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[Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on your Deck? - February 2024
  • I tried the demo, and I'm gonna be honest it ain't for me

    The gameplay is fine, but it's the UI, controls and stuff letting it down. Its not very polished. Probably just early stages of development.

    I had a frustrating start, trying to drive a broken vehicle for about 10minutes. I even googled why I couldn't start the engine. (No luck) Then I got out and saw the icon indicating broken car. Yeah it's me being dumb but a well built game would think of this and help the player if they're trying to start a broken car

    I stopped playing after about 30mins, the initial frustration used up too much of my patience

    I may give it another chance in about a year or so, when it's more polished and maybe out of early access

    Also some of the controller glyphs are quite difficult to see on the deck, looks all jagged

  • [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on your Deck? - February 2024
  • Gonna check it out, thanks!

    I'm looking for a game with realistic handling where I can race down some roads with traffic. Asseto corsa with mods is perfect but it won't run on steam deck!

    How's the controller support? The steam verification doesn't look promising

  • [Discussion] What were your favorite and least favorite games you played on Deck in 2023?
  • Haha thanks for reading!

    And yeah it took me a few tries to get into stardew. Mainly because I was playing a simple looking game on a beefy desktop pc, it didn't sit right with me

    The deck however, being in bed and playing stardew?? Hell yeah

    Not every game is for everyone, if you don't like it fair enough and move on! But I will say it gets very addicting once you've learned the game and played through the first "season"

  • [Discussion] What were your favorite and least favorite games you played on Deck in 2023?
  • It's a game that requires next to no focus to play. Perfect for putting on a podcast and relaxing. Probably best for those who enjoy driving. Not everyone's cup of tea tho, I get that

    As for the UI, if it's like ets2, it's dated but not too bad. It is an old but very good truck driving game

    Especially after you configure it with control settings on the deck. It has native steam input support so all controls are configured on the deck menus itself.

    It's really easy, I have right touchpad for looking around and using the mouse in menus, and back paddles to signals, center camera and toggle lights

    For some reason, I simply focus so much better when playing ets2 lool. I can't listen to podcasts any other way, my mind always wonders

  • [bug] markdown separator line (***) doesn't render correctly on sync

    I use the line to separate a section in my post but it doesn't show up correctly on sync. It should draw a solid line on a separate line rather than drawing the line at the end of the previous sentence


    File server for photos

    Hi I want to have a server running on my pc where 4 people can each mass upload photos to their own respective folders.

    They are on iPhone and have 700+ photos each. I would like them to upload it all to my server, but I also need this to be an easy process for them to select and upload.

    Any suggestions on software?

    Edit: thank you guys! Immich looks great, I will set that up

    (Offline) AutoTLDR bot

    (bot is offline, got some error that I need to figure out)

    hi, just wanted to share a little bot i created which will give you a tldr of link posts (similar to the reddit one.)

    Its in its early stages so there may be problems, and its the first time i have used typescript so it probably will have some issues until i figure them out as i go along

    trigger it by mentioning "\" in a comment for any link post. and it will make a new parent comment with the tldr

    i could have it auto comment on all link posts but i would run through the 100 api calls limit quite quickly, i want to see how it does on the free tier before paying for the paid tier

    i havent seen one on lemmy anywhere which is why i decided to make one. the api it uses is on a free tier which is limited to 100 calls a day. so please be mindful of not calling it multiple times in one post (still need to figure out that part.)

    it also currently only works on (due to the 100 limit). i could pay for the api if it gets enough interest

    Once the 100calls limit is reached, the bot will stop responding (I assume) for a day (no idea if that's 24 hours or 12am)

    How to get rid of a cold fast?

    I am going on holiday in 3 days and of course my body decided a couple days ago to catch a cold...right before my long awaited holiday!!

    Any tips on how to get rid of it asap? Speed up the recovery somehow?

    I have flu/cold medicine with paracetamol, caffeine and phenylephrine hydrochloride, however I have stopped taking it after 2 doses (of two capsules each) so I can allow my body to do what it needs with no obstruction before I go away..

    I am resting (sleeping until I feel rested. I have free days before the holiday so can sleep as much as I need), eating light meals, plenty of drinks and soothers for the dry/sore throat

    Does taking medicine to relieve symptoms prolong the actual healing process? Or am I suffering for no reason right now?

    Please, any help is appreciated, I'm desperate here 🙏🙏

    Lemmy UI frontend contribution

    Hi, I would like to contribute to lemmys front end UI

    I have some experience in frontend development with little experience in backend development.

    Is it possible for me to spin up a local front end that is run off an already running backend? Or is the only way to run a backend on my own pc?

    I am using windows, and the contribution docs don't mention anything about windows, it has commands to run for Linux/Mac. Would anyone be able to assist?

    Is there a more appropriate community for this question? Couldn't find one so hopefully this is good enough here


    For anyone that comes across this, I used docker to run the backend and then modify the yml config to point to my local front-end

    direct links to pirated media

    So now that we've moved from Reddit, what's the stance on linking content? Or even discussing releases? Still a bad move?

    I know it was stopped on Reddit due to the risk of the sub being taken down. But here there is no risk (for now) ?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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