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bro pls
  • STOP ACCELERATING PARTICLES! Years of research and no use found for particles any smaller than SAND!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Good room acoustics can make dialogue discernible at lower speaker volumes.

  • bro pls
  • How about one that goes around the circumference of the Earth? That would be boss.

  • ADHD TankieTanuki [he/him]
    Acquiring medication now takes up nearly an entire day every month (because of the DEA)

    In a few hours, I will begin a two-hour (one-way) drive to the pharmacy to pick up a 30-day supply of generic Adderall.

    It's not for a lack of any closer pharmacies, and it's not because of the stimulant shortage. I have to drive this far because of new DEA rules.

    I used to get Adderall from my local Buy n Large pharmacy without a problem, until a few weeks ago. I asked the head pharmacist what had changed, and he explained everything to me while expressing extreme sympathy for my situation. Apparently, the DEA recently sued Buy n Large for $3 billion for "not doing enough to keep drugs from flowing into communities", and part of the settlement agreement included a new restriction: that controlled substances can only be dispensed if the prescribing physician is local (defined as within 50 miles). He recommended I try other pharmacies in town, but all others I called had taken up a similar policy.

    I live in a rural area which, like most rural areas in America, is underserved by healthcare specialists including psychiatrists. When I moved here, I had to drive two and a half hours to the nearest megacity in order to be seen by a psychiatrist in a timely manner (<90 days). I do most follow-up appointments by webcam so it wasn't too much of a problem... until now.

    I like to create original media. Nearly every piece of worthwhile art I've ever created was made possible by my medication. The periods I go without it are the dark ages of my life. That's why I'm willing to make the drive today.

    It pisses me off that I have to waste so much time, energy, and gasoline because a cop in a boardroom somewhere decided that too many people were getting Adderall and the best way to combat this "problem" would be to make it more of a pain in the ass for people to get.

    cross-posted from:

    Do cosmologists know for sure that the Big Bang is propelling all matter away?
  • When I talk about my Big Bang Theory fan page it propels women away. sadness

  • Blasting a few reps before lunch

    Fortune favors the prepared. :arm-L: :comrade-raccoon: :arm-R:

    The WHO recently released a self-crit report and the imperialist media is lying about it in order to bash China and the WHO

    The WHO chartered something called the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, and yesterday they released their second report. It's not too long, so I read the whole thing to judge for myself how bad the headlines are. Here's my summary of its contents:

    • The whole world was totally unprepared

    • Measurements like the Global Health Security Index turned out to be bullshit

    • Social media has created an infodemic

    • Inequalities everywhere have been exacerbated

    • Poorer countries are unjustly being left without access to PPE and vaccines

    • Precarious and informal workers in wealthy countries are suffering disproportionately

    • "Public health containment measures should have been implemented immediately in any country with a likely case. They were not."

    • Some countries (unnamed) sacrificed public health and lives to make the line go up

    • Overall, the Asia-Pacific countries and the Africa CDC have been doing a decent job

    • The global supply chain is weak

    • The WHO should have used the term "pandemic" sooner than March

    • The WHO is underfunded and forced to waste too much time fundraising

    Also buried in the report is this single criticism of China:

    >Public health measures could have been applied more forcefully by local and national health authorities in China in January.

    Guess which parts the Western media chose to focus on?

    Business Insider: An elite panel of world leaders has called out China for its bungled coronavirus response

    CNN: China and WHO acted too slowly to contain Covid-19, says independent panel

    Forbes: China, World Health Organization Failed To Act Quickly At The Start Of The Covid-19 Pandemic, Report Finds

    The Week: Independent panel slams China and WHO over Covid-19 response

    AP: China, WHO should have acted quicker to stop pandemic

    Sydney Morning Herald: 'Signal was ignored': Independent inquiry criticises China and WHO over COVID

    Seattle Times: Panel: China, WHO should have acted quicker to stop pandemic

    Remember when the imperialist media was criticizing China for acting too aggressively and authoritarian with its lockdowns? Lmao

    TankieTanuki TankieTanuki [he/him]

    A furry Marxist-Leninist varmint

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