I wouldn't personally say that it has anything to do with fatigue or oversaturation. I think the reality of it is that the majority of these movies have no heart, feeling, or direction. The obvious counter example to this trend is the Guardians of the Galaxy films, all of which are dripping with heart and are obviously thoughtfully crafted, and are all around good moving despite being in the MCU. If this universe of films were all given the same amount of care and thought as those films, I think they would all be successful. But alas, capitalism.
Read any books written by Bruce Cummings
You do realize that America already overthrew Russia's government once, and that is how Putin came to be in the first place, right? You expect cycle #2 to go better?
There usually isn't any money to be made by being a union leader, so there's no incentive for pieces of shit of this ilk to vie for such a position.
US President Joe Biden comments on his wife as a woman he's never seen before, but that he thinks she looks pretty.
gimp desperately needs some overhaul
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All that anyone needs to know about Ron Paul was documented in the film Bruno
How can China violate its own airspace?