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Defederation from
  • Look at my account and decide for yourself. I was given no communication from the admins of this server.

  • Defederation from
  • I was banned from for a week after criticizing Israel. The pinned post accuses this server of supporting the Zionist genocide of Palestinians. Should I go ahead and close my account now? Is this a Zionst platform?

    Edit: I know that this server loves to mass downvote any post that questions authority, but it would be much more helpful if you would verbally confirm that you support genocide, or at least start abusing me personally to let me know you think I don't belong.


  • As a reminder...
  • Point 1: This is your one strike for you to define my arguments in defiance of my words. I will just block you the next time YOU decide what I know.

    I'm not using Nazi as a synonym for evil. Evil is subjective and nebulous. Evil is an illusion. Nazis believe that all of their victims are evil. It's the ultimate projection of their own ignorance. I've already told you that Nazis are emblematic of malignant authority, which always manifests in the same way; the deification of the hierarchy of authority resulting in self justification of acts against individuals to perpetuate its own existence. What would I call malignant authoritarians prior to 1900? I'd still call them Nazis. What people hate about Nazis is that their genocide was undeniable. Most are perfectly OK with prisons, wars, and slavery as long as it serves their own comfort. "Nobody panics when things are going according to plan, even if that plan is horrific." If you insist on a historical definition, I would consent to "Mammon Worshippers," as they were known in the time of Christ:

    Point 2: Your denial doesn't change reality. Whether you're being honest about growing up in Gaza or not, when authority decides where dissidents can live with walls, borders, or laws, they've created a prison. When authority decides that it can use violence to enforce a prison, it enacts a genocide in the prison, which is now a concentration camp.

    Point 3: You are free to disagree, but again I iterate that by adhering to the definitions enforced by Nazis you are expanding their influence and validating their narratives. Authority ALWAYS depends on pretence to establish in-groups and out-groups. It ALWAYS hollows out the individual until nothing but a murderous and obedient drone remains, and if it fails, it always throws the "degenerate" into the slave camps.

  • As a reminder...
  • What you need to understand is that malignant authority has been the one nemesis to the human condition throughout history. No matter what they call themselves, what period of history, or whether they're seen as heros or villians. The one, "boogeyman" who has proven themselves indefensible in every scenario are the Nazis. So when I tell you that Israelis are Nazis, I'm challenging you to MEANINGFULLY describe the difference. The Gaza Strip is Auschwitz. Prove me wrong. On the ground, in the world created by their authority, there is NO difference.

    You're assuming that I'm stupid because I don't adhere to your rigid definitions of fascism. I'm assuming that you're intelligent enough to understand the concepts on an archetypal level. Hopefully I've proved you wrong, and hopefully you'll prove me right.

  • New California law aims to force people with mental illness or addiction to get help
  • Define mental illness, define addiction, define help, define force.

  • As a reminder...
  • Given that fascism inherently utilizes pretense and labels to control the framing of every argument, I counter with the assertion that, "a Nazi is, as a Nazi does." If an individual deifies the authority of the government and worships its power by oppressing other individuals, that person is a Nazi. That goes for every cop that enforces unjust laws, every politician that executes a prisoner, every political party that goes to war, and every corporation that justifies profit at the expense of the wellbeing of a laborer. You're free to disagree, but you're just helping Nazis hide behind whatever logo they're currently wearing.

  • As a reminder...
  • I answered you.

  • As a reminder...
  • A Nazi is just an end stage authoritarian, once the malignancy has become terminal. There are other words, but only dishonest people care to make the distinction.

  • As a reminder...
  • "When Fascism comes to America (Israel), it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross (the Torah)." Fascists know that flags, borders, beliefs, and words are nothing but tools to be used for the advancement of their power. They don't believe in those things, but they know their victims do, and they use them to manipulate their victims into enacting their own genocide.

  • As a reminder...
  • Israelis are no more Jewish than America is Christian. Both fascist nations have forsaken their Gods.

  • As a reminder...
  • I'd say that you're projecting, and probably a Republican.

  • As a reminder...
  • What if I told you that Israel was part of a Nazi experiment to solve the problem of "stateless Jews," who were thought to undermine the authority and good order promoted by government. Turns out, all you have to do to turn a Jew into a Nazi is to give him a plot of land and tell him that it's his inheritance from God.

  • Master baiter
  • It's more than just disagreement. It's disagreement in defiance of logic and reason. Bad faith actors.

  • Inmate Deaths Raise Questions About Temperatures in Oklahoma Prisons
  • Yes, but I was speaking more broadly than private prisons. There are many reasons to restrict a person's freedom, and many ways to do it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Me gusta.

  • Anon is disillusioned about Starfield
  • I'm only watching someone play through but it's just poorly written too. Every single person you meet knows you're the main character and begs for your help.

  • Inmate Deaths Raise Questions About Temperatures in Oklahoma Prisons
  • If a person's right to freedom is removed, then the moral responsibility for their health and wellness falls upon their captors, regardless of what the law allows.

  • Inmate Deaths Raise Questions About Temperatures in Oklahoma Prisons
  • We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. There's nothing cruel and unusual about slow cooking prisoners at 120F.

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