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The ‘weirdo progressive’ son of the Oath Keepers founder running for office in Montana
  • Perfect example of this is california senate races and the jungle primaries. Establishment democrats help boost the republican so the head to head wont Schiff vs Porter.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • The advertising was an easy and obvious example. I set you up for a straw man but whatever. If you don't understand the harmful effects social media has on mental health and how it's different from other forms of media/content, I'm not going to hold your hand through that. The sophistication of engagement algorithms should be obvious. The purpose of a surgeons general warning would be to raise awareness of those specific mental health issues that can be aggravated by excessive social media use. Raising the awareness of an issue is step in the right direction. Fine to call it a band aid but there's no need to shit on progress of any type.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • Lol what? You're going from comic book bans to covid microchips now. Idk you're weird.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • That is apples and oranges. Clicking through rabbit holes isn't the result of an aggressive algorithm designed to prime you for products being advertised. The motivation for the content being hosted is the major issue and exploitation of younger people in service of that motivation.

  • Child Advocates Back Surgeon General's Call for Tobacco-Like Warnings on Social Media
  • "Probably"

    Christian freak out 80 years ago vs modern doctors. Samesies, right? Ya dunce.

    Comparing decades old satan panic stuff with modern behavioral sciences is legit the dumbest thing I've read today. Congrats.

  • U.S. faces "serious threat" of terror attack, expert and former CIA chief warn
  • I would highly encourage people to look at the motives of the OKC bombing committed by Timothy McVeigh. Gun culture, etc. It's been a long evolution of similar ideas. What's scares me though is these ideas becoming normalized and mainstream. Best exemplified by MAGA embracing the big lie and all the shit related to J6th.

  • Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings
  • Lol sure thing. I'm not making a statement on ideology at all. Just your maturity on expecting a right now solution and the futility of your method of protest voting.

  • Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings
  • So you're not voting? Or are you for some hack grifter like West?

  • Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings
  • I was speaking down ballot or during another potus election cycle. I obviously didnt mean to, literally, save that energy for hypothetical elections that would have already happened.

    Also, not having a POTUS primary when there is no challenger and an incumbent isn't as big of a deal. Tactically, it's just bad optics with no tangible benefit. It's definitely something immature people pout about though.

    My bigger point is. I agree with the opinion being communicated but there is no pathway to action on those ideas right now. That energy is for the primaries but its fighting yesterday's battles. I'm not defending the DNC but its Biden vs Trump, thats just reality. Time to clean your diaper.

  • Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings
  • OK, so you think Trump will bring peace to Isreal. Got it.

  • Ex-Trump Official Makes Stunning Revelation: Trump Talked About Executing People At Several WH Meetings
  • What do you think Trump will do differently?

    If you're a single issue voter and still voting for the worst of those two options you're a baffoon.

  • Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds
  • Not saying I take everything Biden says at face value but he has stated that he wouldn't be running if Trump wasn't. I think there is sound rationale behind it though. Trump just flings shit all over everything, Biden has already been through it. Why expose a promising young candidate to that? Next election cycle the GOP primary candidates are going to be trying to out trump and whoever is going to be the dem candidate will be looking that much better because of the shit the GOP smeared all over themselves.

    The point I'm making is more than a little devils advocate though. Dems need to address the enthusiasm gap, it seems like theyre going to be leaning on the grassroots movement from pro-choice groups. Fingers crossed it's effective.

  • Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you?
  • You definitely sound like a person who I would trust to tell me what "mainstream feminist ideology" is.

  • Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key state
  • It's hilarious what can be accomplished with a quick search. It took me less than 3 seconds to find more than 5 different accusations of antisemitism.

  • Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key state
  • Who was denied tenure. His celebrity vs his accomplishments is way out of whack. That's an obvious sign of grifter. Jordan Peterson was a professor.

  • Operatives with GOP ties are helping Cornel West get on the ballot in a key state
  • An accomplished scholar should have policy ideas that are deeper than that.