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  • Werde vielleicht ein mal pro Stunde zu unrecht angepiepst.

    Das ist schon einmal zu viel. Mein letztes eigenes Auto hatte noch nicht so einen technischen Schnickschnack. Immer wenn ich mir jetzt ein Auto von Freunden leihe oder mir einen Mietwagen nehme, piept mich irgendwas völlig unvermittelt während der Fahrt an und lenkt mich vom Verkehr ab, was richtig gefährlich sein kann.

    Noch schlimmer sind nur die (un)smarten Systeme, die dann sogar aktiv in die Fahrzeugführung eingreifen, zum Beispiel Spurassistenten, die einer Spur folgen wollen, die gar nicht existiert (und mich damit beispielsweise in einer Autobahnbaustelle in einen neben mir fahrenden LKW reinlenken wollte).

    Dieser Scheiß ist brandgefährlich und gehört verboten.

  • Pro App jetzt mit OpenStreetMap Karte und Navigation
  • Woher kennt das Auto die jeweils gültige Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung? Navi-Daten oder Erfassen der Verkehrsschilder (Kamera)?

  • Please submit within three business days
  • Thankfully TOS never did any fantasy stuff like galactic barriers, Trelane, massive green hands in space, or Abraham Lincoln. That wouldn't have been true to Gene's vision.

    I'm not a fan of Disco either, but tardigrades and time bugs are really low on my list of complaints. Star Trek did lots of even whackier stuff over the last 60 years (or did everyone forget the "Fun with DNA" episodes of the 90s?). In fact, that time bug episode was probably the best 32nd century Disco episode. Which is a low bar, but anyway.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x10 "Life, Itself"
  • This was ... a DISCO episode.

    Lengthy but meaningless action sequences? Check. Shaky cams all the damn time? Check. People talking about their feelings at the worst possible moment? Check. No apparent command structure and people just doing whatever they want? Check. One-dimensional villains? Check. Flamethrowers on the bridge? Check. (although, to be honest, those are so absurd that I'll actually miss them)

    I liked the future scenes because they were noticably slower and cerebral than pretty much anything that Discovery did during its five seasons. I wish they would have done something like that more often.

    But yeah, that's it. I'm somewhat glad it's over. I liked the first two seasons of the show. Despite their flaws I appreciated that they've tried something new in the Star Trek franchise. And ultimately that led to Strange New Worlds, so I'll have to give them credit for that. Anything after the season 3 time jump was not my cup of tea though. There was never enough worldbuilding for my taste because so much screentime was devoted to Burnham and Book, and that meant that the 31st century never really felt "real" to me.

    Maybe I'll rewatch seasons 1 and 2 somewhere down the line but I have no interest in watching seasons 3-5 again. I'll just treat them as Burnham's fever dream or something like that.

  • The battery has been depleted
  • Which episode is it? (My guess is something from season 3, based on Kirk's uniform)

  • Star Trek 3 Is Finding Its Way Back to Theaters
  • Will this be an international release or USA only?

  • I can only hope people continue to love the truly old ones for a long time.
  • I have a friend who doesn't like the (quote) "new Star Trek shows". That's anything produced after 1969. He grew up with TOS.

    He's enjoying SNW though, so there may be hope for him. 😄

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x08 "Labyrinths"
  • They're both cartoon villains. It works for a comedy movie, not so much for a serious TV show.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x06 "Whistlespeak"
  • For a split second, when they looked at the paper with the list of scientists, I had hope that the Discovery would fly to Denobula. That would have been so much more interesting than what we've gotten. Although I give them credit for doing a more traditional Star Trek episode with a bunch of technobabble, prime directive shenanigans and the obligatory human-like pre-warp civilization.

  • Newey’s Red Bull F1 departure set to be imminent
  • Remember that teams will only be allowed to work on their 2026 car from the start of 2025

    Genuine question: how is this even policed? You can't stop people from thinking about solutions already.

  • NSFW
    Star Trek Writer Deep Dives Into Discovery Season 5’s Villains
  • Our thinking was the Breen as sort of a natural species were bifurcated in the sense that they can be both gelatinous and solid in that sense. But the solid state takes an intense amount of focus and concentration in order to maintain. [...] And then as they developed the refrigeration suits, they lost the need for that both evolutionarily and culturally, and it became a sort of cultural anathema. You don’t show people your solid face because that means you’re weak. It means you’re stupid. It means you’re slow.

    I still don't get it. It doesn't really make sense to me. If it takes a lot of focus and concentration to maintain the solid form, why is one considered weak for doing so?

    Breen ship! We’ve never seen the inside

    Technically we've seen a holding cell inside a Breen ship in DS9.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x05 "Mirrors"
  • Maybe


    Burnham stabbed a pimple.

  • Android 15 may make it even easier to use your phone while in bed
  • Wouldn't it be better for our digital wellbeing to have an option that makes it unpleasant to use the phone in bed? 😬

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x04 "Face the Strange"
  • I think I haven't enjoyed Disco this much since season 2. This was a great episode in the tradition of whacky time travel episodes. And I really liked seeing the old uniforms, set designs, and Discovery exterior. Mainly because I like those designs much more than the 32nd century upgrades. The sort-of tie-in to the "Calypso" Short Trek also worked really well. And Linus was great as usual.

  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country – Official Teaser Trailer (1991)

    Just a throwback to one of the best teaser trailers ever. I get goosebumps every time I watch it.

    IMO the only Star Trek trailer that comes reasonably close is the teaser trailer for the 2009 movie.

    Gracie is pregnant.
  • 🐳😊

  • F1 on track to hit its Net Zero target by 2030
  • There seems to be some effort in that area too.

    A new fleet of DHL biofuel-powered trucks also reduced logistics-related carbon emissions by an average of 83% during the European season.

    From the article on

  • Pflegerin wählt Notruf, weil Nachtschicht fehlt
  • Die ganze Geschichte ist absolut irre.

    Zur Übergabe in die Nachtschicht konnte sie allerdings nur an zwei Pflegeassistenten übergeben, weil keine weitere ausgebildete und examinierte medizinische Pflegefachkraft anwesend war. [...] > Besagte Pflegekraft soll zu jenem Zeitpunkt bereits eine Doppelschicht hinter sich gehabt haben.

    Die sind also, selbst wenn sie "vollzählig" sind, zu dritt für 170 Patienten da. Was zur Hölle ist das für ein Personalschlüssel?

    Und es ist irgendwie auch bezeichnend, dass es bei den Zuständen in der Pflege nicht andauernd einen politischen Aufschrei gibt. Bei Themen wie Abtreibung und Sterbehilfe wird ja auch immer über Würde und Menschlichkeit und so weiter gejammert.

  • F1 on track to hit its Net Zero target by 2030

    Formula 1 says it is on track to hit its Net Zero targets by 2030 after the publication of its latest impact report that includes its carbon emissions. The report currently includes figures from 20…

    F1 on track to hit its Net Zero target by 2030


    > Formula 1 says it is on track to hit its Net Zero targets by 2030 after the publication of its latest impact report that includes its carbon emissions.

    > The report currently includes figures from 2022 as F1 needs to await data from teams and other stakeholders from last year, but the first season that was not impacted by COVID-19 showed a 13 percent reduction in F1’s carbon footprint compared to the 2018 baseline. That’s despite the 2022 calendar featuring an extra race compared to prior to the pandemic.

    > The sport’s Net Zero target is a minimum of 50 percent emissions reduction versus 2018, leaving 37 percent still to be achieved by 2030.

    "America First": Deutsche Streaming-Nutzer verschmähen lokale Inhalte -
  • Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion

  • DCcomics UESPA_Sputnik Scott Snyder's Ultimate Line For DC Is To Be Called Absolute Comics

    Bleeding Cool gets the word that Scott Snyder's Ultimate Comics-style line for DC is to be called Absolute Comics, part of DC's "All-In"

    Scott Snyder's Ultimate Line For DC Is To Be Called Absolute Comics

    >rather than something separated from the main line \[...\] this will be something published in conjunction with the main line, part of a larger initiative that aims to spotlight DC's entire lineup. But there will not be a reboot or even a relaunch of the main line, that will remain intact and continuity (along with many creative teams) will continue on.

    So this is essentially a long-term Elseworlds or Earth-Whatever within the same shared universe?

    Star Trek: Lower Decks Will End With Its Fifth, Final Season
  • Meanwhile, the adventures continue for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which has been renewed for season 4.

    At least there's that.

    It's still surprising that Lower Decks ends so soon. It's well received and should be reasonably cheap to produce. Why would they axe it?

  • Fernando Alonso signs new multi-year deal with Aston Martin to end speculation over F1 future Alonso signs new F1 deal with Aston Martin

    Fernando Alonso will continue to race in Formula 1 with Aston Martin next season after the team announced that the two-time world champion has signed a fresh deal to keep him onboard into 2026 and the sport’s next regulatory cycle.

    Alonso signs new F1 deal with Aston Martin
    There are even more new locations available in the Roddenberry Archive

    For those who don't know the Roddenberry Archive: they're rebuiliding 3D modles of Starfleet bridges and other sets where you can freeroam, and sometimes even interact with consoles etc.

    Last week I posted a thread about the bridges of the TMP Klingon Battle Cruiser and the USS Discovery being added. The official blog update is here.

    What the blog update doesn't mention is that multiple existing locations have been extended:

    Interesting selection by Paramount+

    That showed up on their Star Trek page.

    The selections for DS9 and VOY are pretty good. Even though I wouldn't call all of them "the best", they're all above average episodes.

    Meanwhile, the ENT selection of best episodes includes "highlights" like Acquisition, Carbon Creek, Marauders and Carpenter Street. Oh well.

    Lindner will »Lust machen auf die Überstunde« Arbeitseinsatz: Lindner sieht Arbeitseinstellung der Deutschen als Wachstumsfaktor

    Finanzminister Lindner zeigt sich überzeugt: Die Wirtschaft benötigt neue Impulse, um wieder zu wachsen. Dazu gehört für ihn auch die Arbeitseinstellung der Deutschen.

    Arbeitseinsatz: Lindner sieht Arbeitseinstellung der Deutschen als Wachstumsfaktor

    > Finanzminister Lindner zeigt sich überzeugt: Die Wirtschaft benötigt neue Impulse, um wieder zu wachsen. Dazu gehört für ihn auch die Arbeitseinstellung der Deutschen.

    > Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner fordert von den Deutschen, ihre Einstellung zur Arbeit zu überdenken. In der ARD-Sendung »Caren Miosga«, sagte er, die Arbeitsmotivation der Bürger sei wichtig für die Entwicklung der Wirtschaft. Man müsse den Menschen »Lust machen auf die Überstunde« sagte Lindner. Unter Umständen sei auch eine »Mentalitätsreform« notwendig, da Arbeit nicht nur eine finanzielle Funktion erfülle. »Arbeit ist doch auch Sinnstiftung, das strukturiert den Alltag«. [...]

    The bridge of the Klingon Battlecruiser from ST:TMP has been added to the Roddenberry Archive. You can freeroam on this and other bridge sets. Roddenberry Archive

    The Roddenberry Archive: Legacy of the Starships Enterprise

    Roddenberry Archive

    Unless I'm mistaken, the Discovery bridge has been added only recently as well.

    For those who don't know the Roddenberry Archive: have fun exploring. On some ships you can even leave the bridge and go to different areas of the ship (for example the shuttle bay or main engineering on the Enterprise D). Also, sometimes you can move or activate objects like consoles.

    13 Times The Title Was Won In Japan! – Official F1 YouTube Channel

    At least Verstappen can't win the title already in Japan this year. 🫠

    DCcomics UESPA_Sputnik
    DC Fall 2024 Collections Catalog: lots of reprints and thick collections, and simultaneous HC/TPB releases Edelweiss+

    Edelweiss, by Above the Treeline, is the book industry’s platform to sell, discover, and order new titles.

    Evolution Of Racing In Australia, Albert Park Circuit (1996-2024)

    The official F1 channel is really putting out some great content recently. I hope they keep this up for the remaining season. ^(Then at least the videos before the race weekend will be exciting, if the races themselves fail to provide excitement)

    DCcomics UESPA_Sputnik
    New Omnibus Editions in 2024: "Superman: The Triangle Era" and "Deathstroke: The Terminator by Marv Wolfman"

    "Superman: The Triangle Era Omnibus Vol. 1" in September 2024

    >collects Superman \#49-64; Adventures of Superman \#472-486; Action Comics \#659-673; Superman: The Man of Steel \#1-8.

    "Deathstroke: The Terminator by Marv Wolfman Omnibus Vol. 1" in December 2024, which is pretty much what the trade paperbacks collected a few years ago, if I'm not mistaken

    >Collects Deathstroke (1991 series) #1-26; Deathstroke Annual \#1-2; The New Titans \#70; Superman \#68; and stories from Showcase '93 \#6-11.

    Holy moly. What's going on in DC's Collected Editions department? They finally seem to be putting some serious resources into it. Just a few days ago the solicitations showed that hardcovers and softcovers of current runs will be released simultaneously, for example Ram V’s Detective Comics. And they also release the interjacent volumes too, so that the releases can sync up quickly and no softcovers are skipped. Which is a game changer for paperback readers.

    And now all those omnibus editions? Awesome! (there's also Aquaman by Peter David, Secret Six by Gail Simone, Flash by William Messner-Loebs and a bunch more in the next few months)

    0 Ultimate Chronological Star Trek Viewing Guide

    A suggested Star Trek viewing order that will guide you on your journey from the 21st Century right through to the 32nd.

    This was created by Reddit user /u/JohnKFisher, and I think it's a neat uncluttered guide for all Star Trek that's especially useful for newbies.

    DCcomics UESPA_Sputnik
    June 2024 DC Comics Solicitations – it looks like going forward hardcover and softcover editions will be released simultaneously! Full June 2024 DC Comics solicitations: Batman returns!

    The June 2024 DC Comics solicitations are here, including a sequel to 'Gotham by Gaslight' and new graphic novels you can't miss.

    Full June 2024 DC Comics solicitations: Batman returns!

    That's a big change. For a few years now the softcovers trailed the hardcovers by 1 year. And sometimes they even got cancelled entirely on short notice.

    Now it seems that DC will release a bunch of books simultaneously as hardcover and softcover, for example Ram V's Detective Comics. And they also release the interjacent volumes too, so that the releases can sync up quickly and no softcovers are skipped.

    As a softcover reader this is the best news since Rebirth (when almost everything was released as softcover).

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