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Docker Help: Port collisions when using container-networking
  • I am also currently dealing with this same exact issue, I'm wanting to run multiple instances of Lidarr for MP3 / FLAC libraries with Gluetun. I don't have an answer (I haven't put in the time to try and solve it yet), so apologies if I got your hopes up. I'm just here to confirm that others have this issue too!

    Edit: Regarding that documentation, it seems like it's not saying that changing the port breaks it, it's just that you have to set both sides of the mapping to be the same. The default is 8080, so instead of 8080:8080, change the mapping to 8081:8081. That's how I'm reading it, anyways.

    I should also mention that the closest that I got to fixing this was to boot up my 2nd Lidarr container separately, setting the port in the Lidarr WebUI console to something different (8687, for example), and then attach it to my Gluetun docker compose file. I did a docker compose pull to update my stack, then docker compose up -d for it. You might try this approach, and tinker around with it. I just haven't had time to really play with this "solution"

    Edit 2: Played more with the solution I mentioned, and that LifeBandit666 found. We both gave the same solution, and the solution seems to work. Just don't be a dumbass, and remember to do application configuration to your container (unlike me, who, after putting the container into my Gluetun docker compose file, forgot that I didn't do application configuration and just saw a bunch of errors with Lidarr).

  • Help me understand contacts, calendar and caldav/cardav
  • My solution to this was a radicale docker container, with DAVx5 on f-droid. Very lightweight, just works without much configuration needed. I don't use my phone for email much, so I just use thunderbird for my email client

  • Batch video conversion from command line
  • Yes. I believe the paid version only gives you more possible nodes (where the transcoding is done), and more reports? But yes, you have the entire suite of tools necessary in the free version. It's worked great for me, I've used it for a year and a half now

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Agreed. I've converted my library all to 265 using Tdarr, I'm up to 11.5 TB of saved space. I like having all my media be uniform for my Plex server, and Tdarr is a nice and easy tool to achieve it

  • Study finds that Chat GPT will cheat when given the opportunity and lie to cover it up later.
  • I suppose the issue here is more semantics than anything, yeah. I think better discussion would be had if the topic was "how can we help LLMs better understand and present information," as opposed to a more sensational "GPT will cheat and lie"

  • Study finds that Chat GPT will cheat when given the opportunity and lie to cover it up later.
  • I think the reason I'm not comfortable with using the term "lying" is because it implies some sort of negative connotation. When you say that someone lies, it comes with an understanding that they made a choice to lie, usually with ill intent. I agree, we don't need to get into a philosophical discussion on choice and free will. But I think saying something like "GPT lies" is a bit irresponsible for the purposes of a discussion

  • Study finds that Chat GPT will cheat when given the opportunity and lie to cover it up later.
  • They said "it just repeats words that simulate human responses," and I'd say that concisely answers your question.

    Antropomorphizing inanimate objects and machines is fine for offering a rough explanation of what is happening, but when you're trying to critically evaluate something, you probably want to offer a more rigid understanding.

    In this case, it might be fair to tell a child that the AI is lying to us, and that it's wrong. But if you want a more serious discussion on what GPT is doing, you're going to have to drop the simple explanation. You can't ascribe ethics to what GPT is doing here. Lying is an ethical decision, one that GPT doesn't make.

  • My server Flow Comics/Games/Movies/Shows
  • The best I've found is Free Manga Downloader 2 ( It's not perfect, I have some gripes, but I have FMD2, mylar3, komga, and Tachiyomi (on my mobile devices) with the kogma extension for all my comic stuff. Works well enough for me

  • Whishper: a complete transcription suite.
  • Would love to deploy this, but unfortunately I'm running server equipment that apparently doesn't support MongoDB 5 (Error message MongoDB 5.0+ requires a CPU with AVX support, and your current system does not appear to have that!). Tried deploying with both 4.4.18 and 4.4.6 and can't get it to work. If anybody has some recommendations, I'd appreciate hearing them!

    Edit: Changed my proxmox environment processor to host, fixed my issue.

  • My Docker containers can no longer communicate with the host's local network
  • On my host PC (Windows Server), I'm already running a VM in Hyper-V that operates behind a VPN for my *arr environment. I'm worried about resources and resource allocation if I add another VM just for docker. Basically I'm looking at 3 environments - Windows Server for my windows stuff, Debian server for my *arr stuff (this all has to be behind a VPN), and a Linux docker environment. It makes sense to me to go the Proxmox route now that I've considered it, don't you think? Not asking because I'm trying to convince you, just interested in others perspectives.

  • My Docker containers can no longer communicate with the host's local network
  • That's what I've been seeing, but I run enough stuff on Windows that has poor support for Linux that makes it a toss-up. Do you think it's feasible to run Docker on Linux in a Hyper-V container on Windows? I'm really trying to evaluate my options, I've considered Proxmox to separate my Windows and Linux stuff; currently I am running an instance of Ubuntu in Hyper-V for my Linux stuff. Do you think Proxmox is more viable?

  • My Docker containers can no longer communicate with the host's local network

    I feel like I'm losing my mind. A few days ago, all of my containers running on Docker Desktop on my Windows Server host were working nicely. I had NFS volumes set up on a few of them to reach my synology NAS on my local network, and things were working fine. I've done so much digging and tweaking over the last few days, so I can't be certain where all I've broken this connection further, but I woke up one morning and the containers that all had connections to my NAS via NFS volumes were no longer working. I hadn't restarted my host, I don't know what changed. Containers like NPM that I had set up for my internal DNS would no longer redirect to any IP that wasn't within my docker network (for example, I run Plex NOT in a container on my host PC). I had all of my containers on the default bridge network, and now nothing on this docker network can connect to anything on my local network.

    I've tried setting static routes in my router, changed a lot of configurations, dug through tutorials, guides, and posts all weekend, but I couldn't make any progress in figuring things out. I'd really appreciate some help on this one, and can provide more details, logs, compose files, when needed. Just don't want to dump everything at once

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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