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[MacRumors] Japan Passes Law to Allow Third-Party App Stores on the iPhone
  • Well, they formally try to comply but do this in a way that ensures that no one will be using it:

  • [MacRumors] Japan Passes Law to Allow Third-Party App Stores on the iPhone
  • Hopefully they’ll be more successful than EU.

  • An immersive LED walled night club
  • Get seasick and vomit in less than a minute… 🤢

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • I personally don’t use trains, because there are no reasonable connections on the routes I frequently use. Also, trips by train (especially when it’s cross-border), are often more expensive than the corresponding flights.

  • Chance The Rapper is so BACK
  • Pretty good, imo too.

  • Chromium Manifest V3 Explained for Toddlers
  • No one is being forced to use Chrome.

  • Dienstmeldung: Nutzt Lemmy Clients (Android, iOS & Web) für Zugang zu feddit
  • Ist das nicht die PWA zur eigentlichen Voyager App.

  • Danke Vulkangruppe
  • Hey, für die Befreiung aus imperialistischer Knechtschaft verzichtest du sicher gerne auf deinen Kräutersalat, oder?

  • Tethered plastic caps
  • I had no idea that this is a global phenomenon.

  • doorbells have rules
  • So what's the deal? Just rush in without ringing and try to shoot the house owner first?

  • Klaus Fuchs gave them to you!

  • Judge in Trump’s civil fraud trial faces bomb threat ahead of closing arguments
  • All of those judges, attorneys and critics might end up in jail when big orange comes into power again. You just have to listen to his „Project 2025“ agenda.

    And nobody shall say they didn’t know what they were electing…

  • Spektrum zwischen CDU und AfD: Abgeordnete verhandeln offenbar über Parteigründung
  • Im ersten Moment dachte ich, das wäre ein Beitrag vom Postillion.

  • Giuliani spread lies about Georgia election workers. A jury will decide what he owes them.
  • He‘ll surely be attorney general or something similar in the next Trump administration.

  • Mormon church helps keep child sex abuse cases hidden from scrutiny | AP News
  • I believe that they are doing much worse things than this kind of abuse. But it’s a “religion“, so the state lets them do their thing.

    In Europe some churches even have their own jurisdiction (e.g. Catholic), so for quite a long time it was left up to them to rule their own child sexual abuse cases, which mostly meant that the priest or bishop, who was abusing children, was just sent to another place.

  • Average Lemmy Active Users by Month
  • I have to admit that I still go back to Reddit regularly. There‘s just (still) more interesting / engaging content and more interaction there. Although I would be happy to go „all in fediverse“.

  • Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses
  • If you talk anonymously to “Q” - are you then “Q-Anon”?

  • Echtzeitüberweisungwn sollen in der EU nichts mehr kosten.
  • Dann bezahlst du jeden Monat dafür (und anderes). Echtzeitüberweisungen sind eher bei den kostenfreien Konten kostenpflichtig.

  • Is it possible to get a Link Preview somehow?

    I have been looking in settings, but somehow I can’t find a setting to show link previews for URLs instructions instead of just a copy of the title with a frame around it.

    If that is not a feature yet, I would like to request it. All other Lemmy apps I am currently testing show link preview, so the Liftoff timeline looks kinda weird.

    Other than that I really like the clean UI design!

    TheProtagonist TheProtagonist
    Posts 3
    Comments 190