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Assassin's Creed Shadows: First Look Gameplay Trailer - Xbox Games Showcase 2024
  • I hope they've gone further towards the old combat style and stealth gameplay. I never liked the new one of just being an 'assassin' by openly running through a fort and stabbing each enemy with spastic animations until their arbitrary and chonky healthbar depletes.

  • Hell yeah
  • This comment has no relevance to anything. If it was trying to imply that Americans don't avoid healthcare due to cost, in effect denying Americans healthcare, it's totally inaccurate. There are thousands of American citizens all over the USA that cannot afford healthcare, and Americans routinely avoid getting needed healthcare just to make ends meet.

    Even Americans with higher incomes avoid healthcare, and here is a link that mentions that specifically:

  • 'Vortex Cannon vs Drone' - Mark Rober shows off tech from a "defense technology company that specializes in advanced autonomous systems". That seems bad
  • I hope for your personal consistency that you then are also okay with a woman in a hijab creating educational videos for youtube.

    Yeah. That's exactly what I was saying. You are correct, I am completely okay with that.

    It is absolutely not okay for a teacher to tell unasked, or to tell children about the belief system / cult they are a part of.

    I disagree. It's perfectly fine for someone to give a sort of disclaimer as to what they believe in and other things like that. The issue is when they start preaching what they believe in without warning while supposedly teaching a different subject.

  • Sex offender banned from using AI tools in landmark UK case
  • While it's true that linear algebra and vectors are used in learning models, they're not using the term correctly in a way that says they know something about the subject (at least, the modern subject). Concepts aren't embedded as vectors. In older models (before the craze), concepts were manually embedded as numbers or a collection of numbers, which could be a vector (but could be something else as well), and the machine would learn by modifying weights. However, in current models (and by current, I mean at least more than a couple years), concepts are learnt by the machine (weights are still modified by the machine as well) and the machine makes its own connections between features presented to it.

    For example, you give it a dataset of 10x10 pixel images (with text descriptions) and it reads that as 100 pixels split into 3 numbers (RGB) and then looks for connections between those numbers and in which pixels. It's not identifying what a boob is, but knows that when an image has 'boob' in the text description then there's a very high likelihood that there will be a circular collection of pixels with lots of red somewhere in the image that are also connected to other pixels that are often also lots of red. That's me breaking down what a human would think given the same task/information, but the reality is the machine will come up with its own connections/concepts which are both often far better than humans (when the model works, at least) and far more ineffable to humans.

  • 'Vortex Cannon vs Drone' - Mark Rober shows off tech from a "defense technology company that specializes in advanced autonomous systems". That seems bad
  • I was not expecting this amount of hate over this video when I clicked on this post. The video is... normal? I don't see issues? This whole thread seems oddly anti-military, anti-tech, and anti-Mark Rober. Like, what, is this tech going to be used to murder children more effectively than bombing a school? Even if it is, why is Mark Rober at fault and actually a phony who's just shelling out for fame/cash? I'm genuinely curious what I'm missing here.

  • 'Vortex Cannon vs Drone' - Mark Rober shows off tech from a "defense technology company that specializes in advanced autonomous systems". That seems bad
  • No?

    There are crazies in every religion, and even agnostics and atheists have their fair share of crazies that go too far. It's also not a great idea to just not expose kids to religious folk (even if that was conceivable, which it's not given how many people are religious) and it's not a great idea to demand they keep it private. Preaching is too far, but it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to tell their students what the teacher believes in and to wear iconography like a necklace of Jesus on the cross. In fact, I would much rather they be extremely public about what they believe in rather than be silent about it.

  • Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art"
  • It's commendable to be good at something that requires a lot of effort. Making a hut with your bare hands is a lot more impressive than making a hut with all the construction tools of the modern day at your disposal. However, so what? I'd still rather have a house made with modern tools because it's cheaper and more efficient for everybody involved.

  • Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art"
  • People dismiss AI art because they (correctly) see that it requires zero skill to make compared to actual art, and it has all the novelty of a block of Velveeta.

    I look at art because I find it pretty, not because someone toiled over it for hours on end. Sure, I respect the artist who made it and think their effort commendable, certainly worth a sum of money, but if something is made such that the art of the craft requires less skill and time surely that is a good thing?

    Novelty of the tool doesn't matter. What's new changes daily, and the point of a tool is not to be new but to be useful.
    If you mean the art itself that is generated being samey or problematic in that sense of non-uniqueness, I disagree wholeheartedly. You can do a lot with learning models, and the sameness people perceive is from inexperienced novices dipping their hands in and flooding the ecosystem with beginner works, in much the same way DeviantArt was once flooded with drawings on the level of stick figures and box people.

    If AI is no more a tool than Photoshop, go and make something in GIMP, or photoshop, or any of the dozens of drawing/art programs, from scratch. I’ll wait.

    A hammer is a tool, and so is an electric jackhammer. You don't tell a construction worker to go use a hammer when an electric jackhammer gets the job done far better and far more efficiently, and not everyone is suited to using a hammer just as not everyone is suited to using an electric jackhammer. They also have different purposes, but certainly the electric jackhammer did replace some of the uses the hammer once had, but it doesn't make the hammer obsolete. I view learning models that generate art in the same manner as an electric jackhammer. Useful and powerful, but ultimately lacking in refinement and the work will certainly need other tools to finish the job.

    This phrase of yours just doesn't mean much. I don't see how making something in GIMP proves anything for anyone?

  • Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art"
  • Humans certainly don't make new things out of nothing. They also take from different sources and combine them together to make something new, whether that's direct inspiration or on a more abstract level through the brain.

    Learning models aren't generating art any more than GIMP or Photoshop is. It's the person behind the tool that makes the art, not the tool. There's certainly an art to prompt smithing.

    I feel like a lot of people dismiss generated art simply because it's new (and because as a byproduct is spits out dozens of junk pieces before getting anywhere good). I don't see how it's that different from someone using photo-editing software built with dozens of algorithms instead of a 'pure' drawing pad, or someone using a drawing pad instead of a pencil, or someone using a pencil instead of chalk. It's a tool, and a great one at that in comparison to many digital tools for artists.

  • Boycott the triple-A games industry
  • Yeah, the title of this post, the meme's upper text, and the rest are all at odds and I'm just confused as to what OP is going for.

    Is the point that consoles are the AAA industry and services normal people with normal needs? How does this mean we should boycott it?

    Are we being tongue-in-cheek? Are we not supposed to boycott the AAA industry?

    Why does this meme single out 'console peasants' as normal people? Is normal bad? Is irregular bad? Is PC bad? But PC gamers also care about gameplay and are regular people? How much sarcasm is supposed to be here?


  • Important distinction
  • This is a classic slippery slope fallacy. Millions of religious people exist from all sorts of ideological spectrums. The vast, vast majority are not evil and don't do bad things.

    The extremism present in religious people is also apparent and present in atheists, agnostics, or whatever generic belief system you can think of. Religion by itself doesn't cause extremism: ad hominems, whataboutisms, and disinformation causes extremism. Constantly comparing yourself to an enemy and convincing yourself you are in the absolute right causes extremism. Sure, you see some 'religious' people going crazy and shooting up places. They also have manifestos that are completely detached from reality in a way that reeks of far-right propaganda and disinformation, and never any real coherence or thought given to the religious teachings they supposedly follow (if they mention their religious texts at all, it's often cherry-picking or outright incorrect).

    We should not try to fix the issues of mental health that plague a lot of countries by going after religion. If anything, that would only backfire by virtue of validating any persecution complex religious people might have. We should instead focus on providing affordable mental healthcare that is easily, immediately accessible and normalized for the wider population, as well as providing clear sources of valid information and having any questionable sources that construe facts and claim to not be news sources in lawsuits or elsewhere be forced to clearly denote themselves as not news regularly.

  • ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit
  • On the note of traffic, I still browse Reddit because it has niche communities that I want to interact with. However, I don't comment, post, or even up/downvote anymore. My interaction is now purely browsing, and I imagine it may be similar for other once-power users.

  • Starfield hits ‘mostly negative’ on Steam, players complain of boredom
  • While I think it makes some business sense to release the modding tools between 6 months to a year after (when their devs aren't working on the game anymore so they can actually develop the tools and strip it of any proprietary software) I do wonder sometimes how things would change if they just delayed the game until the modding tools were ready.

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