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Russia's meat grinder soldiers: at least 50,000 Russian soldiers died in Ukraine war, which is eight times higher than the official number provided by the Kremlin, investigation reveals
  • Thanks for checking the figures, I think I used CIA factbook when i did it with some assumptions. Usual caveats apply, rich kids won't get drafted, birth rate has seasonal variations, assume everyone lives to at least 18 etc.

    Either way, the supply of meat is more than capable of weathering these losses. Not forever of course, but unless the casualty rate increases sharply and soon, then Russia can maintain this.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • Studies that self select their cohort and don't include adequate controls are more susceptible to bias than those that do otherwise. Evaluating studies based on their susceptibility to bias is a vital part of the systematic review process.

    You can read more about it here

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • That's a new goalpost. It's being used by Cass exactly the way it's supposed to by scoring studies based on their susceptibility to bias.

    If you'd bother to read that similar systematic review on postoperative inflammatory bowel disease you would have seen the exact same usage.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • So strange that everyone waited over 20 years and 100's of systematic reviews in medicine and science before, serendipitously, discovering that the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was infact no good during these two particular reviews into trans care in the UK.

    Just what are the odds?

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer
  • Don't abdicate responsibility to someone else, you've clearly got a firmer grasp of the issue than the editorial board of the British Medical Journal. You would be neglecting your duty as "part of the scientific community" to abdicate responsibility on such an important matter.

    Indeed the whole medical establishment must be told about the critical flaws in the Newcastle-Ottawa scoring system before other medical scandals are allowed to happen. Imagine having that on your conscience.

  • Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know – The Quackometer

    Seen the "98% of studies were ignored!" one doing the rounds on social media. The editorial in the BMJ put it in much better terms:

    "One emerging criticism of the Cass review is that it set the methodological bar too high for research to be included in its analysis and discarded too many studies on the basis of quality. In fact, the reality is different: studies in gender medicine fall woefully short in terms of methodological rigour; the methodological bar for gender medicine studies was set too low, generating research findings that are therefore hard to interpret."

    49 Adult transgender clinics in England face inquiry into patient care

    NHS England to review seven specialist services after staff share misgivings privately

    Adult transgender clinics in England face inquiry into patient care

    Appendix 4 in the Cass Review revealed that 6 out of the 7 adult GDC clinics currently operating in the UK refused to collect or share their patient followup data. If you want better care for struggling LGBT kids, you need the data.

    "Don't seek refuge in the false security of consensus"

    The mighty Hitch and one of his great orations. I often wonder what would he think of the world, such as it is, in 2024.

    0 Tory MSP writes to Police Scotland chief over ‘non-crime hate incident’ row

    Murdo Fraser said the force had ‘serious questions’ to answer

    Tory MSP writes to Police Scotland chief over ‘non-crime hate incident’ row

    We might be living in topsy-turvy world when Murdo Fraser has a point. Honestly, the whole idea of the police keeping "hate" notes on you when you haven't committed a crime is pretty dystopian.

    7 Scotland’s hate crime law may be well intentioned, but the police should not stymie public debate | Simon Jenkins

    The Scottish government’s legislation is frankly unworkable. I worry it may stifle honestly expressed, contentious views, says Guardian columnist Simon Jenkins

    Scotland’s hate crime law may be well intentioned, but the police should not stymie public debate | Simon Jenkins

    If even the Guardian won't get behind your Hate Crime Act, maybe it's worth having a wee think about it?

    10 Scottish grouse moors to be licensed in attempt to protect birds of prey

    MSPs vote for controls as it emerges another hen harrier has vanished in area ‘notorious’ for persecution

    Scottish grouse moors to be licensed in attempt to protect birds of prey

    Grouse Moors will need to be licensed? About time.

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