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WhatsApp backups on Android will soon count toward your Google Account storage
  • They've been playing the long game here...encroaching on your Drive storage for years

    • Gmails didn't used to count towards storage
    • Photos didn't used to count towards storage (unless stored in "Original" quality)

    I'm wagering "Location Data" will be along soon. Then "number of passwords stored".

    Next move will be "number of connected devices", even though that doesn't impact how much they have to store.

    Finally they will get round to billing you on your number of individual body hairs (shaving in breach of T&Cs).

  • Seriously???
  • Yes, you're absolutely right, I'd forgotten about that.

    I think my main point is still valid though - Godzilla is a physical manifestation of the destruction that nuclear activity can cause.

    As I read on another post somewhere: "Ask a Japanese, and radiation creates monsters. Ask an American, and radiation creates superheros."

  • Science says teens need more sleep. So why is it so hard to start school later?
  • Yeah you were lucky. I had to take public transport for the number 93 bus. Memories of queuing in the rain.

    On the plus side, the bus was filled with pretty Japanese students going from their Hall of Residence to University.

  • One of the many reasons why Alien is so incredible
  • I saw this movie at the cinema in 1979 when it was released. I was 14, therefore 4 years too young to see it (UK, "X Certificate), but a member of friend group with a gruff voice went to the ticket office).

    Large cinema, packed out, lots of excited mumbling until the film started.

    After the face-hugger jump shot, total and absolute silence. And the at the chest-burster scene... absolute chaos. Screams. Real screams, not happy roller coaster screams. A few people leaving, unable to take it.

    And it got me. It hit me hard. I had deliberately avoided any description of the movie so had no expectations, and then this happened, ,right there in front of me. The gore, the realistic acting, the pain of John Hurt...oh my...

    That set the scene for the rest of the movie and you knew they weren't fucking about.

    It traumatized me for weeks. Superb movie.

    Edited on request.

  • Seriously???
  • I hate that this is even a thing.

    • Godzilla is a metaphor (either intended or simply ingrained in the Japanese psyche) for Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    • King Kong is a "Beauty and the Beast" love story

    They are from different eras and are important films in their own way.

    But we end up getting this shite because monsters must fight monsters, apparently.

    It's all a load of fucking shit and devalues the importance of each movies. It should never have been made.

    Anyway, I haven't seen the movie but Godzilla would win. Atomic breath. Come on guys, the monkey's dead meat that you can't touch for a hundred thousand years.

  • I'm not asking to be rich.
  • By that logic:

    1. Isolation is not freedom
    2. Freedom (includes¹) the ability to mingle with other societies. But whilst you are in the company of other societies, you are bound by their social constructs (rules,laws). So you aren't free, except of course you're free to leave. In which case, see (1).

    ¹ The use of the word "includes" implies other examples exist. What are they?

  • apple users in a nutshell
  • Android User here. Never owned any Apple device.

    But they're fucking good quality. Anyone can see that. So what's the problem?

    I like Android 'cos I like dicking about with it. Some people don't want to dick about with their phones, they want to do other stuff that could be more interesting.

  • I'm not asking to be rich.
  • I don't think anything can.

    I think the only way to experience true freedom would be to live, alone, on an unrecognised island, or in a space capsule.

    The moment you encountered another person, you'd need to establish rules so you could co-exist in peace. No theft, for example.

    At which point you aren't free.

  • I'm not asking to be rich.
  • Money buys liberty. Choices buy happiness. If you have more money, you have more choices available to you.

    If money bought happiness there would be no sad rich people, but there are plenty of them.

  • Humane’s AI Pin (smartphone that projects on to your palm) launching soon @ $699 + 24$/mo subscription + integrates with openAI
  • What a shame. A lot of guys will have worked hard on this, perhaps going on a journey from initial enthusiasm at the novel gimmick to anxiety over real-world usability.

    Sadly they're going to lose all their money or, even worse, find a way to pay back the VC.

  • Rule
  • I'm unclear about the Fraud charges.

    In a Fraud case, you deliberately set out to take other people's money, illegally, from the offset.

    I don't think he did that. I think his intentions were honest but he got too cocky by providing loans and overspending. However, I feel that he thought he was smart enough to make it all back and make good, like Nick Leeson.

    I don't think he set out to be a crook. I think he set out to be extremely wealthy, thought he was smarter than he was, then couldn't cope when things started to collapse.

    It's different from setting out to craft a scheme to rob people.

  • UK News community

    First ever post, so I hope this is structured OK and hello to all fellow Lemmy migrants! Anyway, here's my question: is there a UK News community? I've found world news and of course CasualUK, but it'd be great to have a community focused on genuinely important headlines of the days with a focus on my home nation. Am I missing something obvious or isn't there such a thing on just yet? I'm still just fumbling my way around.

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