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Social Credit Scores In Portland?

Second Video

Blueline Transportation Systems

Recently, I've found two videos that claim there's a wide spread real-life social credit score system being put into place in Portland Oregon. One of these videos (The direct link) is of a man making various claims about the scale and use of these alleged social credit systems, while the file download is a corroborating video showing the system in action. In the video, the system in question appears to be made by 'Blueline Transportation Services', an Portland based company that transports diesel, jet fuel, and asphalt. I would appreciate it if anyone here had any information that could help put this into perspective.


Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in prison cell
  • I've read everything he's ever written. A real genius, who was able to look beyond many of our modern, pointless issues and understand the real long term threat of modernization.

    RIP to a real one.

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  • Happiness comes from goals, love, and expression. I strive to do as much of all three as possible.

  • What is your goal in life?
  • Live a happy life with people that I love.

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  • Especially crazy down here in Florida. The temperature jumped from mid 70's to low 40's just last week. Where I live, there's plenty of people without heat in their homes that are trying everything to stay warm. It's a sad predicament.

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  • That's nice. But I'm just hoping that the Wayland session is called 'WFCE' for 'Wayland Form Common Environment'.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Floridian here. It's fucking miserable. Most people can't be outside for more than 30 minutes without having to run back into the air conditioning. The local farmers market is loosing business because people don't want to leave their houses in the summer heat.

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  • Tomatoes. I hate tomatoes with a burning passion. I audibly gasped in fear when I got a tomato on my burger the other day. This includes red sauce and ketchup, if I even see anything with a Tomato I instantly die.

  • People who downvote leftist articles and memes, why are you here?
  • In China the government owns the means of production, not the people collectively. It is state capitalist. Not fascist? Remember the Tienanmen Square Massacre?

  • People who downvote leftist articles and memes, why are you here?
  • I don't reed the news lol. I only ever really go online to read and talk about Linux and technology. Every single government, including China and the USA are all run by fascists and useful idiots. I oppose Capitalism, much like I oppose the ruthless state capitalism that is prevalent in China.

  • People who downvote leftist articles and memes, why are you here?
  • Someone who supports the Chinese government or other brutal state capitalistic states under the guize of 'communism'. I am also defiantly not a capitalist lol. Just a anarchist.

  • People who downvote leftist articles and memes, why are you here?
  • Neoliberal /=/ someone who isn't a tankie.

  • Stop saying the cloud is just someone else's computer - because it's not
  • Yes, but the whole argument that a lot of people have against the cloud is that it is going to shut down eventually. If I buy a game on my laptop, its mine. I own it. But if I get it on the cloud, once the cloud goes down I am never getting that game back. Even if it's a army of supercomputers its still flawed in that you can never really 'own' anything you get on the cloud because it is running on someone else's machine.

  • Stop saying the cloud is just someone else's computer - because it's not
  • OK, but, the cloud has to run on Something. The Cloud, by deffinition, is running on a computer that's not yours.

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  • I would recommend MataGer as they are a non profit and have their own crawlers.

  • SudoDnfDashY SudoDnfDashY

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