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'He has made me feel unsafe': Ohio sheriff's Kamala Harris Facebook post draws complaints
  • Nah, see, it's just typical victim blaming. He's pretty much doing the whole "why do you make me hurt you" gaslighting bullshit you get from all abusers.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse texts pledging to ‘murder’ shoplifters disillusion his ex-spokesperson
  • Well, he already got himself cancelled once over President Convict's 2nd Amendment bonafides. Maybe he'll do it again and it'll stick this time.

  • McConnell: Democrats would end the filibuster if they sweep on Election Day "I don’t think they’re kidding. I think they’ll do it"
  • Imagine him croaking from exhaustion because he has to actually get up there and stand for hours on end. A man can dream...

  • Alabama executes death-row prisoner with nitrogen gas
  • So, this is similar to how lethal injection executions were getting botched because all the people who knew how to do it properly refused to on moral and ethical grounds, and the states decided to push ahead anyway?

  • Striking Boeing Machinists Reject "Final Offer" Of 30% Pay Rise
  • 30% isn't much better than 25%. It's, what, an extra 1% per year? Still not enough to keep up with inflation.

  • Two dead women aren't enough for the GOP to back emergency abortions
  • Why would they? As far as they're concerned, this is the intended outcome.

  • Kmart to close its last remaining store in the contiguous U.S. Here's where it is.
  • Didn't realize K-mart was even still in business.

  • JD Vance has the clap, pass it on.
  • Apparently he's not the only person who goes around fucking couches.

  • FBI stats show murder dropped 11.6%, the largest single year decline in the last 20 years
  • Where's that "Joe Biden did this" sticker?

    Ah, here we go:

  • Israel considering plan to ethnically cleanse northern Gaza: Report
  • That is merely a continuation of the original ethnic cleansing that reduced Palestine to Gaza and the West Bank to begin with.

  • Elon Musk steps up political giving with six-figure donation to House Republicans
  • Campaigns being explicitly publicly funded would also have the benefit that if the fatcats want to contribute more*, they'd need to pay more taxes!

    *while still not getting to choose who they're actually contributing to, because eat the rich

  • We're so fucked
  • The entire point is that Biden won't, though. It's just more of the rules for thee, not for me shit that fascists love.

  • Party members pinup
  • Gale rockin' the Wavemother's Robe!

  • I can't put my finger on the problem here...
  • And when I find the six fingered man, I will say to him: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

  • Senior Saudi royal urges US to cut financial and military support to Israel
  • But I really don't like the idea of agreeing or disagreeing with someone based on the person saying it.

    But that's not what I was doing? I'm agreeing with him, because the House of Saud being a bunch of fuckers doesn't make his statement any less true. But the fact remains that they are still fuckers, and asking me to be okay with that is unreasonable.

  • Senior Saudi royal urges US to cut financial and military support to Israel
  • I hate that I'm agreeing with a member of the House of Saud on anything, and yet here we are.

  • Elon Musk Has a New Excuse for Not Making It to Mars
  • Whine, whine, whine. It's not like the US is the only people with a space program. Just go to fucking Russia already, you piece of shit.

  • CNN’s Kaitlan Collins Says Trump Advisers ‘Praised Him To His Face’ After Debate — But Told Her They Were ‘Stunned’ By Failures
  • Well, it's not like First Lady Convict was going to be supportive, so someone had to do it.

  • C rule
  • It figures that the one time Detect Mimic really was a false positive, she got a C textbook out of it.

  • [Silly] Strike, Hm.

    What do you mean, Mrs. Loheng-Rinko totally counts as a Seed kit! I'll fight anyone who disagrees in Gunpla Battle.

    Anyway, the Strike is from the BB Senshi Striker Weapon System kit, but I wouldn't have been able to fit it onto her lap if any of the weapon packs had been equipped. Sad. Once I get the Skygrasper painted, because holy crap it needs it, I'll stick all the weapons on it instead and add it to the stand.

    MG Shin Musha Gundam Sengoku no Jin Black Robe Large Armor

    Whoof, that name's a mouthful. But anyway. This kit. I love it. The fact that it came with this entire display area, complete with tapestries in the back, is just so ridiculously amazing. Like, sure, this is based on the MG 1.5 RX-78, so the hands don't necessarily hold the weapons that well, but who cares? Just put them in the weapon racks and the Gundam itself in seiza.

    [Resin Kit] Model Bingo 1/100 Mercurius & Vayeate

    Headon view:


    Something I've been working on off and on for a few years. Ostensibly a 2xTallgeese conversion kit (one for each), although it really doesn't use very much from the Tallgeese at all, just mostly the limb joints. I found out later that this is because the kit was a rework of an earlier resin Kit that didn't use any Tallgeese parts at all to begin with.

    MG Wing Zero Snow White ver.

    My very first MG kit, originally built almost 20 years ago, newly repainted and equipped with the Seraphim binders and Neue Zwergs from the Effect Wings Snow White addon kit. Had to strip off all the original decals for the painting, but honestly the stickers hadn't handled 20 years worth of dust very well anyway. Also, the original hands were terrible at actually holding the buster rifles, so I put in some magnets to stick them to the forearms

    The School of the Undefeated of the East! (RG God Gundam + expansion parts)

    Or, according to the manual "EAST INVINCIBLE", which is some jarring Engrish given how well translated the rest of it was. Now I just need Bandai to release a HGFC Rising Gundam so I can pose them together for the Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken.

    Bonus: Nobell Gundam on a horse


    Maximum firepower! (MG Wing Zero ver Ka)

    Messer Zwergs are from the Effect Wings Snow White addon kit. The paint mixture I used ended up being more blue than I expected, but all in all it still turned out pretty well.

    Bonus: there's something not right about this Snow White, but I can't quite put my finger on it...


    America! (MG 2.0 RX-78-2 [US] Gundam American Type)

    Rear view:


    I already posted a pic of this in a mostly completed state alongside the Kiryu, but this can now be considered actually done. Mostly just a straight pallet swap (blue > white, red > blue, yellow to red), not including the stripes and shoulder armor. The stylized RX-78 emblem and the star field are actually custom decals I printed onto blank water slide paper, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out. Not pictured is the core fighter, which has also been pallet swapped. At some point I'll do a resin cast of the MG 3.0 core block and sitting pilot figure and replace the core fighter with them so that I can have the core fighter out on display too. Aside from that, probably the only other thing I might do is tint the beam javelin effect parts pink.

    Not Gunpla, but Kiryu deserves an exception

    Aoshima's Type 3 Kiryu Kai Eva-02 color version, with a partially finished MG 2.0 Gundam (repainted in the American Type colors) for comparison. Since the Kiryu normally just has uniformly silver armor all over, to get the Evangelion style coloring a lot of pieces were pre-painted on the runners. Which is nice in that it saves me the trouble of painting it myself (or gods forbid, applying giant stickers to recolor pieces), but unfortunately it does leave nub marks. Build complexity isn't quite at MG standard, but there is enough of an inner skeleton that I would still rate it as more than HG. Price is a little steep, being more in the high end action figure range than what would be expected for a comparable Gunpla, but all in all I'm pretty satisfied with the kit.

    Not generally a fan of portrait orientation, but in this case...

    Gundam Epyon (Sturm und Drang unit), with decals and topcoat applied. What I really wanted to do was to have the Epyon hold it straight up with both hands, like the He-Man pose, but alas the wrist articulation doesn't support that pose.

    Fun fact: the tip of the tail is actually in one of the holes in the base plate, acting as a brace to keep the model from tipping backwards.

    From Neo-America, it's Chibodee Crocket in the Gundam Maxter! Gundam Fight! Ready? GO!

    Decent build, all around. If I had one complaint, it'd be the clamps holding the feet to the surfboard. The clamps have a single peg at the back that go into the grooves on the board, which allows for some fairly dynamic poses, but they're at risk of popping out if the Maxter gets jiggled too hard.

    I might keep it like this, or I might switch to having the armor blasting off as well; haven't quite decided yet.

    Musha Gundam MK II Tokugawa Ieyasu ver.

    Sure, maybe I could've put this in a dynamic action pose. But samurai Gundam goes into seiza position.

    How are in-store pickup sales tracked for revenue?

    So, obviously, if you go to a brick-n-mortar store and buy something there, it counts as a sale for the store, with stores that don't get enough sales often closing. But if I order something online from, say, Best Buy and pick it up in store, how is that tracked? Does it count as a sale for the store, even though I didn't actually buy it there? If not, do companies use a separate metric (ie this store doesn't get as many sales, but people still come in to pick up stuff, so we'll keep it open)?

    TallonMetroid TallonMetroid
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