots of propaganda, different types (to suit different tastes) and B) distributing it a lot (which almost certainly means digitally)

    • Some might say a lot of different media are required, e.g. computer games, films, as well as the usual text and posters.

    feedback Vampire [any]
    Would it be possible to upload PDFs as posts, the same way we can now upload images?

    That'd be epic.

    Announcing on main that there's now a theory comm

    I'm a mod gods help me. I've never been a mod before.

    Let's do some bookclubs.

    My notes on muscle-gain

    Why gain muscle?

    How much muscle will I gain?

    For men:

    • Year one: 20-25lb, 9-11⅓kg
    • Year two: 10-12lb, 4½-5½kg
    • Year three: 5-6lb, 2½kg
    • All subsequent years: minimal amounts

    So overall about 14-16kg above baseline

    For women: Half the above.

    How to gain muscle?

    Do three things and you'll gain muscle:

    • Eat a caloric surplus
    • Eat a protein surplus
    • Expose your muscles to high levels of tension (i.e. lift)

    How much caloric surplus?

    14-16 kcal per pound of bodyweight is your baseline

    • Year one: 175 calories/dayover baseline
    • Year two: 120 calories/day over baseline
    • Year three: 60 calories/day over baseline


    How much protein?

    2.5-3.0 g per kilogram of bodyweight


    How much/what kind of muscle tension?

    You need high tension but also the right volume. High tension means 70-85% 1RM. No need to lift more than 85% of 1RM.

    doi:10.1249/00005768-197500740-00003 and doi:10.2165/00007256-200737030-00004 are the classic papers on this.

    30-60 reps per session: 3 sets of 10, and sometimes two different exercises per bodypart

    5×5 is fine too; things like the Madcow or Stronglifts 5×5 give about the same muscle-tension as 3×10, and muscle tension is the whole point.

    Train twice per week. The research is clear on this. Three times is not better than twice.

    More complicated ways of getting that muscle tension

    Heavy negatives (130% of 1RM) work but volume should be very low: 14-16 seconds of tension per session

    Isometrics: A study doing 10 seconds of isometrics, three times a day (30s/day), six days a week, had the best gains in bicep size

    I said three workouts a week is not better than two, but there might be an exception in the first week of a mesocycle. So a mesocycle would be: train four times a week for one week, train twice a week for five weeks, rest a week, repeat.

    States exist for dispossession Zibechi: The States exist for dispossession

    By: Raúl Zibechi Reality is not how we would like it to be, not even how it was decades ago. Ever since capital declared war on the peoples to appropriate the commons (water, land, air and everythi…

    Zibechi: The States exist for dispossession
    0 France protests: More than 100 police hurt in May Day demonstrations

    Almost 300 people are arrested across France in clashes with demonstrators angry at pension reforms.

    France protests: More than 100 police hurt in May Day demonstrations


    Xi Jinping sends greetings on International Workers' Day Xi Jinping sends greetings on International Workers' Day - Friends of Socialist China

    While facing a range of serious challenges – most notably the Covid-19 pandemic and the rapid escalation in the US’s campaign to encircle, contain and suppress China – the working people of China have continued to enjoy sustained improvement in their living standards. Income, life expectancy, averag...

    Xi Jinping sends greetings on International Workers' Day - Friends of Socialist China
    Cross post from the_dunk_tank
  • Shit, good point. People won't be able to go to their jobs at 3am in the LA snow...

    What problem does he think he's solving for?

  • Can a Batman with a capitalist critique exist?
  • beats up poor people

    He beats up rich powerful people like The Penguin and Falcone.

  • Vampire Vampire [any]
    Posts 24
    Comments 13