I left reddit for Lemmy because I was fed up with how auth-left that site was becoming. I thought that Lemmy, being still new would be better balanced and less hostile for a regular pro-market classical liberal like me.
And this is the level of shit I find in here. Fuck ya'll I'm out.
Nää on näitä ulostuloja jotka on omiaan lisäämään sitä polarisoitumista.
Tuossa on paljonkin ongelmia, mutta lähdetään nyt vaikka siitä että konservatismi on täysin eri asia, kun oikeistolaisuus, eikä tutkimus itsekkään osaa määritellä näitä termejä tyydyttävästi.
Haluaisin myös kuulla sen lopputulema, jota sinä yrität tällä saavuttaa? En lue itseänikin oikeistolaiseksi, mutta kannatan tiettyjä toimia, jotka voi lukeakin oikeistolaiseksi. Olenko siis mielestäsi sadisti ja narsisti? Jos näin on niin eihän mulla ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kun jatkossakin äänestää kokoomusta, koska toiselta suunnalta saa kuulla että olen yksinkertaisesti paha ihminen, koska tahdon keskiluokan veroprosenttia hieman alas, ja ihmisille lisää henkilökohtaista vastuuta omasta elannostaan.
Miten selität hallituksen vakaan kannatuksen?
How are you not auth left?
And does "purge" mean violence to you?
Yes, you are auth-left. Your views on personal liberty are authoritarian. I am a liberal, but that's all I am going to say about myself.
Did you just link to a comment I didn't make? The delusions of auth-left never ceases to amaze me.
No one hasn't mentioned violence except you. The word "attack" can mean many things.
You are being entirely idealistic. You are saying things that sound nice to you without considering how realistic they are.
You cannot attack an ideology without attacking the people who make up that ideology. They cannot be cleanly distinguished from each other.
At some level you even realize this.
Conservatives should be openly mocked and ridiculed for their cruelty and violence. They should be laughed out of office.
This means attacking the people. You are talking about making conservatives social pariahs, having them lose their livelihoods and power.
So yes, destroy conservatism, but if you don't have the stomach to do everything that simple statement entails, get out of my way.
What have you not made up your mind about?
So? That's what I am saying. What are they saying in your opinion? To silently seethe at the conservatives while not doing anything?
Is this the law that essentially denies the existence of one Sami group?
So true. There must be no forgiveness, no tolerance, no acceptance. Conservatives must be purged from this planet. This is the ONLY way forward, if we want a society that is good for everybody.
Right, it's easy to just make up your mind about something (with no evidence), when everyone who is telling you otherwise can be labeled as nazis, pigs, murderers, or whatever the Current Thing happens to be 🤭