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PC Gaming wird in Deutschland immer unbeliebter. Smartphone Spiele erstmals auch
  • Ja wir sind aktuell in einer Ära wo es ziemlich unrentabel ist sich einen (Gaming) PC neu zu kaufen.

    Würde ich nicht den PC sowieso brauchen, wäre eine Konsole deutlich attraktiver, günstiger und schmerzloser (HW-Umbruch mit DirectStorage und texture streaming Schwierigkeiten)

    Ich denke durchaus dass es sich wieder ändern könnte, aber das wahrscheinlich erst spät im Lifecycle der aktuellen Konsolen Generation.

    In meinem Freundeskreis sind zwar alle PC-Gamer, u. Ä aufgrund der Spiele die gespielt werden, allerdings trifft meine Aussage wahrscheinlich auf viele Leute zu die in das Hobby Gaming (wieder)einsteigen.

  • plex or Jellyfin?
  • Plex has a few more features with plex pass.

    However I switched to jellyfin a few years ago because I found everything to be too limiting and dependent on them. Including the necessity to pay for codecs / playback on some of their mobile apps.

    Jellyfin is a lot less polished, but it works well and you're in control of everything.

    I would recommend trying out jellyfin first. If you encounter some deal breaking issue or aren't happy with it, check our plex.

  • Youtube adblock blocking
  • Yeah it's even more ridiculous when you apply this logic to sponsored segments.

    It's an ad, I skip it by seeking in the video, therefore it is piracy?

    Also, people get arrested and fined for piracy where I live (because it is, well, illegal), so people blocking ads should go to prison?
    When the face of LMG talks about things like this in a main channel video they should look into the consequences of the opinion they present.

    Excuse the language, but what the actual fuck was Linus thinking?

    Like what is the actual end goal here?
    Linus says people should be punished for blocking ads, and the best way he thinks it should be executed is by law enforcement? Last time I checked that is how illegal actions are usually handled.

  • Introducing XPipe: A brand-new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager
  • 86 connections with 83 of those being active docker containers.

    Edit: If you need anything for diagnostics I'll happily provide it.

    Restarting does help but sometimes I still get 3GB spikes, but it drops back down after a while instead of increasing.

  • Introducing XPipe: A brand-new type of shell connection hub and remote file manager
  • I think my environments might be a bit too large for the app to handle. I have ~90 docker containers running on one of my servers and it seems to be really struggling with it it. Generally I've been having some performance issues (clicking on anything has a 1-3 second delay) which appear to be amplified by the number of active containers and clients.

    Memory usage increases to infinity, this is a snapshot after launching the program and having it open a shell.

    It's a really cool idea though and I like the UI and the ability to browse file systems via gui without having to map a network drive.

  • Outlook suddenly started opening links in Edge, disregarding my default browser settings
  • The best msedge era for me was just as vertical tabs came out.

    The Browser was really slim, hat some interesting UI Design choices that set it apart from chrome.

    Nowadays it has so many adware elements and pointless settings that I don't really enjoy using it anymore.

    My day to day browser is ff and I'm mainly using chromium based browsers for development and compatibility checks, as well as on my laptop to save power when watching videos.

  • Outlook suddenly started opening links in Edge, disregarding my default browser settings
  • Yeah what the hell is going on?

    There was a lawsuit and in Windows 7 Microsoft was forced to offer a browser choice program that allowed users to pick different ones.

    Nowadays everyone just forgot about that?
    Browser lock in is worse than it ever has been since the 2000s and is approaching levels of monopolistic behavior we haven't seen since the internet explorer vs Netscape debacle, if not already worse than that.

    Every ecosystem forces their own browser and the only way to circumvent it is with hacks.

    To access certain one drive elements on android in the browser with Firefox, it tells you to open the page in chrome to proceed. If you do that, the Microsoft login page then asks specifically for using edge to sign in.

    It's insane that nobody cares. I went back to Firefox as soon as manifest v3 was announced, but nobody cares.

    It's alarming and once people realize what happened it's too late.

  • VMs or containers?
  • That sums it up really well.

    I generally tend to try to use containers for everything and only branch out to VMs if it doesn't work or I need more separation.

    This is my general recommendation as containers are easier to set up and in my opinion individual software packages are easier to maintain with things like compose. I have limited time for my self hosted instance and that took away a lot of work, especially when updating.

  • VMs or containers?
  • That sums it up really well.

    I generally tend to try to use containers for everything and only branch out to VMs if it doesn't work or I need more separation.

    This is my general recommendation as containers are easier to set up and in my opinion individual software packages are easier to maintain with things like compose. I have limited time for my self hosted instance and that took away a lot of work, especially when updating.

  • 10Gbps internet connection isn't maxing out 2.5Gbps network card?
  • Yes the i225 is one of the most issue ridden NICs of the decade.

    I hear nothing but problems, from instability to slow speeds to issues with WoL.

    If you go on the driver page newer versions should show up though

    It lists version 2.x.

    Maybe the firmware version you're looking for is in there.

    Good luck! I hope you can get your i225 to work properly!

    Note that the wifi and non wifi version of the board should be interchangeable as the only difference is that there's a wifi card pre-installed.

  • Did Karma really matter that much in Reddit?
  • I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't say it was pointless as a whole. Maybe it's because I'm looking at it from a slightly different perspective.

    Karma did help push engagement, in fact, the system worked.
    People cared about this number, and started to optimize their behavior such that they receive the largest amount of karma in the shortest time.
    Since being active by posting / commenting facilitated getting karma, it helped produce a lot of content and made people interact with each other.

    The problem with that is that it wasn't tied to quality (and couldn't be). As you said, that encouraged regurgitating the same meta over and over. It never incentivized good content, just quantity.

    So my conclusion would be more like: Karma was pointless for animating users to create good and thoughtful content.
    Instead it helped driving engagement forward, but at the cost of somewhat turning people into bots.

    Posts receiving upvotes / downvotes is okay, but I'm not sure in what way reputation - or karma - should be displayed for a user account, publicly or privately.

  • Diablo 4 Fans Once Again Call for Offline Mode After DDoS Attack Renders Game Unplayable for Hours
  • Unfortunately Diablo being always online and unstable has been present since Diablo 3.

    That launch was an absolute catastrophe as well.

  • DeArrow - A Browser Extension that removes clickbait titles and thumbnails
  • That seems cool. I'll definitely try that out, thanks for sharing!

    Already using sponsor block and that saved me quite a bit of time!

  • What are some examples of xkcd 2347?
  • That's always the one I'm thinking of when anyone mentions the xkcd.

    npm is one crazy infrastructure.

  • Wie stehen wir dazu, dass feddit die Chapotraphouse Instanz Hexbear deföderiert hat?
  • Danke für den Input!
    Ich bin da auf jeden Fall bei dir.

    Es scheint, als benötigt das komplette Fediverse noch ein bisschen Zeit um weitere Maßnahmen für die Moderation bereitzustellen. Nicht nur innerhalb, sondern auch zwischen Instanzen.
    Denke es ist definitv kein einfaches Thema und eine Pauschallösung zu finden wird schwierig.

  • Cutting back on social media reduces anxiety, depression, loneliness
  • I think the entirety of reddit has established patterns that are hard/impossible to break. Which caused me to develop a certain feeling of disgust when viewing at any sort of behavioral reddit meta.

    It was getting difficult to post, difficult to comment, and difficult to find content that stimullates the mind intellectually. And it yet remains to be seen if federated link&news aggregators will share that same fate, or divert and do it differently.

  • Wie stehen wir dazu, dass feddit die Chapotraphouse Instanz Hexbear deföderiert hat?
  • Das ist ein guter Punkt!

    Mir ist dazu allerdings grade etwas eingefallen, worüber ich gerne andere Meinungen haben möchte.
    Ist es notwendigerweise gut, Informationen absichtlich auszuschließen, welche nicht der eigenen Meinung/Erwartung oder Haltung entsprechen?

    In den letzten Jahren gab es viel Diskussion um Information bubbles, mit dem Thema dass aufgrund einseitger Berichterstattung und dem Fehlen von unterschiedlichen / anderen Quellen falsche oder irreführende Informationen verbreitet wurden, so echo-chamber mäßig. Die Menschen, welche sich darin befinden, bekommen dies dann irgendwann gar nicht mehr mit.

    Zum einen finde ich es gut, dass die Freiheit besteht, sich von anderen Communities abzuspalten, allerdings empfinde ich, dass ein Schritt wie defederation keine leichte Entscheidung sein darf. Hauptsächlich um die Informationsvielfalt zu bewahren, die meiner Ansicht nach zwingend für eine gesunde Meinungsbildung ist.
    Dissidenz und Befürwortungen sollten in Balance sein, um die eigene Urteilsfähigkeit zu bewahren.

    Ich weiß es ist schwierig, auch weil die Betreiber einzelner Instanzen die volle Kontrolle haben und Moderation viel Zeit kostet. Jedoch wäre es ideal, wenn die Entscheidung über De- und Re-Federation zumindest ein bisschen in den Händen der Community/Benutzer einer jewelligen Instanz läge.

  • There are very few modern games I have enjoyed it are even looking forward to. Am I just getting old?
  • For context, I wasn't very excited about Skyrim when it came out, but then had lots of fun playing it once I picked it up.
    With Starfield it's even "worse", because I don't even consider playing it at the moment. The game's setting doesn't really suit me that much.

    I think the state of modern games has slowly changed over the years.

    A lot of them have a set formula that we've all become accusomed to over the last decade. Especially with AAA games it's all quite streamlined. Every major studio has some sort of game design style and there hasn't been that much wiggling room.
    I was able to enjoy a few newer games eventually, but only because the game universe interested me in the first place and I sort of forced myself to start playing.

    There are also lots of indie games, but to some degree I feel like they also follow some kind of gameplay style patterns.

    Very rarely do we get something new and super exciting. I believe the era of 2006-2016 was an outlier, where a lot of new ideas were technically viable for the first time due to excellent console and, at the later stage, PC performance, which skyrocketed a lot of innovative ideas. Both for AAA studios and indie developers.

    That being said, we still get new exciting games every now and then, but they're harder to find, harder to finance while retaining creative liberty, and it's more difficult to convince players to start picking it up in a sea of games.

    So I wouldn't say that you're getting old, but more like the gaming industry is getting old similar to the movie / tv show industry, where we've had this pattern of usual mediocreness for quite some time.

  • What is your current passion?
  • That's a good question.
    I thought about it, and it seems that I have none.

    I enjoy certain hobbies and activities and can get quite invested, but I'm currently not, or no longer passionate about them.

    I've reached a point with many of the things I do where progress is slow and often cumbersome.
    Maybe I require something new or a change in perspective.

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