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Apple's most valuable intangible asset isn't its patents or copyrights - it's an army of people who believe that using products from a $2.89 trillion multinational makes them members of an oppressed r

    it's so fucking funny how he repeatedly invokes "faith" in market forces. and to top it off later he invokes "faith" in consumers. fuck me, laughable corporate butt-licking scheisterism!

  • Apple's most valuable intangible asset isn't its patents or copyrights - it's an army of people who believe that using products from a $2.89 trillion multinational makes them members of an oppressed r

    apple did drop this to $0.15 for developers earning less than $1 million per year. ps: not defending them in any way, I'm an iOS/macOS developer myself, and I totally concur with your thread here.

  • TonyVladusich Tony Vladusich

    I'm a computational neuroscientist & software engineer. Colors, photos, brains, nature, science, software & chess, preferably all at the same time!

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