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The Biden administration is inching closer to a heat standard for workers — if the election doesn't doom it
  • No he just saying that to get elected. Once he does, this will be dropped. Only way people are going to avoid being murdered by heat stroke is by refusing to work

  • Dallas could become largest Texas city to decriminalize marijuana
  • I'm sure the Texas government will block it. Party of small government

  • Anon goes to the doctor
  • Yes this is satire but unfortunately people like this do exist. As for the why, they are seeking validation

  • Russian satellite breaks up in space, forces ISS astronauts to shelter
  • We are so going to get Kessler syndrome. I hate humans

  • My Health Insurance Company Is Trying To Kill Me
  • Insurance is a scam. Get hospitality bill as self pay and tell them to go pound sand. Lo and behold they will quickly work out a reduced amount and a reasonable payment plan

  • My Health Insurance Company Is Trying To Kill Me
  • It's not but since the Government refuses to enforce it's own laws, it's up to individuals to pursue expensive and extremely long civil cases.

  • Dozens of Wanamakers employees never got their pensions
  • Want to know how how you fund people's retirements? Tax the ultra wealthy out of existence. Pensions are a fucking scam.

  • Telehealth executives accused of $100m Adderall scheme
  • And know the government is going to make it so that nobody can get their meds. Thanks assholes

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • ffs. The USA has a long standing history of creating bs laws to incarcerate people. Do you seriously believe it is reasonable for someone to get 20 years in prison for a few flecks of weed. That also doesn't cover the police's long standing tradition of making up shit. Also also legality =/= morality

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • I was more talking about how the American justice system is legal slavery. By being the primary cause of incarcerating people, Haris is a slaver.

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • Nice to know that a lot of you would vote for a slaver. Oops, sorry, forgot she is black, so that makes it okay.

  • A real nut case: Cold Stone Creamery faces suit over lack of real pistachios in pistachio ice cream
  • I'm confused, are you against consumer rights? I don't think anyone actually cares if it's real or fake. They just want it to be on the packaging so they can make an informed choice

  • FDA advisory panel votes overwhelmingly against MDMA therapy for PTSD
  • This cuntry sure loves watching it's people suffer.

  • The Delhi heatwave is testing the limits of human endurance. Other hot countries should beware and prepare
  • Remember all of this is so that the ultra rich doesn't have to be inconvenienced by having slightly less money

  • May his ulcers have ulcers.
  • Let's hope the appeals court doesn't go rogue

  • Having trouble uploading images

    When I go to upload images, I get an error saying:

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

    Tried on both mobile and desktop chrome and firefox

    SquishyPandaDev SquishyPandaDev

    Just a panda developer

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