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A better way to farm materials

Aside: Does anyone know if using the holiday/fireworks flak launchers (e.g. Winking Cat) works with the raw materials brain tree method?

Anti-virus/malware desktop software recommendations?

This is not for me but for family and friends who are mostly oblivious to privacy issues. I can generally steer them towards more privacy orientated software but not for anti-virus/malware. I know prevention is better than cure and altering behaviour to avoid them to start with is the best defence but I cannot for the life of me understand how some family end up with so damn much malware on their PCs. They're not going to change their behaviour any time soon, if ever. So antivirus it is.

Apart from ClamAV, is there any anti-malware software that respects privacy? Paid is fine (since most are already paying anyway).

Can't transfer companion eggs from creatures adopted out in the wild - Omega Expedition

Note: This is NOT the rewards eggs. These three eggs are from critters that I found out in the wild, fed, petted and looked after until they were ready to drop an egg. Only it's not letting me transfer any companion eggs, regardless of the source.

Usually on expeditions, if I come across an interesting or cute critter that I want on my main save, I'll get an egg from it and, after the expedition has ended, pass the egg(s) to my spouse (we always play expeditions multiplayer together), reload into my main save and have him transfer back to me.

With this expedition and the new transfer mechanics, we were celebrating not having to do the giving each other stuff and reloading to transfer. Only, I can't transfer eggs that I got from creatures along the way. We started the expedition from our main saves (to see what that was like) rather than starting a new save like we used to.

We also tried the method of me passing the eggs to spouse, swapping to the main save and then spouse giving them back but that doesn't work because as soon as he tries to join my game, it starts the expedition for him again.

Is there any way I can transfer these? Or is my only recourse to back track through a heaps of systems to the planets I got these critters from and get the portal glyphs to then travel there after I've swapped back to my main save? :/

EDIT; I also just noticed I can't transfer the Memories either - I usually like to keep these sorts of things in storage containers as 'souvenirs' of expeditions :(

New Elite Dangerous/Odyssey Deluxe Edition/Pricing update.
  • Great post! I really appreciate how you break things down and give folks realistic solutions. My entire career as a commander has been on Linux (with a HOTAS and a bunch of EDMC plugins).

  • New Elite Dangerous/Odyssey Deluxe Edition/Pricing update.
  • So because Frontier was unable to afford to continue to support it on consoles, you think EVERYONE should lose access? I sympathise that it really sucks for console players but it's better than nothing at all for everyone.

  • Take the MOUNTAIN OF STAIRS stair climbing challenge and get to 625u!

    Do you like a challenge interloper? Are you triggered by escalators and gym or home Stairmasters™ and want the Real Thing™ instead? Have I got some stairs for you!

    A MOUNTAIN OF STAIRS! 150 flights and one thousand, eight hundred WHOLE STAIRS that go 625u high!

    There are SO MANY stairs, it will take you about THREE MINUTES running at FULL TILT just to get to the top! Better get that %SPRNT_BTN% ready! How fast can YOU do it! Enjoy the view and amenities at the summit! FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!



    DISCLAIMER: Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of death. Read at your own risk. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if a 625u high mountain of 1,800 stairs is right for you. Parental guidance advised. Always read the label. Do not use while operating a jetpack or Minotaur. Mountain of Stairs™©® (patent pending) will not be held responsible for accidental rocket boot jumps and resultant deaths from unintended body to ground contact at terminal velocity. May cause eye irritation. Freshest if used before expiry date. Do not use after expiry. Do not eat. Not a toy. Exosuit helmet required during use. If rash, irritation, redness, swelling or heart attack from climbing 1,800 stairs develops, discontinue use. Warranty does not cover normal wear and tear, misuse, accident, unintentional self-extinction via a the Geology Cannon or Plasma Launcher (to appreciate the wonder of the universe, one must first remain alive), incoming storms, solar activity, meteorite strike, nearby supernova and other Acts of Atlas, aliens, incorrect Exosuit voltage, Hazard Protection malfunction, failure to charge the Hazard Protection system, neglect, damage from improper use, unauthorised use, unauthorised repair, improper installation, typographical errors, broken ships, missing or altered serial numbers, unfixed bugs, electromagnetic radiation from nearby gamma radiation planets, or Sentinel activity. Amenities at summit not guaranteed. Hills may not be alive. Flammable. One size fits all. For recreational use only. At participating locations only. Other restrictions that Mountain of Stairs™©® (patent pending) makes up on the spot may apply. This document originates from the Internet, and therefore may not be from the alleged source. If you have any doubts about the origin or content of this disclaimer please contact our Support Desk. Voyagers Expedition limited time only.

    Decided that for the Voyagers Expedition, rather than climbing a 625u high mountain, I would stair climb my way to 625u. It took a long arse time to build all these platforms and stairs as I climbed them as I was building them! Rendezvous 2 planet - Leyc X42 in the Sivikmiyn I system, coords +25.85, +146.50 (so long as the base loads lol). My fastest time is 3:01.04

    Anyone here wanting to join a sub similar to a Reddit one, but it's not here and you don't want to make it because you don't wanna be in charge?
  • There's an illegallysmolcats. I subbed to it today. I'm on my phone so I can't easily post the link but if you search for the name, it should come up.

  • Reddit CEO Steve Huffman's letter to Reddit employees in response to blackout
  • There's reads really passive aggressive. It clearly wasn't intended to actually say anything meaningful to staff but rather something for 1. media that pickup on (won't anyone think of the poor people attacked for wearing Reddit gear in public!), 2. appeasement of potential investors ahead of the IPO (our bottom line is rock solid folks, thousands of subs gone and no impact on profits!) and 3. an unsubtle dig at and gaslighting of people participating in the blackout (fools! This won't last, you'll all come crawling back and this doesn't affect many subs anyway!).

    Spez just keeps doubling down on the Streisand Effect. Challenge accepted arsehole.

  • Thorned_Rose Thorned_Rose
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