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Comrade Titanic
  • Well the typical maritime disaster back then had far more resemblance with that of the SS Arctic's sinking, which had no surviving women and children no matter their status. It's the crew that's most likely to survive. The women and children were the most likely to perish. Every man for himself was indeed the norm, which is why the Titanic seemed special. It's more down an individual's survival skills, whether they were stationed/staying in the safest parts of the ship, and in some cases even their willingness to screw other people over in order to survive.

    Gender, Social Norms and Survival in Maritime Disasters by Mikael Elinder, Oscar Erixson

    Our results provide new insights about human behavior in life-and-death situations. By investigating a new and much larger sample of maritime disasters than has previously been done, we show that women have a substantially lower survival rate than men. That women fare worse than men has been documented also for natural disasters (32-36). We also find that crew members have a higher survival rate than passengers and that only 7 out of 16 captains went down with their ship. Children appear to have the lowest survival rate.

    Moreover, we shed light on some common perceptions of how situational and cultural conditions affect the survival of women. Most notably, we find that it seems as if it is the policy of the captain, rather than the moral sentiments of men, that determines if women are given preferential treatment in shipwrecks. This suggests an important role for leaders in disasters. Preferences of leaders seem to have affected survival patterns also in the evacuations of civilians during the Balkan Wars (37).

    Moreover, we find that the gender gap in survival rates has decreased since WWI. This supports previous findings that higher status of women in society improve their relative survival rates in disasters (35). We also show that women fare worse, rather than better, in maritime disasters involving British ships. This contrasts with the notion of British men being more gallant than men of other nationalities.

    Finally, in contrast to previous studies, we find no association between duration of the disaster and the influence of social norms. Based on our analysis, it becomes evident that the sinking of the Titanic was exceptional in many ways and that what happened on the Titanic seems to have spurred misconceptions about human behavior in disasters.

  • Capitalism Breeds Innovation
  • I got the original picture from what is apparently a Forbes ad campaign by Goodby Silverstein.

  • Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • It wasn't even welded. The sub is so ridiculous that it doesn't even use steel or titanium alloy like most serious submarines. Contrary to its name it was made out of carbon fiber.

    Lochridge warned that the constant pressure on the Titan as it traveled deeper underwater would weaken any existing structural flaws, resulting in large tears to its carbon components. It was crucial, he said, to conduct non-destructive testing so that a solid and safe product could be provided for both passengers and crew.

    Diving the submersible “without any non-destructive testing to prove its integrity” would “subject passengers to potential extreme danger in an experimental submersible,” Lochridge said in legal documents.

    However, OceanGate allegedly told Lochridge that instead of carrying out the testing, it would install an acoustic monitoring system in the submersible to detect the start of any potential hull breakdown.

    Lochridge expressed concern that such an acoustic system would not be able to detect existing flaws. It would simply flag components that were about to fail, he warned—which often happened “milliseconds before an implosion.”

  • Ukraine is winning — and it is changing
  • Russia's officially stated original goal was basically the Minsk accords, but instead of autonomy it was changed to independence for Donbass.

    Ukraine officially stated goal is Crimea and Donbass.

  • Missing Titan sub has 40 hours of air left as search yields no results
  • Only 1/10 of the price of peripheral needed to play Iron Lung VR.

  • Some Leopard tanks for all the lurking libs
  • Remind me again why were Russians forced to adopt a system were business elites could use their capital to exert political power.

    That wasn't public money.

  • I can't believe how sycophants some people are.
  • First they removed the /.compact old mobile view, I did not speak out since I had already moved on to using RiF.

    3 months later...

    Once the heat dies down, they'll be coming for RES and the old. desktop view.

  • How it started vs how it's going
  • That pretty much is a tacit admission to its failure.

    They are so obsessed with saving face that they would only ever admit to starting an offensive if they had reasonable gains.

  • My old tanks VS your old tanks
  • Russia is simultaneously reduced to using old obsolete equipment on the front lines while somehow only ever loses the latest and greatest.

  • NSFW
    This person is Filipino
  • The Philippines was a full on US colony before WW2 so outside of the Hukbalahap, it often became a choice between collaborating with the Japanese or collaborating with the Americans.

    Honestly I respect Artemio Ricarte more than I do Emilio Aguinaldo, or Manuel Quezon.

  • What video games are you playing? What have you finished recently? What do you plan to play? - Video Game General Discussion Thread #21
  • Finished GTA Vice City Stories on my phone, story and writing are the weakest of any 3D GTA but the soundtrack is the best out of all of them. None of the missions aside from the "In the Air Tonight" concert finale to the Phil Collins missions are particularly memorable though.

    Mostly now I'm playing some of my nostalgic PS1 favorites like BattleTanx: Global Assault and Arcade/Neo Geo games like Cadillacs and Dinosaurs since those can be finished in one sitting as I use infinite credits. I'm playing them on the Anbernic RG35XX. I got it on sale for ₱2,350 ($40 tax and shipping included) and I've set it up with GarlicOS and the "tiny best set go" romset.

  • The end of a hopeful dream, drawn by ZSW

    She lit the first match, and saw her lost motherland;

    She lit the second match, and saw its great ideals;

    She lit the third match, and saw her motherland's aerospace pioneers driven by those ideals;

    She lit the fourth match, and saw her long dead little sister Buran.

    She was afraid that as the matches went out, these dreams would be lost forever; so she lit all she had left wishing that they stayed with her.

    In the end, she died with a smile.

    No one knows what beautiful scene she saw at the last moment of her life.【22.3.3-4】

    Graphic: Ukrainian eats ‘Russian’ femur. Turns out he was wrong.
  • At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if they released the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs ("3 Guys 1 Hammer").

  • StugStig StugStig
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