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Guess the intent
  • Update: The original dev does not remember exactly. However they have said that clientId was originally a VARCHAR, so this may have been checking for both '0' or ''

    So an over-engineered workaround to a bad datatype perhaps?

  • Guess the intent
  • I forgot to mention this is in SQL Server, so SIN operates on radians. So I THINK this can only ever cast to a 0 when clientId is also 0

    It certainly doesn't for any of the 100,000 existing rows

  • Guess the intent
  • The client table has around 100,000 rows each with a unique clientId, none of which are returned from the CAST / ABS / SIN

    I think you are right and this is a 'fix' for something lost to time. I am going to talk to the original dev tomorrow to see if they remember what it was for

  • Guess the intent

    I am one of the developers on a very small team and have just found the following query

    I would love to hear your ideas for what you think was being attempted here!

    SELECT ... FROM client WHERE CAST(ABS(SIN(clientId)) AS BIT) = 0

    Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem)
  • Thank you so much, I'll check it out!

  • Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem)
  • Absolutely, it's a great read. Could you link the video you watched?

  • `Paged Out!` is a free experimental technical magazine

    I hope some people here enjoy reading these as much as I have

    If you know of anything similar, I would love to hear them

    4 Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem)

    Two years ago, something very strange happened to me while working from my home network. I was exploiting a blind XXE vulnerability that required an external HTTP server to smuggle out files, so I spun up an AWS box and ran a simple Python webserver to receive the traffic from the vulnerable server.

    Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem)
    What are your top three favourite podcasts?
    1. Soft Skills Engineering - Software engineering advice podcast
    2. If Books Could Kill - Criticising reviews of bestselling books
    3. CoRecursive - Stories about software
  • Testing instance and wiping data

    I am wanting to test things and contribute back to lemmy's codebase, and to do that I want to run an instance

    I have had no issue setting up an instance, but I want to make sure the things I test / change are not going to cause issues for the fediverse

    For example, if I federate a remote instance and then wipe my DB (while keeping the same URL), will that other instance be able to handle the change?

    Is there a best practice for this that I should follow?

    Subscribing to a community from another instance always shows "Subscribe Pending". Is this a bug?
  • I think it is a bug and here's why

    I have setup a lemmy instance to understand how it works and hopefully contribute something meaningful

    My instance has 2 users, both are subscribed to the same cross-instance community, but only one is showing Subscribe Pending even if I un-sub and re-sub

    I am not aware of any approval system to subscribe to a community, so I believe the approval was received the community instance, but the "accept" response data was missed / dropped when returning to your host instance

  • Programming Music
  • Maybe something like "Drone Techno"?

  • Programming Music
  • Oh yeah, I remember listening to that when they only had around 5 episodes

    They still do the high-pitched beep when you start or stop I see haha

    Thank you

  • Programming Music
  • Over 24 hours of Cyberpunk music?!?! Oh my god Thank You!!!

  • Programming Music
  • Thank you, I will check them out!

    Two of my old favourites were the Frozen Synapse OST and Dune: Spice Opera (although not technically a soundtrack)

  • Reviews hidden for reddit app on Google play?
  • Also working for me. Lot of 1 stars!

  • Programming Music
  • Wow there is a lot there! Thank you

    I will listen to a few at work this week

  • Programming Music

    I am a big fan of listening to Drone Zone on SomeFM while programming

    Hit me with your favourite streams, albums or artists

    Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims
  • In the timeline at the bottom it says:

    2023-05-05: Converso asks: 'How were you able to decompile the source code of the app and what do you think should be done to protect against that in the future?'

    So I think some of the devs were in way over their heads too!

  • 2039 - Tom Mauritzon

    I fell in love with this album many years ago, I hope someone here will enjoy it too

    Working with AI tools is making employees lonely and prone to drinking, a study finds
  • Not specific to AI, some of the people I work with make me prone to drinking as well

  • Cyberpunk Zines/Documents
  • These are really nice! Thank you

    I followed Paged Out for a year before I realised that Issue #3 was never going to happen

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • So far really good! It has some quirks, and there are some bugs and some teething issue with the large influx of people (specifically on

    It is a mind-set change working with a different system and the whole instance idea is still very new for me

    As an Australia, it was very quiet last night (10ish hours ago), but that will improve as more people join

  • What are your top resources for learning languages?
  • I would love to get suggestions for Japanese resources / apps

    I have done a month of Duolingo and I am sick of hearing Ken ask for sushi every lesson!

  • Global links / Perma-links
  • What about if I want to link to a post that will work for the local instance?

    For example, posted above that is his instance link, and is the link from Neither of which allow me to comment directly.

    Is there linking method that says Give me the link for post #X on instance Y, but give me the link on the viewing instance?

  • how does this work?
  • so if the operator of rambo goes “man fuck this” and shuts it down, the posts/comments are gone? there’s no way to replicate them or sync them or whatever?

    My understanding is that if a user on a different instance is subscribed, then that second instance will keep copies of previous post / comments.

    But there also appears to be a download limit, so over time the non-original instances will lose those copies.

    It's a strange new world over here!

  • Bug breaking all Javascript functions when loading a post Body of post adding a closing tag and breaking window.isoData · Issue #1192 · LemmyNet/lemmy-ui

    Issue Summary If you post body contains something that looks like an unclosed HTML tag, it will be closed automatically and the window.isoData will break. When this happens, you cannot use the prof...

    Body of post adding a closing tag and breaking window.isoData · Issue #1192 · LemmyNet/lemmy-ui

    If a post body contains an unclosed HTML tag, it will be automatically closed it at the end of window.isoData and then all Javascript functionality disappears.

    Eclipse compiler issue

    I am wondering if anyone can help me.

    I have an issue with compiling some code in Eclipse but not with IntelliJ or javac.

    I am using sneakyThrow to bubble a checked exception up through 2 streams.

    Here is the smallest reproducible code I can make:

    ``` import; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import;

    public class Example { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { List<List<Integer>> input = List.of(List.of(1, 2), List.of(2, 4));

    // Should return any List whose elements are all even. List<List<Integer>> output = .filter(bubblePredicate(o -> .allMatch(bubblePredicate(i -> { if (i > 10) { throw new IOException("Number too large."); } return i % 2 == 0; })))) .collect(Collectors.toList());

    System.out.println(output); }

    private interface ThrowingPredicate<S, E extends Exception> { boolean test(S s) throws E; }

    private static <S, E extends Exception> Predicate<S> bubblePredicate(ThrowingPredicate<S, E> callable) throws E { return s -> { try { return callable.test(s); } catch (Exception e) { sneakyThrow(e); return false; } }; }

    private static <E extends Throwable> void sneakyThrow(Exception exception) throws E { throw (E)exception; } } ```

    Compiles and runs completely fine with javac 11.0.12, but doesn't on Eclipse 4.21.0.I20210906-0500 nor Eclipse

    Has anyone encountered this before, or have any idea what I am misunderstanding?

    0 Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims

    How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in a 'state-of-the-art' encrypted messenger called Converso.

    Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims
    8 Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims

    How I accidentally breached a nonexistent database and found every private key in a 'state-of-the-art' encrypted messenger called Converso.

    Testing a new encrypted messaging app's extraordinary claims
    Threen Threen
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    Comments 26