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Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate
  • That's a very capitalistic form of democracy. Candates need to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

    While the Republicans promote socialistic politics, giving candates universal basic airtime.

    I get it now.

  • Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate
  • Here's all the changes.

    Literally anyone could've been a contender. We don't know who they are, because the party never wanted to seriously entertain anyone other than Biden.

    Contrast that with what the Republicans did. They had several debates with anyone who felt like giving it a shot. Trump decided he didn't need participate, and was right. The Democrats could have done similar but refused to.

    Biden is too elderly. Trump is too many kinds of wrong. Most people know this. If the Democratic party figures out that Biden is almost the only candates weaker than trump, they'll be able to win.

  • Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate
  • The early primary states were specifically changed to states where Bidens poll numbers were strongest. And yes, the early primary winners carry that momentum into states where they might be less popular. They didn't have to change the primary order, but chose to, to help Biden.

  • IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent
  • Wait. I thought is was a federal tax system. Does it do state taxes also? I missed that.

  • Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate
  • How can we know there were no strong candidates, when they don't get a real chance to run? They (and to be fair, most) simply assumed the incumbent was the best, because that's the way its been forever.

  • Joe Biden's chances of winning election plummet after debate
  • The party literally refused to hold any primary debates, or even primary elections in several states. They gave people no chance to even consider other candates.

  • CT begins exploring ranked-choice voting merits, logistics
  • Just be careful you're not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    FPTP is absolutely the worst. Anything else is a massive improvement.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • It doesn't usually much more than, "I'm not going to talk about that."
    After repeating that a few times, when people ask or talk about something too personal, they'll give up.

  • What's the most likely end of mankind and our world as we know it?
  • Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I’ve tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.

    -Robert Frost

  • What A Century (Plus a Pandemic) Does to Moviegoing and Why It Matters
  • We have a FlixBrewhouse in town.
    You can get a real meal, great picture and sound.
    Its the only theater I go to any more.
    They show old movies as well as new. (Just saw Field of Dreams with my dad on Fathers day.)

    The place is packed every weekend, no mater what's showing. You have to think past the screen, seats, and sound; You can make a great experience people will show up for.

  • Which search engine for direct answer?
  • They do have ways to manually add to browsers, apps and search tools.

    If you want to manually set Kagi as a default search engine, use these settings:
    • Kagi Search URL
    • Kagi auto suggestions URL

    They don't have an app.

  • Proton mail android: Inline attachments + Seeing / removing existing attachments
  • For now there is the web app. It works well on mobile.

  • Biden pardons thousands of US veterans convicted under law banning gay sex
  • There are some genuinely terrible things that could be considered "a person's personal love life".

  • Which search engine for direct answer?
  • Kagi is quite good at it. It includes citations even, so you can check if you'd like.

  • "Freaky Friday 2" Begins Filming, First Photo - Dark Horizons
  • !spoiler spoiler In Your Eyes (2014)
    They have different jobs. The phenomenon is never explained. But it's the same basic story. The shared senses romance has been done.

    And when you really think about it, that's just a new spin on a pen pal romance story anyway, not all that new. !<

  • Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • You're not alone.

    On a good large screen, 1080p is a noticeable upgrade from 720p.
    But the distance you'd have to sit at, to get much out of 2160p over 1080p, is just way too close.
    However the High Dynamic Range that comes with 4K formats and releases IS a big difference.

    On the other hand, storage is pretty cheep. A couple cents per GB really.
    But you're talking more about bandwidth, which can be expensive.

    But yeah. You're not alone.

  • "Freaky Friday 2" Begins Filming, First Photo - Dark Horizons
  • This is a new story.
    Freaky Friday has been made a few times. This is the first direct squeal. Making it a genuinely different story this time.

    But when you really analyze things, there are only a couple dozen different stories. Estimates at the high end are around the mid 30s. So no, there are no "new" stories. Even if you saw one, you'd probably hate it for not making sense.

  • TikTok confirms it offered US government a 'kill switch'
  • Kapersky is the example you want to point at for an example of a bad actor corp capturing classified data and sending it to an adversarial government.

    Not talking about collecting or sharing data.

    TikTok just trended anti-political messages for a few different popular politicians and lit a match as a result.

    There's no real evidence they did.
    Even if they did, that's not a good enough reason to cut them off, though it is the reason many politicians want to; That, and the Israeli apartheid / genocide stuff.
    But again, there's no evidence ByteDance and TickTok is doing anything about those topics.

    Did you read the article I linked to?
    It is the NYTimes, I get it if you didn't; Their paywall's annoying.
    Here's a Kagi summary:

    A report from the Network Contagion Research Institute at Rutgers University found that topics often suppressed by the Chinese government, such as Tibet, Hong Kong protests, and the Uyghur population, are unusually underrepresented on TikTok compared to Instagram. This raises concerns that Beijing may be influencing content on the popular video platform, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. TikTok disputed the report's methodology and claims of content suppression. The Israel-Hamas conflict has reignited scrutiny of how social media platforms like TikTok moderate content, with some Republican lawmakers calling to regulate or ban the app. Researchers have been urging TikTok to provide access to data to study the spread of information on the platform.

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