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Accelerationist [RULE]
  • I don't think it's that complicated

  • eepy rule
  • :3

  • Accelerationist [RULE]
  • "The purpose of our direct action program is to create a situation so crisis packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation."

    • Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail

    This is pretty straightforwardly an accelerationist tactic. It might not have been called that at the time, but strategically pushing crises over the tipping point, in order to take advantage of their fallout, wasn't invented by the boogaloo boys in 2017.

  • Oklahoma police say nonbinary teen's death was not result of injuries from high school fight
  • The prefix trans comes from Latin and means "On the far side of" wherever you're currently standing. So transportation takes you from one place to another.

    To be transgender, your gender identity, expression, etc. Moves from one gender to another. So that could be in a binary way, from male to female, or vice versa.

    Or it could mean you're going from male, to something in the middle, or otherwise not related to the traditional gender binary. You're still trans, you're just moving to a less expected part of the proverbial map.

    The word transgender was pushed heavily by Leslie Feinberg, who was nonbinary. They also considered themselves a lesbian, and even transitioned to living as a man for many years in their youth.

    I bring this up because I find that cis people, and even some trans people, want to put everything into nice neat little boxes, and queerness has just never worked that way. A term like LGBT implies that each of those letters is a discreet identity box, when in reality, all of these ideas and labels are a complex overlaping series of ven diagrams and umbrella terms.

    Source: am Nonbinary and Bisexual.

  • Oklahoma police say nonbinary teen's death was not result of injuries from high school fight
  • I keep seeing reports that Nex walked into the living room the next day, complaining of a headache, collapsed, and was rushed to the hospital where they died.

    Everything about that, and their initial state, immediately after the fight, are classic head trauma symptoms. If what ultimately killed Nex was something like a subdural hematoma, then I guess you could argue that the death was not directly a result of the trauma? But the causal chain of events is incredibly obvious.

  • 9 years ago this man went to a Magic the Gathering tournament and documented all of the buttcracks
  • I mean, in this specific community? Yeah... Just look at the name.

  • Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • Exactly. While certain dietary habits will most certainly have to shift if we're to adequately tackle climate change, the framing of this as "everyone should just go vegan" falsely puts the onus on individual consumers to solve what is ultimately a systemic problem of production.

  • Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • They do that because of Firefox goes, Google is open to being trust busted. Killing Firefox would be literal suicide for Google

  • France Descends into Authoritarianism Following Protests
  • It got France to this point (descent into authoritarianism), and you think that's a good thing?

    ..... Do you know what the French historically do to authoritarians???

  • France Descends into Authoritarianism Following Protests
  • I dunno if you know literally anything about the French, but Rioting is a long-standing part of their political culture over there. I'd argue it's a good thing.

  • (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)
  • Hello fellow posters

  • Nepal becomes first South Asian country to allow same-sex marriage
  • Not really. It's a separate, temporary, register until a more permanent solution can be found, which given the way Nepalese politics has been since the overthrow of the monarchy in 2006, this is how everything has worked. Constant gridlock has created perpetually delayed "permanent solutions" for damn near everything. So this isn't any different in that respect.

  • Nepal becomes first South Asian country to allow same-sex marriage
  • What's considered South Asia is basically the Indian subcontinent. So India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, The Maldives, and sometimes Afghanistan depending on who you ask.

    The Himalayas separate South Asia from what's broadly considered East Asia, which is what Taiwan is a part of, given its historic ties to China.

  • We can all agree on that, right?




  • Which parts of MLism do you find lacking or outdated in the 21st century?
  • or new socialist movements in America or Africa for instance

    Out of curiosity, what new Socialist movements should we be paying attention to, in your opinion?

  • As Reddit Crushes Protests, Its User Traffic Returns to Normal
  • Tumblr has at least managed to carve out an interesting little niche for itself at this point.

  • happy to say I just got banned from the donald community
  • Not sure I'd conflate r/The_Donald with the Republican Party's turn into overt fascism, as a whole. But yeah, there's something to be said for the dangers of ironic bigotry.

  • SpookyBogMonster SpookyBogMonster
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