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China has declared that all rare earth mineral deposits within the country now belong to the state. China controls 60% of global rare earth mineral reserves and accounts for 90% of production globally
  • That's very interesting, thanks. The whole tone of the second article seems so much different than how we talk about our "democracy" in Canada, where I am from. We talk about it here as a form of prestige ("Canada is so good, we're democratic, unlike those Asian countries"), where that article made it sound like they were celebrating how it helps the people. At least that's my vibe.

    Now that I think of it, I have no idea how their governance works. We're just sorta guided to think the communist party gets together for dinner and decides what everyone has to make for lunch on Thursdays lol. Probably interesting to look into!

  • Sanders: Supreme Court Is “Out of Control” and Must Be Reformed
  • B-B-Bbut I thought Biden was going to stop the fascism? If the vote is for slow descent into fascism and literal fascism, does the vote really matter? There's gotta be something better, man. Very disheartening.

  • China has declared that all rare earth mineral deposits within the country now belong to the state. China controls 60% of global rare earth mineral reserves and accounts for 90% of production globally
  • China is also leading the renewable push, and has made massive innovations in participatory democracy.

    Anywhere I can read about this?

  • Supreme Court overturns ex-mayor’s bribery conviction, narrowing the scope of public corruption law
  • If voting stopped corruption there would no longer be corruption.

  • The US needs to build 2 million houses to revive the American dream of homeownership
  • Maybe just redistribute some wealth? The richest nation in the world can afford to home everyone. Homelessness is a policy decision.

  • U.S. Bans Imports From 3 Chinese Companies Over Ties to Forced Labor
  • It seems directly related to me. If the US government is fine with slave labour at home, then this decision is really only because the companies sanctioned are Chinese.

  • Chiquita found liable for financing paramilitary group
  • I had a guy tell me the US doesn't meddle in Central or South America anymore. 🤔

  • Democrats decry Biden executive order turning away some asylum seekers | US-Mexico border
  • I don't think I wanna ask the US "congressional research service" about the effects of US imperialism. Something tells me they have a bias, but I can't quite put my finger on why.

  • Democrats decry Biden executive order turning away some asylum seekers | US-Mexico border
  • USA doesn’t control the source of the problem, which are random-ass civil wars that occur in Central America or South America.

    Interesting, if largely incorrect opinion.

  • Biden sets out new Israeli proposal to end war in Gaza
  • "please vote for me... NO DON'T LOOK AT THAT GENOCIDE I'M DOING.. just vote pls"

  • "Socialism is when LGBT folk are given human rights"
  • I'm under 30, but I remember when Russia was the big bad in western politics. Now our fascist parties are aligning themselves with Russia? It's very odd to me.

  • I dunno. Epstein was pretty high profile (and it might not have worked out great for him, either), but a former president is really high profile. I have no idea how they would handle it, but if we're lucky enough to see it, it'll be quite interesting for sure

  • Ah that's probably true. He's rich and white enough to end up in a resort prison, I'm sure.

  • I get what you're saying, but I think without that protection it's pretty likely he'd be killed in prison.

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • I appreciate your point of view here for sure, even if we disagree.

    I do understand that Biden is the "better option" in this circumstance. And I'm not even American so I couldn't vote for him anyway lol. But if I was American I still would struggle to bring myself to bring myself to actually vote for him as it feels like giving my consent to this broken system that is bringing suffering and death to millions. The Trump or Biden decision is not democracy, it's the choice between two awful political ideologies which both perpetuate pain for everyone. To vote is to validate that system, to refuse to participate is the only way to not consent to the system which brings continued suffering for the whole planet.

    Of course, if I had the means and ability, I would be out organizing and helping to build something different. In my opinion, that is the only way forward. Though, honestly, that ideal is sort of out of desperation since it feels to me like there's nothing to save from liberal representative politics, we'd have to build a direct democracy or something progressive that protects the vulnerable. Something that I hope exists and we just can't think of it the same way that we couldn't do better than the divine right of kings in the 1600s.

    But I find myself rambling 🤣 Thanks for the discussion. I also hope things get better in our lifetime!

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • I'm not American either lmao. Just assumed since you're taking all 3 inches from Biden that'd you'd be American. Didn't realize the propaganda machine was outsourced yet.

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • Damn, not very civilized democrat of you tbh

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • Firstly, I'm not even American. It's not that I don't understand what Biden supporters are saying, but Biden and Neo-liberal ideas are harmful to me personally and also to millions of people. My personal example is disability. I rely on disability assistance just to eat. Neo-liberal politicians let that rot and slowly take it away. Sure, Trump will take it away faster, but voting for people who are able to shrug off my very existence is not something I'm willing to do. My opinion of it is that people who are crying out "blue no matter who" are privileged enough to not already be suffering much and are able to continue to stomach the status quo, but I am no longer able to do that..

    All of this is, of course, notwithstanding the ongoing genocide Biden is propping up.

    I appreciate your thoughtful reply.

  • Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • Ah yes, voting for the kids in camps guy will stop the concentration camps 😂

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